tree: c104383202d080dff9500af52f8ba9302f7164fc [path history] [tgz]
  1. low_level_invoke_function.ipynb
  2. pytorch_aot_advanced.ipynb
  3. pytorch_aot_simple.ipynb
  4. pytorch_jit.ipynb
  6. tensorflow_edge_detection.ipynb
  7. tensorflow_hub_import.ipynb
  8. tensorflow_mnist_training.ipynb
  9. tensorflow_resnet.ipynb
  11. tflite_text_classification.ipynb

Google Colaboratory (Colab) Notebooks

These Colab notebooks contain interactive sample applications using IREE's Python bindings and ML framework integrations.


FrameworkNotebook fileDescriptionLink
Genericlow_level_invoke_functionShows low level IREE python binding conceptsOpen In Colab
PyTorchpytorch_aot_advancedUses SHARK-Turbine to export a PyTorch programOpen In Colab
PyTorchpytorch_aot_simpleUses SHARK-Turbine to export a simple PyTorch programOpen In Colab
PyTorchpytorch_jitUses SHARK-Turbine for eager execution in a PyTorch sessionOpen In Colab
TensorFlowtensorflow_edge_detectionPerforms image edge detectionOpen In Colab
TensorFlowtensorflow_hub_importImports a MobileNet V2 model from TensorFlow HubOpen In Colab
TensorFlowtensorflow_mnist_trainingCompiles, trains, and executes a neural networkOpen In Colab
TensorFlowtensorflow_resnetCompiles and runs a pretrained ResNet50 modelOpen In Colab
TFLitetflite_text_classificationCompiles and runs a pretrained text classification modelOpen In Colab

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To make changes to a notebook in this repository, one possible workflow is:

  • Open or create the notebook in Colab
  • Connect to a hosted or local runtime
  • Make your changes, run the notebook, etc.
  • Download the modified notebook using File > Download .ipynb
  • Move the downloaded notebook file into a clone of this repository and submit a pull request


This notebooks are tested continuously by the samples.yml CI job.