Getting Started

This document provides an overview of IREE‘s systems, including entry points to get started exploring IREE’s capabilities.

For information on how to set up a development environment, see Getting Started on Windows and Getting Started on Linux.

Project Code Layout


  • Core IREE project


  • Integrations between IREE and other frameworks, such as TensorFlow


  • Language and platform bindings, such as Python


  • Colab notebooks for interactively using IREE's Python bindings

IREE Code Layout


  • Common types and utilities used throughout IREE


  • IREE's MLIR dialects, LLVM compiler passes, module translation code, etc.


  • Hardware Abstraction Layer for IREE's runtime, with implementations for hardware and software backends


  • Shared data storage format definitions, primarily using FlatBuffers


  • Assorted tools used to optimize, translate, and evaluate IREE


  • Bytecode Virtual Machine used to work with IREE modules and invoke IREE functions

Working with IREE's Components

IREE ingests MLIR in a high-level dialect like XLA/HLO, after which it can perform its own compiler passes to eventually translate the IR into an ‘IREE module’, which can be executed via IREE's runtime. IREE contains programs for running each step in that pipeline under various configurations (e.g. for tests, with a debugger attached, etc.).


The iree-opt program invokes MlirOptMain to run some set of IREE's optimization passes on a provided .mlir input file. Test .mlir files that are checked in typically include a RUN block at the top of the file that specifies which passes should be performed and if FileCheck should be used to test the generated output.

For example, to run some passes on the reshape.mlir test file with Bazel on Linux, use this command:

$ bazel run //iree/tools:iree-opt -- \
  -split-input-file \
  -iree-index-computation \
  -simplify-spirv-affine-exprs=false \
  -convert-iree-to-spirv \
  -verify-diagnostics \


The iree-translate program translates from a .mlir input file into an IREE module.

For example, to translate gather.mlir to an IREE module with Bazel on Linux, use this command:

$ bazel run //iree/tools:iree-translate -- \
  -iree-mlir-to-vm-bytecode-module \
  $PWD/test/e2e/xla/gather.mlir \
  -o /tmp/module.fb

Custom translations may also be layered on top of iree-translate - see iree/samples/custom_modules/dialect for a sample.


The iree-run-mlir program takes a .mlir file as input, translates it to an IREE bytecode module, and executes the module.

For example, to execute the contents of a test .mlir file, use this command:

$ bazel run //iree/tools:iree-run-mlir -- $PWD/test/e2e/xla/reverse.mlir


The iree-dump-module program prints the contents of an IREE module FlatBuffer file.

For example:

$ bazel run //iree/tools:iree-dump-module -- /tmp/module.fb