The TensorFlow integrations are currently being refactored. Thebazel
build is deprecated. Refer to for a general overview of how to build and execute the e2e tests.
We use our end-to-end TensorFlow integration tests to test compilation and numerical accuracy, and to generate compilation and benchmarking artifacts. This allows us to validate that our benchmarks are behaving as we expect them to, and to run them using valid inputs for each model.
This guide assumes that you can run the tensorflow integration tests. See this doc for more information. That doc also covers writing new tests, which you‘ll need to do if you’d like to benchmark a new TensorFlow model.
# Continuing from the "Running Python Tests" section of the doc linked above. # We need not only Python bindings, but also the TensorFlow compiler frontend. # Self-contained commands from that doc --- skip that if you have already # completed a build with Python bindings AND TensorFlow compiler frontend. $ cd iree-build/ # Make and cd into some build directory $ cmake ../iree -G Ninja \ -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=clang \ -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=clang++ \ -DIREE_BUILD_PYTHON_BINDINGS=ON \ -DIREE_BUILD_TENSORFLOW_COMPILER=ON $ cmake --build . # Also from the Python get-started doc, set this environment variable: $ export PYTHONPATH=$(pwd)/bindings/python
# --target_backends: All tests allow you to specify one or more backends to generate benchmarking artifacts for. # --artifacts_dir: The default location for these artifacts is under /tmp/iree/modules # This is a Python 3 program. On some systems, such as Debian derivatives, # use 'python3' instead of 'python'. $ python ../iree/integrations/tensorflow/e2e/ \ --target_backends=iree_vmvx # View the generated artifacts: $ tree /tmp/iree/modules/MatrixOpsStaticModule/
# Some tests use additional flags to specify features of the Module to test/benchmark: # --model: the tf.keras.applications model to test # --data: the dataset (and corresponding image shapes) to create the model for $ python ../iree/integrations/tensorflow/e2e/keras/applications/ \ --target_backends=iree_vmvx \ --model=MobileNetV3Small \ --data=imagenet # View the generated artifacts: $ tree /tmp/iree/modules/MobileNetV3Small/
Each test/module has a folder with the following artifacts (filtered to only include those relevant for benchmarking):
# Example for a generic module `ModuleName`: /tmp/iree/modules/ModuleName ├── iree_vmvx # Or any other IREE backend. │ └── compiled.vmfb # A flatbuffer containing IREE's compiled code. └── tflite ├── module_method_1.tflite │ # A method on ModuleName compiled to bytes with TFLite, which can │ # be used by the TFLite's benchmark_model binary. ├── module_method_2.tflite ├── ... └── traces ├── traced_function_1 │ └── graph_path │ # In general, a trace's name does not have to match the name │ # of the method(s) on the tf.Module that it calls. This file │ # points to the correct module_method_*.tflite graph file │ # for TFLite's benchmark_model to use. ├── traced_function_2 └── ... # Example for MatrixOpsStaticModule: /tmp/iree/modules/MatrixOpsStaticModule ├── iree_llvmaot │ └── compiled.vmfb ├── iree_vmvx │ └──compiled.vmfb ├── iree_vulkan │ └── compiled.vmfb └── tflite ├── basic_matmul.tflite ├── matmul_broadcast_singleton_dimension.tflite ├── matmul_lhs_batch.tflite ├── matmul_rhs_batch.tflite └── traces ├── basic_matmul │ └── graph_path ├── matmul_broadcast_singleton_dimension │ └── graph_path ├── matmul_lhs_batch │ └── graph_path └── matmul_rhs_batch └── graph_path
See also ./
Use iree-benchmark-module to benchmark the generated model. For example, to benchmark a static left-hand-side batched matmul using MatrixOpsStaticModule
on VMVX run:
$ iree/tools/iree-benchmark-module \ --module_file=/tmp/iree/modules/MatrixOpsStaticModule/iree_vmvx/compiled.vmfb \ --driver=vmvx \ --entry_function=matmul_lhs_batch \ --function_input=256x64x32xf32=2 \ --function_input=32x16xf32=3
Note that the arguments to --function_input
are shapes plus an arbitrary value to populate a splat. Some more complicated models might have very different performance characteristics depending on the input data, so this manual specification will not work well.
TODO(#6688): Discuss new yaml trace files.
binary# Enter the TensorFlow Bazel workspace. $ cd third_party/tensorflow/ # Build the benchmark_model binary. $ bazel build --copt=-mavx2 -c opt \ //tensorflow/lite/tools/benchmark:benchmark_model # By default, TFLite/x86 uses various matrix multiplication libraries. # It is possible to force it to only use Ruy for all matrix multiplications. # That is the default on ARM but not on x86. This will overwrite the # previous binary unless you move it. # # Note that Ruy takes care of -mavx2 and other AVX extensions internally, # so this passing this flag here isn't going to make a difference to # matrix multiplications. However, the rest of TFLite's kernels outside # of ruy will still benefit from -mavx2. $ bazel build --copt=-mavx2 -c opt \ --define=tflite_with_ruy=true \ //tensorflow/lite/tools/benchmark:benchmark_model # The binary can now be found in the following directory: $ ls bazel-bin/tensorflow/lite/tools/benchmark/
We pass TFLite the graph generated from the test above (located at the path from graph_path). It will generate fake inputs for the model.
Using MatrixOpsStaticModule
's left-hand-side batched matmul again as an example we can run the benchmark as follows:
# Run within `third_party/tensorflow/`. $ ./bazel-bin/tensorflow/lite/tools/benchmark/benchmark_model \ --graph=$(cat "/tmp/iree/modules/MatrixOpsStaticModule/tflite/traces/matmul_lhs_batch/graph_path") \ --warmup_runs=1 \ --num_threads=1 \ --num_runs=100 \ --enable_op_profiling=true
IREE only supports compiling to Android with CMake. Documentation on setting up your environment to cross-compile to Android can be found here.
# After following the instructions above up to 'Build all targets', the # iree-benchmark-module binary should be in the following directory: $ ls build-android/iree/tools/ # Copy the benchmarking binary to phone. $ adb push build-android/iree/tools/iree-benchmark-module /data/local/tmp
In this example we'll only copy over the files we need to benchmark a single module on a single backend, but you can easily copy all of the modules over as well.
Using MatrixOpsStaticModule
's left-hand-side batched matmul again as an example:
# Make a directory for the module/backend pair we want to benchmark. $ adb shell mkdir -p /data/local/tmp/MatrixOpsStaticModule/iree_vmvx/ # Transfer the files. $ adb push /tmp/iree/modules/MatrixOpsStaticModule/iree_vmvx/* \ /data/local/tmp/MatrixOpsStaticModule/iree_vmvx/
$ adb shell /data/local/tmp/iree-benchmark-module \ --module_file="/data/local/tmp/MatrixOpsStaticModule/iree_vmvx/compiled.vmfb" \ --driver=vmvx \ --entry_function=matmul_lhs_batch \ --function_input=256x64x32xf32=2 \ --function_input=32x16xf32=3
There are three options for getting TFLite's benchmark_model
binary for Android.
The first two are to build it directly, either in a docker
container or in your own environment. To build TensorFlow tools with Android:
under TensorFlow repo.android_ndk_repository( name="androidndk", path="/full/path/to/android_ndk", )
TODO(hanchung): Place the Android setup to somewhere outside IREE, e.g., TensorFlow.
Then you can configure the TFLite benchmark_model
binary in the following ways:
# Build the benchmark_model binary without any add-ons. # Note that unlike TFLite/x86, TFLite/ARM uses Ruy by default for all # matrix multiplications (No need to pass tflite_with_ruy), except for some # matrix*vector products. Below we show how to force using ruy also for that. $ bazel build -c opt \ --config=android_arm64 \ --cxxopt='--std=c++17' \ //tensorflow/lite/tools/benchmark:benchmark_model # Copy the benchmarking binary to phone and allow execution. $ adb push bazel-bin/tensorflow/lite/tools/benchmark/benchmark_model \ /data/local/tmp $ adb shell chmod +x /data/local/tmp/benchmark_model
# Build the benchmark_model binary using ruy even for matrix*vector # products. This is only worth trying in models that are heavy on matrix*vector # shapes, typically LSTMs and other RNNs. $ bazel build -c opt \ --config=android_arm64 \ --cxxopt='--std=c++17' \ --copt=-DTFLITE_WITH_RUY_GEMV \ //tensorflow/lite/tools/benchmark:benchmark_model # Rename the binary for comparison with the standard benchmark_model. $ mv bazel-bin/tensorflow/lite/tools/benchmark/benchmark_model \ bazel-bin/tensorflow/lite/tools/benchmark/benchmark_model_plus_ruy_gemv $ adb push bazel-bin/tensorflow/lite/tools/benchmark/benchmark_model_plus_ruy_gemv \ /data/local/tmp/ $ adb shell chmod +x /data/local/tmp/benchmark_model_plus_ruy_gemv
# Build the benchmark_model binary with flex. $ bazel build -c opt \ --config=android_arm64 \ --cxxopt='--std=c++17' \ //tensorflow/lite/tools/benchmark:benchmark_model_plus_flex # Copy the benchmarking binary to phone and allow execution. $ adb push bazel-bin/tensorflow/lite/tools/benchmark/benchmark_model_plus_flex \ /data/local/tmp $ adb shell chmod +x /data/local/tmp/benchmark_model_plus_flex
Alternatively, you can download and install the Android Benchmark App. If you choose to install the app then you'll have to modify the benchmarking commands below slightly, as shown in this example.
# Copy the data over to the phone. $ mkdir -p /data/local/tmp/MatrixOpsStaticModule/tflite $ adb push /tmp/iree/modules/MatrixOpsStaticModule/tflite/* \ /data/local/tmp/MatrixOpsStaticModule/tflite/
# Benchmark with TFLite. $ adb shell taskset f0 /data/local/tmp/benchmark_model \ --graph=/data/local/tmp/MatrixOpsStaticModule/tflite/matmul_lhs_batch.tflite \ --warmup_runs=1 \ --num_threads=1 \ --num_runs=10 \
# Benchmark with TFLite + RUY GEMV $ adb shell taskset f0 /data/local/tmp/benchmark_model_plus_ruy_gemv \ --graph=/data/local/tmp/MatrixOpsStaticModule/tflite/matmul_lhs_batch.tflite \ --warmup_runs=1 \ --num_threads=1 \ --num_runs=10 \
# Benchmark with TFLite + Flex. $ adb shell taskset f0 /data/local/tmp/benchmark_model_plus_flex \ --graph=/data/local/tmp/MatrixOpsStaticModule/tflite/matmul_lhs_batch.tflite \ --warmup_runs=1 \ --num_threads=1 \ --num_runs=10 \
# Benchmark with TFLite running on GPU. $ adb shell taskset f0 /data/local/tmp/benchmark_model \ --graph=/data/local/tmp/MatrixOpsStaticModule/tflite/matmul_lhs_batch.tflite \ --warmup_runs=1 \ --num_threads=1 \ --num_runs=10 \ --use_gpu=true
Running benchmark on GPU won't give op profiling. To detailed profiling information for GPU you can run the following script:
# Op profiling on GPU using OpenCL backend. $ sh tensorflow/lite/delegates/gpu/cl/testing/ \ -m /data/local/tmp/MatrixOpsStaticModule/tflite/matmul_lhs_batch.tflite
Note: You will have to manually specify the TFLite graph that you want to benchmark, as the graph_path
file assumes that the graph has not moved. The name of the .tflite
graph that you need to benchmark may be different from the name of the trace that you want to benchmark, but you can use cat
on the graph_path
file to verify the correct .tflite
filename if you're unsure.
nbsp; Sometimes benchmark_tool
falls back to use CPU even when use_gpu
is set. To get more information, you can turn on traces in the tool by adb shell setprop debug.tflite.trace 1
There are 2 profilers built into TFLite's benchmark_model
program. Both of them impact latencies, so they should only be used to get a breakdown of the relative time spent in each operator type, they should not be enabled for the purpose of measuring a latency.
The first is enable_op_profiling
. It‘s based on timestamps before and after each op. It’s a runtime command-line flag taken by benchmark_model
. Example:
$ adb shell taskset f0 /data/local/tmp/benchmark_model \ --graph=/data/local/tmp/MatrixOpsStaticModule/tflite/matmul_lhs_batch.tflite \ --warmup_runs=1 \ --num_threads=1 \ --num_runs=10 \ --enable_op_profiling=true
The second is ruy_profiler
. Despite its name, it‘s available regardless of whether ruy
is used for the matrix multiplications. It’s a sampling profiler, which allows it to provide some more detailed information, particularly on matrix multiplications. It's a build-time switch:
$ bazel build \ --define=ruy_profiler=true \ -c opt \ --config=android_arm64 \ //tensorflow/lite/tools/benchmark:benchmark_model
The binary thus built can be run like above, no command-line flag needed.