tree: 8307763589e22ae50857bfd5a6e9ae5b074c532d [path history] [tgz]
  1. org/
  2. build.gradle
  4. settings.gradle

IREE TFLite Android Native Bindings

Building The Library

Process for building the AAR library:

  1. Start AndroidStudio. Select Open File or Project then choose runtime/bindings/tflite/java/
  2. AndroidStudio should sync the project and setup gradlew uner runtime/bindings/tflite/java
  3. Make the project using AndroidStudio or run the build directly in terminal:
./gradlew build

This produces two libraries under runtime/bindings/tflite/java/build/outputs/aar:

  • iree-tflite-bindings-debug.aar
  • iree-tflite-bindings-release.aar

AAR Contents

IREE AAR contents

Using the Library

Include either library in another gradle project for IREE TFLite binding support. See “Adding dependencies with the Project Structure Dialog” for use in AndroidStudio.