This directory should be the only one in IREE that pulls a dependency on tf
dialect and related dialects (with the exception of a small selection of “safe” XLA IR).
: MLIR Opt tool with TensorFlow and IREE passes/dialects linked iniree-tf-translate
: Equivalent to mlir-tf-translate
tool in TensorFlow, with IREE passes/dialects linked iniree-import-tf
provides a single entry-point for compiling TensorFlow saved models to “IREE Input Dialects” that can be fed to iree-translate
or iree-opt
and operated on further.
iree-import-tf /path/to/saved_model_v2 # Optional args: --tf-savedmodel-exported-names=subset,of,exported,names iree-import-tf /path/to/saved_model_v1 --tf-import-type=savedmodel_v1 # Optional args: # --tf-savedmodel-exported-names=subset,of,exported,names # --tf-savedmodel-tags=serving
$ bazel test :saved_model_adopt_exports
This will capture the output and pass it through FileCheck and report pass/fail, along with a hopefully informative description of what failed.
During development, it can be useful to just see the raw output directly.
To see the raw output of the MLIR import and conversion process:
$ bazel run :saved_model_adopt_exports -- --disable_filecheck
Look for the RUN_TEST: <test_name>
and FINISH_TEST: <test_name>
lines to narrow in on the test that interests you.