blob: 3f84454268dc294219cf1aaeb6ca8d96cc8d565d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2024 The IREE Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "iree/compiler/Codegen/Dialect/Codegen/IR/IREECodegenAttrs.h"
#include "iree/compiler/Codegen/Dialect/GPU/IR/IREEGPUAttrs.h"
#include "iree/compiler/Codegen/Dialect/VectorExt/IR/VectorExtDialect.h"
#include "iree/compiler/Codegen/LLVMGPU/Passes.h"
#include "mlir/Analysis/SliceAnalysis.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/Vector/IR/VectorOps.h"
#include "mlir/IR/BuiltinAttributes.h"
#include "mlir/IR/PatternMatch.h"
#include "mlir/IR/TypeUtilities.h"
#define DEBUG_TYPE "iree-llvmgpu-configure-vector-layouts"
namespace mlir::iree_compiler {
#include "iree/compiler/Codegen/LLVMGPU/"
namespace {
static LogicalResult setContractionAnchor(IREE::GPU::MMAScheduleAttr schedule,
RewriterBase &rewriter,
linalg::LinalgOp contract,
bool promoteLhs = true,
bool promoteRhs = true) {
// TODO: Add SIMT fallback.
if (!schedule) {
return contract->emitError("missing mma schedule for contraction");
// This function should have only be called on a contraction op.
assert(linalg::isaContractionOpInterface(contract) &&
"cannot set contraction anchor on non contraction op");
FailureOr<VectorContractOpInfo> opInfo =
assert(succeeded(opInfo) && "contraction should have been inferred");
auto layouts = schedule.getContractionLayout(opInfo.value(), contract);
if (failed(layouts)) {
return contract->emitError("cannot get concrete layout for contraction");
auto [aLayout, bLayout, cLayout] = *layouts;
Location loc = contract.getLoc();
Value lhs = contract->getOperand(0);
Value rhs = contract->getOperand(1);
Value acc = contract->getOperand(2);
// Set layouts for lhs, rhs and acc.
auto layoutedLhs =
rewriter.create<IREE::VectorExt::ToLayoutOp>(loc, lhs, aLayout);
auto layoutedRhs =
rewriter.create<IREE::VectorExt::ToLayoutOp>(loc, rhs, bLayout);
auto layoutedAcc =
rewriter.create<IREE::VectorExt::ToLayoutOp>(loc, acc, cLayout);
// Promote matmul lhs and rhs.
// TODO: We should read this from the lowering_config on the operation.
// TODO: This is a hack until layout analysis is improved. The layout analysis
// should decide where to put these shared memory conversions.
if (promoteLhs) {
if (promoteRhs) {
contract->setOperand(0, layoutedLhs.getResult());
contract->setOperand(1, layoutedRhs.getResult());
contract->setOperand(2, layoutedAcc.getResult());
// Set layout for result.
auto toLayout = rewriter.create<IREE::VectorExt::ToLayoutOp>(
loc, contract->getResult(0), cLayout);
rewriter.replaceAllUsesExcept(contract->getResult(0), toLayout.getResult(),
return success();
static LogicalResult setConvolutionAnchor(IREE::GPU::MMAScheduleAttr schedule,
RewriterBase &rewriter,
linalg::LinalgOp conv) {
// TODO: Add SIMT fallback.
if (!schedule) {
return conv->emitError("missing mma schedule for convolution");
// This function should have only be called on a convolution op.
FailureOr<linalg::ConvolutionDimensions> convDims =
assert(succeeded(convDims) &&
"cannot set convolution anchor on non convolution op");
// Only convs with unit filter dims can be directly converted to matmul.
SmallVector<int64_t> shape = conv.getStaticLoopRanges();
if (!llvm::all_of(convDims->filterLoop,
[&shape](unsigned dim) { return shape[dim] == 1; })) {
return failure();
llvm::SmallBitVector filterDims(conv.getNumLoops(), false);
for (unsigned idx : convDims->filterLoop) {
SmallVector<AffineMap> maps = conv.getIndexingMapsArray();
for (AffineMap &map : maps) {
map = projectDims(map, filterDims, /*compressDimsFlag=*/false);
FailureOr<VectorContractOpInfo> opInfo =
assert(succeeded(opInfo) &&
"unit filter dim convolution should have been infered");
auto layouts = schedule.getContractionLayout(opInfo.value(), conv);
if (failed(layouts)) {
return conv->emitError("cannot get concrete layout for convolution");
auto [aLayout, bLayout, cLayout] = *layouts;
Location loc = conv.getLoc();
Value lhs = conv->getOperand(0);
Value rhs = conv->getOperand(1);
Value acc = conv->getOperand(2);
// Set layouts for lhs, rhs and acc.
auto layoutedLhs = rewriter.create<IREE::VectorExt::ToLayoutOp>(
loc, lhs.getType(), lhs, aLayout);
auto layoutedRhs = rewriter.create<IREE::VectorExt::ToLayoutOp>(
loc, rhs.getType(), rhs, bLayout);
auto layoutedAcc = rewriter.create<IREE::VectorExt::ToLayoutOp>(
loc, acc.getType(), acc, cLayout);
// Promote matmul lhs and rhs.
// TODO: We should read this from the lowering_config on the operation.
// TODO: This is a hack until layout analysis is improved. The layout analysis
// should decide where to put these shared memory conversions.
conv->setOperand(0, layoutedLhs.getResult());
conv->setOperand(1, layoutedRhs.getResult());
conv->setOperand(2, layoutedAcc.getResult());
// Set layout for result.
auto toLayout = rewriter.create<IREE::VectorExt::ToLayoutOp>(
loc, conv->getResult(0).getType(), conv->getResult(0), cLayout);
rewriter.replaceAllUsesExcept(conv->getResult(0), toLayout.getResult(),
return success();
/// Let's assume we have an matmul intrinsic (@) doing a matmul
/// ((M, K) X (K, N)) which produces a particular layout:
/// C = A @ B
/// If we transpose and swap the operands, we can keep the same matmul
/// intrinsic, but transpose the layout of the output intrinsic:
/// A.T = transpose(A)
/// B.T = transpose(B)
/// C.T = B.T @ A.T
/// C = transpose(C.T)
/// This is useful when the "@" instruction that the hardware lowers to
/// has a specific thread layout but the further uses of C expects a transposed
/// layout to the produced layout.
/// For example, for "@" lowering to AMDGPU MFMA instructions, the operands
/// have layout L and L.T and the result has the layout L.T .
/// So if you have a chain of matmuls:
/// C (L.T) = A (L) @ B (L.T)
/// E (L.T) = C (L.T) @ D (L.T)
/// ^^^^^^^
/// Expected layout by instruction is L
/// To fix this, we can apply this transformation on the first matrix:
/// C.T (L.T) = B.T (L) @ A (L.T)
/// C (L) = transpose C.T (L.T)
/// E (L.T) = C (L) @ D (L.T)
/// ^^^^^
/// Layout matches the instruction!
/// Note that the mathematical formula
/// C = A @ B --> C.T = B.T @ A.T
/// is only defined on standard "@" function, it may be a different
/// transformation for other indexing maps.
/// For linalg operands, since the indexing maps are part of the op defination,
/// we can achieve the same transformation by simply swapping the operands.
static void swapOperandsToTransposeIntrinsic(RewriterBase &rewriter,
linalg::GenericOp contractOp) {
Value lhs = contractOp->getOperand(0);
Value rhs = contractOp->getOperand(1);
SmallVector<AffineMap> indexingMaps = contractOp.getIndexingMapsArray();
std::swap(indexingMaps[0], indexingMaps[1]);
contractOp->setOperand(0, rhs);
contractOp->setOperand(1, lhs);
static IREE::GPU::MMAScheduleAttr
transposeSchedule(RewriterBase &rewriter, IREE::GPU::MMAScheduleAttr schedule) {
return rewriter.getAttr<IREE::GPU::MMAScheduleAttr>(
schedule.getIntrinsic(), schedule.getSubgroupNCount(),
static LogicalResult
setAttentionMatmulAnchor(IREE::GPU::MMAScheduleAttr schedule,
RewriterBase &rewriter, linalg::LinalgOp qkMatmul,
linalg::LinalgOp pvMatmul) {
// TODO: Add SIMT fallback.
if (!schedule) {
return pvMatmul->emitError("missing mma schedule for contraction");
// Check if the intrinsic output for qkMatmul can be reused for pvMatmul.
// We know that pvMatmul takes result of qkMatmul as it's lhs.
// If the intrinsic output of pvMatmul can be used as rhs of pvMatmul,
// we swap operands of both contracts to get output as transposed intrinsic.
bool reuseIntrinsicOutput = false;
bool transposeIntrinsic = false;
auto intrinsic = cast<IREE::GPU::MMAAttr>(schedule.getIntrinsic());
IREE::GPU::MMASingleSubgroupLayout lhsLayout =
IREE::GPU::MMASingleSubgroupLayout rhsLayout =
IREE::GPU::MMASingleSubgroupLayout outLayout =
auto matchLayout = [](IREE::GPU::MMASingleSubgroupLayout layoutA,
IREE::GPU::MMASingleSubgroupLayout layoutB) -> bool {
return (layoutA.element == layoutB.element) &&
(layoutA.thread == layoutB.thread) &&
(layoutA.tstrides == layoutB.tstrides);
// TODO: Move this check to KernelConfig and set appropriate attributes
// in lowering_config for the operation. This allows us to check shared
// memory usage and decide what kind of pipelining we can do.
if (matchLayout(outLayout, lhsLayout)) {
reuseIntrinsicOutput = true;
} else if (matchLayout(outLayout, rhsLayout)) {
reuseIntrinsicOutput = true;
transposeIntrinsic = true;
// subgroup_n count for attention matmul is always 1, because it is the
// reduction dimension. The subgroup_n count is in reality, for the pvMatmul.
IREE::GPU::MMAScheduleAttr qkSchedule =
IREE::GPU::MMAScheduleAttr pvSchedule = schedule;
// Transpose the intrinsic if requested. See docs for
// swapOperandsToTransposeIntrinsic for more information on why this is done.
if (transposeIntrinsic) {
auto qkGeneric = dyn_cast<linalg::GenericOp>(qkMatmul.getOperation());
auto pvGeneric = dyn_cast<linalg::GenericOp>(pvMatmul.getOperation());
if (!qkGeneric || !pvGeneric) {
pvMatmul->emitOpError("Non generic qkMatmul/pvMatmul transpose intrinsic "
"not yet implemented");
return failure();
swapOperandsToTransposeIntrinsic(rewriter, qkGeneric);
swapOperandsToTransposeIntrinsic(rewriter, pvGeneric);
qkSchedule = transposeSchedule(rewriter, qkSchedule);
pvSchedule = transposeSchedule(rewriter, pvSchedule);
if (failed(setContractionAnchor(qkSchedule, rewriter, qkMatmul))) {
return failure();
// Do not promote lhs of pvMatmul if we are reusing the intrinsic output.
bool promoteLhs = !reuseIntrinsicOutput;
bool promoteRhs = true;
if (transposeIntrinsic) {
std::swap(promoteLhs, promoteRhs);
return setContractionAnchor(pvSchedule, rewriter, pvMatmul, promoteLhs,
static Operation *getOpWithAttr(Operation *root, StringRef attr) {
Operation *result = nullptr;
WalkResult walkResult = root->walk([&](Operation *op) {
if (op->hasAttr(attr)) {
if (result) {
return WalkResult::interrupt();
result = op;
return WalkResult::advance();
if (walkResult.wasInterrupted()) {
return nullptr;
return result;
struct LLVMGPUConfigureTensorLayoutsPass final
: impl::LLVMGPUConfigureTensorLayoutsPassBase<
LLVMGPUConfigureTensorLayoutsPass> {
void getDependentDialects(DialectRegistry &registry) const override {
void runOnOperation() override {
auto func = getOperation();
llvm::StringLiteral scheduleAttrName =
DictionaryAttr configDict = getTranslationInfo(func).getConfiguration();
auto scheduleAttr = dyn_cast_or_null<IREE::GPU::MMAScheduleAttr>(
// Vector layout option setter aimed at contractions and convolutions. For
// now, layout setting for other problems like reductions is TODO.
SmallVector<linalg::LinalgOp> contracts;
SmallVector<linalg::LinalgOp> convs;
auto attentionQKMatmul = dyn_cast_or_null<linalg::LinalgOp>(
getOpWithAttr(func, "attention_qk_matmul"));
auto attentionPVMatmul = dyn_cast_or_null<linalg::LinalgOp>(
getOpWithAttr(func, "attention_pv_matmul"));
if (attentionQKMatmul && !attentionPVMatmul) {
func->emitError("Expected attention attributes to be set properly");
return signalPassFailure();
if (!attentionQKMatmul && attentionPVMatmul) {
func->emitError("Expected attention attributes to be set properly");
return signalPassFailure();
func->walk([&](linalg::LinalgOp linalgOp) {
if (linalgOp == attentionQKMatmul || linalgOp == attentionPVMatmul) {
return WalkResult::advance();
if (linalg::isaContractionOpInterface(linalgOp)) {
} else if (succeeded(linalg::inferConvolutionDims(linalgOp))) {
return WalkResult::advance();
IRRewriter rewriter(func);
for (linalg::LinalgOp contract : contracts) {
if (failed(setContractionAnchor(scheduleAttr, rewriter, contract))) {
return signalPassFailure();
for (linalg::LinalgOp conv : convs) {
if (failed(setConvolutionAnchor(scheduleAttr, rewriter, conv))) {
return signalPassFailure();
if (attentionQKMatmul && attentionPVMatmul) {
if (failed(setAttentionMatmulAnchor(
scheduleAttr, rewriter, attentionQKMatmul, attentionPVMatmul))) {
return signalPassFailure();
} // namespace
} // namespace mlir::iree_compiler