These Colab notebooks contain interactive sample applications using IREE's Python bindings and ML framework integrations.
Framework | Notebook file | Description | Link |
Generic | low_level_invoke_function | Shows low level IREE python binding concepts | |
PyTorch | pytorch_aot_advanced | Uses SHARK-Turbine to export a PyTorch program | |
PyTorch | pytorch_aot_simple | Uses SHARK-Turbine to export a simple PyTorch program | |
PyTorch | pytorch_jit | Uses SHARK-Turbine for eager execution in a PyTorch session | |
TensorFlow | tensorflow_edge_detection | Performs image edge detection | |
TensorFlow | tensorflow_hub_import | Imports a MobileNet V2 model from TensorFlow Hub | |
TensorFlow | tensorflow_mnist_training | Compiles, trains, and executes a neural network | |
TensorFlow | tensorflow_resnet | Compiles and runs a pretrained ResNet50 model | |
TFLite | tflite_text_classification | Compiles and runs a pretrained text classification model |
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This notebooks are tested continuously by the samples.yml CI job.