Build functioning dev packages for IREECompiler and IREERuntime. (#16008)

With this patch, external projects can do:


and access our targets by adding either the build or install tree
`lib/cmake/IREE` to the CMake package search path.

There are still some ergonomic issues that need to be addressed going

* cpuinfo breaks the one downstream I am testing this against. We really
should just finish killing that, so I am setting
-DIREE_ENABLE_CPUINFO=OFF in the dist package.
* We are not yet re-establishing the pretty `iree::runtime:...` aliases.
The underscore versions are available (`iree_runtime_...`).
* I want to further isolate the remaining bundled deps (yaml and
* New convenience install targets do not have full dependency
information. Need to do an `all` build first.

As part of this, I did some longstanding cleanups:

* Normalized the install component namespace. Defined
`IREECMakeExports`, `IREEDevLibraries-Compiler`,
`IREEDevLibraries-Runtime`, `IREERuntimeLibraries-Compiler`,
`IREEBundledLibraries`, `IREETools-Runtime`.
* Added convenience `iree-install-*` targets. Each includes a
`-stripped` variant as well.
* Moved MLIRInterop.h to the bindings/c directory where it should have
been all along and straightened the deps.
* Install the mlir-c headers to support dev.
* Added the "busybox" tool binaries to the install distribution
(iree-lld, etc).
* Stopped bundling upstream `lld` and `clang` by default because they
bloat the size. `lld` is now bundled as `iree-lld` just like in the
Python packages. Clang and llvm-link can be gotten by installing the new
`IREETools-CompilerExtra` component if folks need those.

Note that this only installs public headers and libraries needed to
build against the compiler and runtime. Installing private things needed
to develop parts of the system are out of scope.
37 files changed
tree: 71143ea14627dc8720812c895d059b4aa79a6a2e
  1. .devcontainer/
  2. .github/
  3. build_tools/
  4. compiler/
  5. docs/
  6. experimental/
  7. integrations/
  8. lib/
  9. llvm-external-projects/
  10. runtime/
  11. samples/
  12. tests/
  13. third_party/
  14. tools/
  16. .bazelignore
  17. .bazelrc
  18. .bazelversion
  19. .clang-format
  20. .dockerignore
  21. .git-blame-ignore-revs
  22. .gitignore
  23. .gitmodules
  24. .yamllint.yml
  26. BUILD.bazel
  27. CITATION.cff
  28. CMakeLists.txt

IREE: Intermediate Representation Execution Environment

IREE (Intermediate Representation Execution Environment, pronounced as “eerie”) is an MLIR-based end-to-end compiler and runtime that lowers Machine Learning (ML) models to a unified IR that scales up to meet the needs of the datacenter and down to satisfy the constraints and special considerations of mobile and edge deployments.

See our website for project details, user guides, and instructions on building from source.

CI Status

Project Status

IREE is still in its early phase. We have settled down on the overarching infrastructure and are actively improving various software components as well as project logistics. It is still quite far from ready for everyday use and is made available without any support at the moment. With that said, we welcome any kind of feedback on any communication channels!

Communication Channels

Related Project Channels

  • MLIR topic within LLVM Discourse: IREE is enabled by and heavily relies on MLIR. IREE sometimes is referred to in certain MLIR discussions. Useful if you are also interested in MLIR evolution.

Architecture Overview

IREE Architecture IREE Architecture

See our website for more information.

Presentations and Talks


IREE is licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 License with LLVM Exceptions. See LICENSE for more information.