Initial iree_loop_t implementation for web browsers. (#11204)
This is the start of an implementation of the
interface (added back in for
web browsers, using `setTimeout()`, Promises, and other JavaScript APIs
for working with asynchronous operations and the browser event loop.
This only handles `IREE_LOOP_COMMAND_CALL` for now, but I'd like some
feedback on the architecture / implementation style.
Some details that were tricky to figure out:
* This uses a JavaScript library that implements a C API:
We may end up with a few of these.
* The JavaScript library uses `dynCall_iiii` to call a provided C
function pointer (I haven't found any dedicated documentation on this,
so this was pieced together from reading through Emscripten's source
* A new `iree_link_js_library` CMake function was added to pass
`--js-library` to `emcc` and set up the right dependency link between
.js files and binaries (tests/applications/etc.). We can also use
`--pre-js` and `--post-js` as needed.
diff --git a/build_tools/cmake/iree_macros.cmake b/build_tools/cmake/iree_macros.cmake
index 2b81f59..3e90931 100644
--- a/build_tools/cmake/iree_macros.cmake
+++ b/build_tools/cmake/iree_macros.cmake
@@ -267,6 +267,81 @@
+# Emscripten
+# A global counter to guarantee unique names for js library files.
+# Links a JavaScript library to a target using --js-library=file.js.
+# This function is only supported when running under Emscripten (emcmake).
+# This implementation is forked from `em_add_tracked_link_flag()` in
+# with changes to be compatible with IREE project style and CMake conventions.
+# Parameters:
+# TARGET: Name of the target to link against
+# SRCS: List of JavaScript source files to link
+ cmake_parse_arguments(
+ ""
+ "SRCS"
+ ${ARGN}
+ )
+ # Convert from aliased, possibly package-relative, names to target names.
+ iree_package_ns(_PACKAGE_NS)
+ string(REPLACE "::" "_" _RULE_TARGET ${_RULE_TARGET})
+ foreach(_SRC_FILE ${_RULE_SRCS})
+ # If the JS file is changed, we want to relink dependent binaries, but
+ # unfortunately it is not possible to make a link step depend directly on a
+ # source file. Instead, we must make a dummy no-op build target on that
+ # source file, and make the original target depend on that dummy target.
+ # Sanitate the source .js filename to a good dummy filename.
+ get_filename_component(_JS_NAME "${_SRC_FILE}" NAME)
+ string(REGEX REPLACE "[/:\\\\.\ ]" "_" _DUMMY_JS_TARGET ${_JS_NAME})
+ # Create a new static library target that with a single dummy .c file.
+ add_library(${_DUMMY_LIB_NAME} STATIC ${_DUMMY_C_NAME})
+ # Make the dummy .c file depend on the .js file we are linking, so that if
+ # the .js file is edited, the dummy .c file, and hence the static library
+ # will be rebuild (no-op). This causes the main application to be
+ # relinked, which is what we want. This approach was recommended by
+ #
+ add_custom_command(
+ )
+ target_link_libraries(${_RULE_TARGET}
+ )
+ # Link the js-library to the target.
+ # When a linked library starts with a "-" cmake will just add it to the
+ # linker command line as it is. The advantage of doing it this way is
+ # that the js-library will also be automatically linked to targets that
+ # depend on this target.
+ get_filename_component(_SRC_ABSOLUTE_PATH "${_SRC_FILE}" ABSOLUTE)
+ target_link_libraries(${_RULE_TARGET}
+ "--js-library \"${_SRC_ABSOLUTE_PATH}\""
+ )
+ endforeach()
# Tool symlinks