IREE Roadmap

Winter 2019

Our goal for the end of the year is to have depth in a few complex examples (such as streaming speech recognition) and breadth in platforms. This should hopefully allow for contributions both from Googlers and externally to enable broader platform support and optimizations as well as prove out some of the core IREE concepts.

Frontend: SavedModel/TF2.0

MLIR work to get SavedModels importing and lowering through the new MLIR-based tf2xla bridge. This will give us a clean interface for writing stateful sample models for both training and inference. The primary work on the IREE-side is adding support for global variables to the sequencer IR and sequencer runtime state tracking.

Coverage: XLA HLO Ops

A majority of XLA HLO ops (what IREE works with) are already lowering to both the IREE interpreter and the SPIR-V backend. A select few ops - such as ReduceWindow and Convolution - are not yet implemented and need to be both plumbed through the HLO dialect and the IREE lowering process as well as implemented in the backends.

Sequencer: IR Refactoring

The current sequencer IR is a placeholder designed to test the HAL backends and needs to be reworked to its final (initial) form. This means rewriting the IR description files, implementing lowerings, and rewriting the runtime dispatching code. This will enable future work on codegen, binary size evaluation, performance evaluation, and compiler optimizations around memory aliasing and batching.

Sequencer: Dynamic Shapes

Dynamic shapes requires a decent amount of work on the MLIR-side to flesh out the tf2xla bridge such that we can get input IR that has dynamic shapes at all. The shape inference dialect also needs to be designed and implemented so that we have shape math in a form we can lower. As both of these are in progress we plan to mostly design and experiment with how the runtime portions of dynamic shaping will function in IREE.

HAL: Dawn Implementation

To better engage with the WebGPU and WebML efforts we will be implementing a Dawn backend that uses the same generated SPIR-V kernels as the Vulkan backend but enables us to target Metal, Direct3D 12, and WebGPU. The goal is to get something working in place (even if suboptimal) such that we can provide feedback to the various efforts.

HAL: SIMD Dialect and Marl Implementation

Reusing most of the SPIR-V lowering we can implement a simple SIMD dialect for both codegen and JITing. We're likely to start with the WebAssembly SIMD spec for the dialect (with the goal of being trivially compatible with WASM and to avoid bikeshedding). Once we have at least one lowering to executable code (either via codegen to JITing) we can use Marl to provide the work scheduling. This should be roughly equivalent to performance to Swiftshader however with far less overhead. The ultimate goal is to be able to delete the current IREE interpreter.

Spring 2020

With the foundation laid in winter 2019 we'll be looking to expand support, continue optimizations and tuning, and implement the cellular batching techniques at the core of the IREE design.