Getting Started on macOS with CMake

This guide walks through building the core compiler and runtime parts of IREE from source. Auxiliary components like the Python bindings and Vulkan driver are not documented for macOS at this time.

IREE is not officially supported on macOS at this time. It may work, but it is not a part of our open source CI, and may be intermittently broken. Contributions related to macOS support and documentation are welcome however.


Install Homebrew

This guide uses Homebrew to install IREE's dependencies.

$ /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Install CMake

IREE uses CMake version >= 3.13.4. Brew ships the latest release.

$ brew install cmake
$ cmake --version  # >= 3.13.4

Install Ninja

Ninja is a fast build system that you can use as a CMake generator.

$ brew install ninja

Clone and Build


Clone the repository and initialize its submodules:

$ git clone
$ cd iree
$ git submodule update --init

    Editors and other programs can also clone the repository, just make sure that they initialize the submodules.



$ cmake -G Ninja -B ../iree-build/ .

Note: this should use Clang by default on macOS. GCC is not fully supported by IREE.

    The root CMakeLists.txt file has options for configuring which parts of the project to enable.
    These are further documented in CMake Options and Variables.

Build all targets:

$ cmake --build ../iree-build/

What's next?

Take a Look Around

Check out the contents of the ‘tools’ build directory:

$ ls ../iree-build/iree/tools
$ ../iree-build/iree/tools/iree-translate --help

Translate a MLIR file and execute a function in the compiled module:

$ ../iree-build/iree/tools/iree-run-mlir $PWD/iree/samples/models/simple_abs.mlir \
  -function-input="f32=-2" -iree-hal-target-backends=vmvx -print-mlir

Further Reading

  • For an introduction to IREE's project structure and developer tools, see Developer Overview.
  • To understand how IREE implements a HAL driver using Metal, see Metal HAL Driver. <!-- TODO: Link to macOS versions of these guides once they are developed.
  • To use IREE's Python bindings, see Getting Started with Python -->