tree: 96ae53f1e468829777176506798b7e96ffdb029e [path history] [tgz]
  1. CMakeLists.txt
  3. standalone_example.mlir
  4. standalone_plugin.c
  5. standalone_ukernel.mlir
  6. system_example.mlir
  7. system_plugin.c
  8. system_ukernel.mlir

Custom CPU Dispatch Functions for Dynamically-linked Plugins

See the custom_dispatch README for an overview of this approach. This sample is derived from the custom_dispatch/cpu/embedded/ sample and information about the calling conventions can be found there.

This sample demonstrates how to define external device functions that can be dispatched from within IREE programs via simple function calls. Here the functions are declared in the MLIR executables, called as normal calls, and then defined in a .c file that is either compiled for the system platform (ELF, DLL, DyLib, etc) or cross-compiled into a platform-independent embedded ELF. The compiler merely emits the imports and leaves it to the user to specify which plugins to load at runtime such that the imports can be resolved.

Note that dynamically-linked plugins are discouraged unless absolutely required. Prefer instead to use compiler embedded imports that allow for hermetic deployable artifacts that don't require re-deploying runtimes and produce the minimal amount of code as only the imports required by the compiled program are pulled in and they can be optimized with LTO to propagate ranges/constants. Dynamically-linked plugins should generally only be used for extreme mechanisms like JITs, though even those are better done as ahead-of-time code generation in the compiler. IREE supports dynamically-linked imports for completeness and they should be used with careful consideration.

Workflow for System Dynamic Libraries

+----------+    +---------------+      +--------------+
| plugin.c | -> | |-+    | example.mlir |
+----------+    +---------------+ |    +--------------+
                                  |           v
                                  |      iree-compile
                                  |           v
                                  |    +--------------+
                                  |    | example.vmfb | (non-hermetic)
                                  |    +--------------+
                                  |           |
                               | iree-run-module |

When plugins need to rely on platform-specific functionality (syscalls, TLS, etc) they can be built as normal system libraries of the type that can be loaded with dlopen/LoadLibrary/etc. Users will need to handle deployment themselves and the IREE runtime will load the plugin library using the platform APIs. There are still restrictions with this approach as the imports provided by the plugin will be called from arbitrary threads where syscalls, TLS, and other features are quite complicated to get right. An advantage of system libraries are that most tooling (perf, debuggers, etc) will work with no additional configuration. As such it's recommended that if portable ELF libraries are used for deployment users still preserve a path where they can be compiled as system libraries.

  1. The user authors their functions in whatever language they want with whatever system dependencies they want (with caveats/YMMV) and exposes them via the IREE C executable_plugin.h API. These functions can cover entire workgroups (and a dispatch can be a single workgroup so effectively just function calls) or be utilities used by the function for localized work (microkernels, data type conversion, etc). It's important to remember that parallelism scheduling is done outside of the function via the workgroup count and multiple threads may be executing the function at any time.

    In addition to the import function (see custom_dispatch/cpu/embedded/ for the structure of the imports) the plugin must provide a query function that is used to provide the plugin information to the runtime:

IREE_HAL_EXECUTABLE_PLUGIN_EXPORT const iree_hal_executable_plugin_header_t**
    iree_hal_executable_plugin_version_t max_version, void* reserved) {
  // Return a plugin header populated with metadata and function pointers.
  1. Source files are compiled to platform dynamic libraries via normal build system goo. Each platform and architecture the user is targeting will need its own libraries. Note that only the header file is required to be included and no IREE runtime libraries need to be linked into the plugin.
add_library(my_plugin SHARED my_plugin.c)
  1. The user (or compiler transforms) adds calls to their functions by declaring them. For each of the two inputs and one output, a <baseptr, offset> pair is used to get the position to read from. It is essential for the implementations of these functions to manually perform the baseptr + offset before reading the data. The memref semantics in MLIR only guarantee that the baseptr + offset represents the valid position to read from. Also note that the offset here is in number of elements (i.e. number of floats). @simple_mul_workgroup(
    %memref0_baseptr, %memref0_offset,
    %memref1_baseptr, %memref1_offset,
    %memref2_baseptr, %memref2_offset,
    %dim, %tid)
    : (memref<f32>, index, memref<f32>, index, memref<f32>, index, index, index) -> ()
  1. The user either programmatically registers the plugins via the plugin manager or when using IREE tools passes them using the --executable_plugin= flag. Note that imports are resolved in reverse registration order such that fallbacks can be supported; a reference plugin can be registered first followed by more specialized plugins that may only handle a subset of imports.
iree-run-module \
    --device=local-sync \ \ \
    --function=mixed_invocation \
    --input=8xf32=2 \

Workflow for Embedded ELF Libraries

+----------+      +-------------------+       +--------------+
| plugin.c | -+-> | | -+    | example.mlir |
+----------+  |   +-------------------+  |    +--------------+
              |   +-------------------+  |           v
              +-> |  | -+      iree-compile
                  +-------------------+  |           v
                       +------------+    |    +--------------+
                       | plugin.sos | <--+    | example.vmfb | (non-hermetic)
                       +------------+         +--------------+
                             |                       |
                               | iree-run-module |

The workflow is similar to the system library version except that the plugin code needs to be written in a bare-metal flavor (no TLS, no threads, no malloc, etc). Most kernel libraries not performing JITing can be authored like this and take advantage of the multi-targeting and cross-platform support provided by the plugin loader. A plugin can be compiled for multiple architectures (aarch64, x86_64, etc) and then load and run on all platforms (Windows, MacOS, Linux, and bare-metal).

See the sample CMakeLists.txt for how the standalone plugins can be compiled using the appropriate clang flags. Other compilers can be used if care is taken to ensure compatible platform-agnostic ELF files. After building each architecture-specific ELF they can be combined into a FatELF using the iree-fatelf tool; this single .sos file can contain multiple architectures and the required one will be loaded at runtime.


This presumes that iree-compile and iree-run-module have been installed or built. See here for instructions for CMake setup and building from source.

  1. Build the iree-sample-deps CMake target to compile standalone_plugin.c and system_plugin.c sources to object files for aarch64 and x86_64 or the current target system:

    cmake --build ../iree-build/ --target iree-sample-deps

    In a user application this would be replaced with whatever build infrastructure the user has for compiling code to object files. No IREE compiler or runtime changes are required and the normal compiler install can be used. Note that specific flags are required when producing the object files.

  2. Compile the example module to a .vmfb file and pass the path to the build directory so the .spv files can be found:

    iree-compile \
        --iree-hal-target-backends=llvm-cpu \
        samples/custom_dispatch/cpu/plugin/standalone_example.mlir \
  3. Run the example program using the plugins for either platform-independent embedded ELF files or the system libraries:

    iree-run-module \
        --device=local-sync \
        --executable_plugin=../iree-build/samples/custom_dispatch/cpu/plugin/standalone_plugin.sos \
        --function=mixed_invocation \
        --input=8xf32=2 \
        --input=8xf32=4 \
    iree-run-module \
        --device=local-sync \
        --executable_plugin=../iree-build/samples/custom_dispatch/cpu/plugin/ \
        --function=mixed_invocation \
        --input=8xf32=2 \
        --input=8xf32=4 \