tree: e50fa89211502fc8c94b80ad011f5ced493322ee [path history] [tgz]
  1. async/
  2. basic/
  3. dynamic/
  4. static/
  5. sync/
  6. CMakeLists.txt

“Custom Module” samples

These samples demonstrate how to extend IREE with custom host code that can be called from compiled modules. All modules regardless of type can call into each other to allow for arbitrary module configurations.

Basic sample

samples/custom_module/basic/ shows how to add a basic C++ custom module and use many of the more advanced features of the module system.

  • C++ VM wrappers for defining modules and using reference types
  • Weak imports/fallback functions
  • Custom types exposed to the compiler

Tensor I/O

Synchronous call sample

samples/custom_module/sync/ shows how to pass tensors to and from custom module imports with synchronous execution. This approximates what a classic ML synchronous custom op may do by presenting the tensor I/O as if they were host-synchronous buffers. This is the lowest-performance way of running custom code and should be avoided when possible.

  • tensor types <-> HAL buffer views
  • Host buffer mapping and manipulation

Asynchronous call sample

samples/custom_module/async/ shows how to pass tensors to and from custom module imports with asynchronous execution. This shows how to move tensors across threads/frameworks in a non-blocking way that allows IREE to overlap execution with custom user code.

  • tensor types <-> HAL buffer views
  • Fences for waiting on inputs and signaling readiness of outputs
  • Side-effect annotations for wait-free imports