tree: afaa49c360540fe03d944c75c5199446b5740838 [path history] [tgz]
  1. CMakeLists.txt
  2. example.mlir
  4. simple_mul.glsl
  5. simple_mul_inplace.glsl

Custom Vulkan/SPIR-V Dispatch Shaders

See the custom_dispatch README for an overview of this approach.

This sample demonstrates how to define external device functions that can be dispatched from within IREE programs when following the IREE Vulkan/SPIR-V ABI. The user authoring the shaders compiles their GLSL/HLSL/etc code to SPIR-V blobs and can dispatch functions within those blobs by declaring them in their IR.

Work in Progress

Note that currently only entire dispatches can be modeled and this prevents IREE from performing optimizations it otherwise can. In the future SPIR-V linking will be implemented such that the external functions are referenced and linked with the compiler-produced portions such that more information about the usage of the dispatch can be used to specialize/prune the hand-authored portions. Since the IREE Vulkan/SPIR-V ABI is not version-stable this entire shader approach may require updating when taking new IREE versions while function-level linking would not.

Since today only entire shaders can be provided the user must specify an empty executable (no builtin.module contents) and thus must provide objects for all targets they are compiling for. When partial function linking is available it'll be possible to provide fallback code as IR for when objects are not available.


                                                         | example.mlir |
+-----------------+             +----------------+              v
| simple_mul.glsl | -> glslc -> | simple_mul.spv | ------> iree-compile
+-----------------+             +----------------+              v
                                                         | example.vmfb |
  1. The user authors their shaders in a .glsl (.hlsl/etc) file.
#version 450
layout(local_size_x = 64, local_size_y = 1, local_size_z = 1) in;
layout(set = 0, binding = 0) readonly buffer Binding0 { float binding0[]; };
layout(set = 0, binding = 1) readonly buffer Binding1 { float binding1[]; };
layout(set = 0, binding = 2) buffer Binding2 { float binding2[]; };
layout(push_constant) uniform PushConstants { uint dim; };
void main() {
  uint tid = gl_GlobalInvocationID.x;
  if (tid < dim) binding2[tid] = binding0[tid] * binding1[tid];
  1. Source files are compiled to SPIR-V files via glslc. Each architecture or set of extensions the user is targeting will need its own object file(s).
glslc -fshader-stage=compute simple_mul.glsl -o simple_mul.spv
  1. The user (or compiler transforms) declare the externally defined shaders and the target-to-objects map for each configuration. The layout specifies how the dispatch arguments are mapped to buffers. The region on the export is used to compute the workgroup count and can query the %device if runtime device information is needed.
  hal.executable.source private @executable attributes {
    objects = #hal.executable.objects<{
      #spirv_target = [
        #hal.executable.object<{path = "simple_mul.spv"}>
    hal.executable.export public @simple_mul ordinal(0)
        layout(#hal.pipeline.layout<push_constants = 1, sets = [
          <0, bindings = [
              <0, storage_buffer, ReadOnly>,
              <1, storage_buffer, ReadOnly>,
              <2, storage_buffer>
        ]>) {
    ^bb0(%device: !hal.device, %workload: index):
      %x = affine.apply affine_map<()[s0] -> (s0 ceildiv 64)>()[%workload]
      %c1 = arith.constant 1 : index
      hal.return %x, %c1, %c1 : index, index, index
  1. The user (or compiler transforms) dispatches the shader.
  %0 = flow.dispatch @executable::@simple_mul[%dim](%dim_i32, %arg0, %arg1) :
      (i32, tensor<?xf32>{%dim}, tensor<?xf32>{%dim}) -> tensor<?xf32>{%dim}
  1. The IREE compiler selects the appropriate object files for the target configuration and links them into the binaries it produces. Dispatches are automatically routed to the appropriate variant of those available at runtime.


This presumes that iree-compile and iree-run-module have been installed or built. See here for instructions for CMake setup and building from source.

  1. Ensure that glslc is on your PATH (comes with the Vulkan SDK):

    glslc --version
  2. Build the iree-sample-deps CMake target to compile the GLSL to SPIR-V:

    cmake --build ../iree-build/ --target iree-sample-deps

    In a user application this would be replaced with whatever build infrastructure the user has for compiling shaders to SPIR-V. No IREE compiler or runtime changes are required and the normal compiler install can be used.

  3. Compile the example module to a .vmfb file and pass the path to the build directory so the .spv files can be found:

    iree-compile \
        --iree-hal-executable-object-search-path=../iree-build/ \
        samples/custom_dispatch/vulkan/shaders/example.mlir \
  4. Run the example program using the custom shaders:

    iree-run-module \
        --device=vulkan \
        --function=mixed_invocation \
        --input=8xf32=2 \
        --input=8xf32=4 \