blob: 47950df28a6b9025db646c9174a7bae37ffb6bc7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2024 The IREE Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include <numeric>
#include "iree/compiler/Codegen/LLVMGPU/Passes.h"
#include "iree/compiler/Codegen/Utils/VectorOpUtils.h"
#include "mlir/Analysis/SliceAnalysis.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/Vector/IR/VectorOps.h"
namespace mlir::iree_compiler {
#include "iree/compiler/Codegen/LLVMGPU/"
using VectorValue = TypedValue<VectorType>;
namespace {
/// Let's assume that we only have vector.contract with the standard indexing
/// maps:
/// (m, n, k), A: (m, k), B: (k, n), C: (m, n).
/// We will represent this contract operation by a "@".
/// Given a matmul:
/// C = A @ B
/// This pass decides when to convert this matmul to:
/// A.T = transpose(A)
/// B.T = transpose(B)
/// C.T = B.T @ A.T
/// C = transpose(C.T)
/// This is useful when the "@" instruction that the hardware lowers to
/// has a specific layout (see VectorLayoutInterface for more information)
/// but the further uses of C expects a transposed layout to the produced
/// layout.
/// For example, for "@" lowering to AMDGPU MFMA instructions, the operands
/// have layout L and L.T and the result has the layout L.T .
/// So if you have a chain of matmuls:
/// C (L.T) = A (L) @ B (L.T)
/// E (L.T) = C (L.T) @ D (L.T)
/// ^^^^^^^
/// Expected layout by instruction is L
/// To fix this, we can apply this transformation on the first matrix:
/// C.T (L.T) = B.T (L) @ A (L.T)
/// C (L) = transpose C.T (L.T)
/// E (L.T) = C (L) @ D (L.T)
/// ^^^^^
/// Layout matches the instruction!
/// Note that the mathematical formula
/// C = A @ B --> C.T = B.T @ A.T
/// is only defined on standard "@" function, it may be a different
/// transformation for other indexing maps.
struct AMDGPUPrepareForChainedMatmulPass final
: impl::AMDGPUPrepareForChainedMatmulPassBase<
AMDGPUPrepareForChainedMatmulPass> {
void getDependentDialects(DialectRegistry &registry) const override {
VectorContractOpInfo getOpInfo(vector::ContractionOp contract) const {
auto maybeOpInfo = VectorContractOpInfo::inferFromIndexingMaps(
assert(succeeded(maybeOpInfo) &&
"contraction info for vector.contract should always be valid");
return maybeOpInfo.value();
VectorValue swapDims(RewriterBase &rewriter, VectorValue val, int64_t dimA,
int64_t dimB) const {
ArrayRef<int64_t> shape = val.getType().getShape();
SmallVector<int64_t> perm(shape.size());
std::iota(perm.begin(), perm.end(), 0);
std::swap(perm[dimA], perm[dimB]);
return rewriter.create<vector::TransposeOp>(val.getLoc(), val, perm);
AffineMap swapDimsInMap(AffineMap map, int64_t dimA, int64_t dimB) const {
SmallVector<AffineExpr> results(map.getResults());
std::swap(results[dimA], results[dimB]);
return AffineMap::get(map.getNumDims(), map.getNumSymbols(), results,
/// Given a vector contract of the form
/// %output = vector.contract %lhs, %rhs, %acc
/// this function swaps the operands (%rhs, %lhs),
/// transposes the accumulator and output and updates
/// the indexing maps for the new contract op.
/// Given a contract:
/// result = vector.contract lhs, rhs, acc
/// transform it to
/// lhs.T = transpose(lhs)
/// rhs.T = transpose(rhs)
/// acc.T = transpose(acc)
/// result.T = vector.contract rhs.T, lhs.T, acc.T
/// result = transpose(result.T)
/// This transformation holds for the "@" case we described above. For
/// other indexing maps, we need to take into account transposed which are
/// fused into the contract. `isOperandSwapInvariant` tells us when we can
/// simply swap the operands without transposing them.
void swapOperandsAndTranspose(RewriterBase &rewriter,
vector::ContractionOp contractOp) const {
VectorContractOpInfo opInfo = getOpInfo(contractOp);
auto [lhsM, rhsN] = opInfo.getOperandMNIndex();
auto [lhsK, rhsK] = opInfo.getOperandKIndex();
auto [accM, accN] = opInfo.getResultMNIndex();
VectorValue lhs = contractOp.getLhs();
VectorValue rhs = contractOp.getRhs();
VectorValue acc = cast<VectorValue>(contractOp.getAcc());
SmallVector<AffineMap> maps = contractOp.getIndexingMapsArray();
AffineMap lhsMap = maps[0];
AffineMap rhsMap = maps[1];
AffineMap accMap = maps[2];
acc = swapDims(rewriter, acc, accN, accM);
accMap = swapDimsInMap(accMap, accN, accM);
if (!isOperandSwapInvariant(contractOp)) {
lhs = swapDims(rewriter, lhs, lhsK, lhsM);
rhs = swapDims(rewriter, rhs, rhsK, rhsN);
lhsMap = swapDimsInMap(lhsMap, lhsK, lhsM);
rhsMap = swapDimsInMap(rhsMap, rhsK, rhsN);
auto swappedOp = rewriter.create<vector::ContractionOp>(
contractOp.getLoc(), rhs, lhs, acc,
rewriter.getAffineMapArrayAttr({rhsMap, lhsMap, accMap}),
acc = cast<VectorValue>(swappedOp.getResult());
acc = swapDims(rewriter, acc, accN, accM);
rewriter.replaceOp(contractOp, acc);
/// If one of the operands is transposed, while the other isn't, the
/// transformation boils down to an operand swap and result transpose. This
/// happens because transposing and swapping both operands, preserves the
/// structure of the contraction. For example:
/// def matmul_transpose_b(A, B):
/// B.T = transpose(B)
/// C = A @ B.T
/// return C
/// def matmul_transpose_b_swapped(A, B):
/// A.T = transpose(A)
/// C.T = B @ A.T
/// C = transpose(C.T)
/// return C
/// matmul_transpose_b(B, A) = matmul_transpose_b_swapped(B, A).T
/// For the sake of completeness, we also show that this does not hold
/// when no operands are transposed, or both operands are transposed:
/// def matmul(A, B):
/// C = A @ B
/// return C
/// def matmul_swapped(A, B):
/// A.T = transpose(A)
/// B.T = transpose(B)
/// C.T = B.T @ A.T
/// C = transpose(C.T)
bool isOperandSwapInvariant(vector::ContractionOp contractOp) const {
// Check if the innermost m, n, k dimensions are in the order:
// lhs: (m, k), rhs: (n, k)
VectorContractOpInfo opInfo = getOpInfo(contractOp);
auto [lhsM, rhsN] = opInfo.getOperandMNIndex();
auto [lhsK, rhsK] = opInfo.getOperandKIndex();
bool isLhsTransposed = lhsM > lhsK;
bool isRhsTransposed = rhsN < rhsK;
return isLhsTransposed != isRhsTransposed;
/// Returns a vector.contract operation that this value was transitively
/// produced from.
/// A chained matmul is one where the lhs of the candidate matrix
/// is a result of another matmul (a matmul lies in the backward slice of lhs
/// of the first matmul).
/// TODO: This definition of a chained matmul is crude. We should actually be
/// checking if the layout of the result of the first matmul is transposed
/// to that expected by the second matmul.
getTransitiveMatmulParent(vector::ContractionOp contractOp) const {
SetVector<Operation *> backwardSlice;
BackwardSliceOptions options;
options.inclusive = true;
getBackwardSlice(contractOp.getLhs(), &backwardSlice, options);
vector::ContractionOp result;
for (Operation *sliceOp : backwardSlice) {
auto chainParent = dyn_cast<vector::ContractionOp>(sliceOp);
if (!chainParent) {
// For now, we only support transpose invariant matmuls. This is because
// transposing the inputs may have a non-trivial cost which we need
// to think about.
// TODO: We should probably enable it always. Currently, this is
// only useful in Flash Attention, where the first matmul is generally
// a transpose.
if (!isOperandSwapInvariant(chainParent)) {
// If we have multiple matmul parents, we fail.
if (result) {
return failure();
result = chainParent;
if (result) {
return result;
return failure();
void runOnOperation() override {
auto funcOp = getOperation();
SmallVector<vector::ContractionOp> matmulCandidates;
funcOp.walk([&](vector::ContractionOp contractOp) {
IRRewriter rewriter(funcOp.getContext());
for (vector::ContractionOp candidate : matmulCandidates) {
FailureOr<vector::ContractionOp> maybeChainedParent =
if (failed(maybeChainedParent)) {
auto chainParent = maybeChainedParent.value();
swapOperandsAndTranspose(rewriter, chainParent);
// TODO: We should be only transposing the second matrix if the
// result of the first matmul is used by the second matmul transitively.
swapOperandsAndTranspose(rewriter, candidate);
} // namespace
} // namespace mlir::iree_compiler