| // Copyright 2019 The IREE Authors |
| // |
| // Licensed under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions. |
| // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information. |
| // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception |
| |
| #include "iree/base/tracing.h" |
| |
| // Textually include the Tracy implementation. |
| // We do this here instead of relying on an external build target so that we can |
| // ensure our configuration specified in tracing.h is picked up. |
| #include "TracyClient.cpp" |
| |
| // HACK: tracy doesn't let us at this but we need it in order to create new |
| // queue contexts. It's an implementation detail we have to take a dependency on |
| // because tracy does not have an API for what we're doing (yet). |
| namespace tracy { |
| moodycamel::ConcurrentQueue<QueueItem>& GetQueue(); |
| } // namespace tracy |
| |
| #ifdef __cplusplus |
| extern "C" { |
| #endif // __cplusplus |
| |
| #if defined(TRACY_ENABLE) && defined(IREE_PLATFORM_WINDOWS) |
| static HANDLE iree_dbghelp_mutex; |
| void IREEDbgHelpInit(void) { |
| iree_dbghelp_mutex = CreateMutex(NULL, FALSE, NULL); |
| } |
| void IREEDbgHelpLock(void) { |
| WaitForSingleObject(iree_dbghelp_mutex, INFINITE); |
| } |
| void IREEDbgHelpUnlock(void) { ReleaseMutex(iree_dbghelp_mutex); } |
| |
| |
| typedef struct iree_tracing_source_file_t { |
| uint8_t* filename; |
| size_t filename_length; |
| uint8_t* content; |
| size_t content_length; |
| } iree_tracing_source_file_t; |
| |
| // Global registry of published source files allocated using the Tracy allocator |
| // and live for the entire lifetime of the program as Tracy will request the |
| // contents long past tear-down. |
| typedef struct iree_tracing_source_file_storage_t { |
| tracy::TracyMutex mutex; |
| iree_host_size_t capacity; |
| iree_host_size_t count; |
| iree_tracing_source_file_t** files; |
| } iree_tracing_source_file_storage_t; |
| static iree_tracing_source_file_storage_t iree_tracing_source_file_storage; |
| |
| static char* iree_tracing_tracy_source_file_callback(void* user_data, |
| const char* filename, |
| size_t& out_size) { |
| iree_tracing_source_file_storage_t* storage = |
| (iree_tracing_source_file_storage_t*)user_data; |
| |
| const iree_host_size_t filename_length = strlen(filename); |
| char* content_copy = NULL; |
| iree_host_size_t content_length = 0; |
| |
| storage->mutex.lock(); |
| |
| for (iree_host_size_t i = 0; i < storage->count; ++i) { |
| iree_tracing_source_file_t* source_file = storage->files[i]; |
| if (filename_length != source_file->filename_length) continue; |
| // NOTE: no case-insensitive/fuzzy comparison (yet). The paths are |
| // generated by the compiler in the same place and they should always line |
| // up but if we start embedding arbitrary user files we may need to |
| // normalize paths. |
| if (memcmp(filename, source_file->filename, filename_length) == 0) { |
| content_copy = |
| (char*)tracy::tracy_malloc_fast(source_file->content_length); |
| memcpy(content_copy, source_file->content, source_file->content_length); |
| content_length = source_file->content_length; |
| break; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| storage->mutex.unlock(); |
| |
| out_size = content_length; |
| return content_copy; |
| } |
| |
| void iree_tracing_tracy_initialize() { |
| // Register a single source provider callback with Tracy. Tracy only supports |
| // one at a time and the callback must remain valid until program exit. |
| tracy::Profiler::SourceCallbackRegister( |
| iree_tracing_tracy_source_file_callback, |
| &iree_tracing_source_file_storage); |
| } |
| |
| void iree_tracing_tracy_deinitialize() { |
| #if defined(IREE_PLATFORM_APPLE) |
| // Synchronously shut down the profiler service. |
| // This is required on some platforms to support TRACY_NO_EXIT=1 such as |
| // MacOS and iOS. It should be harmless on other platforms as it returns |
| // quickly if TRACY_NO_EXIT=1 is not set. |
| // See: https://github.com/wolfpld/tracy/issues/8 |
| tracy::GetProfiler().RequestShutdown(); |
| while (!tracy::GetProfiler().HasShutdownFinished()) { |
| std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(10)); |
| } |
| #endif // IREE_PLATFORM_* |
| } |
| |
| void iree_tracing_publish_source_file(const void* filename, |
| size_t filename_length, |
| const void* content, |
| size_t content_length) { |
| iree_tracing_source_file_storage_t* storage = |
| &iree_tracing_source_file_storage; |
| |
| // NOTE: this does not currently check to see whether the file has already |
| // been published. We could but in most valid usage we don't need to. |
| |
| // Allocate storage for the file - we do this as a single alloc of the entry |
| // with the filename and content tacked on. |
| size_t total_size = |
| sizeof(iree_tracing_source_file_t) + filename_length + content_length; |
| uint8_t* entry_ptr = (uint8_t*)tracy::tracy_malloc_fast(total_size); |
| iree_tracing_source_file_t* source_file = |
| (iree_tracing_source_file_t*)entry_ptr; |
| source_file->filename = entry_ptr + sizeof(*source_file); |
| source_file->filename_length = filename_length; |
| memcpy(source_file->filename, filename, filename_length); |
| source_file->content = source_file->filename + filename_length; |
| source_file->content_length = content_length; |
| memcpy(source_file->content, content, content_length); |
| |
| storage->mutex.lock(); |
| |
| // Grow capacity of the storage index if needed. |
| if (storage->count + 1 >= storage->capacity) { |
| storage->capacity = std::max((iree_host_size_t)32, storage->capacity * 2); |
| storage->files = (iree_tracing_source_file_t**)tracy::tracy_realloc( |
| storage->files, storage->capacity * sizeof(*storage->files)); |
| } |
| |
| // Append the file. |
| storage->files[storage->count++] = source_file; |
| |
| storage->mutex.unlock(); |
| } |
| |
| iree_zone_id_t iree_tracing_zone_begin_impl( |
| const iree_tracing_location_t* src_loc, const char* name, |
| size_t name_length) { |
| const iree_zone_id_t zone_id = tracy::GetProfiler().GetNextZoneId(); |
| |
| #ifndef TRACY_NO_VERIFY |
| { |
| TracyQueuePrepareC(tracy::QueueType::ZoneValidation); |
| tracy::MemWrite(&item->zoneValidation.id, zone_id); |
| TracyQueueCommitC(zoneValidationThread); |
| } |
| #endif // TRACY_NO_VERIFY |
| |
| { |
| TracyQueuePrepareC(tracy::QueueType::ZoneBeginCallstack); |
| #else |
| TracyQueuePrepareC(tracy::QueueType::ZoneBegin); |
| tracy::MemWrite(&item->zoneBegin.time, tracy::Profiler::GetTime()); |
| tracy::MemWrite(&item->zoneBegin.srcloc, |
| reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(src_loc)); |
| TracyQueueCommitC(zoneBeginThread); |
| } |
| |
| tracy::GetProfiler().SendCallstack(IREE_TRACING_MAX_CALLSTACK_DEPTH); |
| |
| if (name_length) { |
| #ifndef TRACY_NO_VERIFY |
| { |
| TracyQueuePrepareC(tracy::QueueType::ZoneValidation); |
| tracy::MemWrite(&item->zoneValidation.id, zone_id); |
| TracyQueueCommitC(zoneValidationThread); |
| } |
| #endif // TRACY_NO_VERIFY |
| auto name_ptr = reinterpret_cast<char*>(tracy::tracy_malloc(name_length)); |
| memcpy(name_ptr, name, name_length); |
| TracyQueuePrepareC(tracy::QueueType::ZoneName); |
| tracy::MemWrite(&item->zoneTextFat.text, |
| reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(name_ptr)); |
| tracy::MemWrite(&item->zoneTextFat.size, |
| static_cast<uint64_t>(name_length)); |
| TracyQueueCommitC(zoneTextFatThread); |
| } |
| |
| return zone_id; |
| } |
| |
| iree_zone_id_t iree_tracing_zone_begin_external_impl( |
| const char* file_name, size_t file_name_length, uint32_t line, |
| const char* function_name, size_t function_name_length, const char* name, |
| size_t name_length) { |
| uint64_t src_loc = tracy::Profiler::AllocSourceLocation( |
| line, file_name, file_name_length, function_name, function_name_length, |
| name, name_length); |
| |
| const iree_zone_id_t zone_id = tracy::GetProfiler().GetNextZoneId(); |
| |
| #ifndef TRACY_NO_VERIFY |
| { |
| TracyQueuePrepareC(tracy::QueueType::ZoneValidation); |
| tracy::MemWrite(&item->zoneValidation.id, zone_id); |
| TracyQueueCommitC(zoneValidationThread); |
| } |
| #endif // TRACY_NO_VERIFY |
| |
| { |
| TracyQueuePrepareC(tracy::QueueType::ZoneBeginAllocSrcLocCallstack); |
| #else |
| TracyQueuePrepareC(tracy::QueueType::ZoneBeginAllocSrcLoc); |
| tracy::MemWrite(&item->zoneBegin.time, tracy::Profiler::GetTime()); |
| tracy::MemWrite(&item->zoneBegin.srcloc, src_loc); |
| TracyQueueCommitC(zoneBeginThread); |
| } |
| |
| tracy::GetProfiler().SendCallstack(IREE_TRACING_MAX_CALLSTACK_DEPTH); |
| |
| return zone_id; |
| } |
| |
| void iree_tracing_zone_end(iree_zone_id_t zone_id) { |
| ___tracy_emit_zone_end(iree_tracing_make_zone_ctx(zone_id)); |
| } |
| |
| void iree_tracing_set_plot_type_impl(const char* name_literal, |
| uint8_t plot_type, bool step, bool fill, |
| uint32_t color) { |
| tracy::Profiler::ConfigurePlot(name_literal, |
| static_cast<tracy::PlotFormatType>(plot_type), |
| step, fill, color); |
| } |
| |
| void iree_tracing_plot_value_i64_impl(const char* name_literal, int64_t value) { |
| tracy::Profiler::PlotData(name_literal, value); |
| } |
| |
| void iree_tracing_plot_value_f32_impl(const char* name_literal, float value) { |
| tracy::Profiler::PlotData(name_literal, value); |
| } |
| |
| void iree_tracing_plot_value_f64_impl(const char* name_literal, double value) { |
| tracy::Profiler::PlotData(name_literal, value); |
| } |
| |
| void iree_tracing_mutex_announce(const iree_tracing_location_t* src_loc, |
| uint32_t* out_lock_id) { |
| uint32_t lock_id = |
| tracy::GetLockCounter().fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_relaxed); |
| assert(lock_id != std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max()); |
| *out_lock_id = lock_id; |
| |
| auto item = tracy::Profiler::QueueSerial(); |
| tracy::MemWrite(&item->hdr.type, tracy::QueueType::LockAnnounce); |
| tracy::MemWrite(&item->lockAnnounce.id, lock_id); |
| tracy::MemWrite(&item->lockAnnounce.time, tracy::Profiler::GetTime()); |
| tracy::MemWrite(&item->lockAnnounce.lckloc, |
| reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(src_loc)); |
| tracy::MemWrite(&item->lockAnnounce.type, tracy::LockType::Lockable); |
| tracy::Profiler::QueueSerialFinish(); |
| } |
| |
| void iree_tracing_mutex_terminate(uint32_t lock_id) { |
| auto item = tracy::Profiler::QueueSerial(); |
| tracy::MemWrite(&item->hdr.type, tracy::QueueType::LockTerminate); |
| tracy::MemWrite(&item->lockTerminate.id, lock_id); |
| tracy::MemWrite(&item->lockTerminate.time, tracy::Profiler::GetTime()); |
| tracy::Profiler::QueueSerialFinish(); |
| } |
| |
| void iree_tracing_mutex_before_lock(uint32_t lock_id) { |
| auto item = tracy::Profiler::QueueSerial(); |
| tracy::MemWrite(&item->hdr.type, tracy::QueueType::LockWait); |
| tracy::MemWrite(&item->lockWait.thread, tracy::GetThreadHandle()); |
| tracy::MemWrite(&item->lockWait.id, lock_id); |
| tracy::MemWrite(&item->lockWait.time, tracy::Profiler::GetTime()); |
| tracy::Profiler::QueueSerialFinish(); |
| } |
| |
| void iree_tracing_mutex_after_lock(uint32_t lock_id) { |
| auto item = tracy::Profiler::QueueSerial(); |
| tracy::MemWrite(&item->hdr.type, tracy::QueueType::LockObtain); |
| tracy::MemWrite(&item->lockObtain.thread, tracy::GetThreadHandle()); |
| tracy::MemWrite(&item->lockObtain.id, lock_id); |
| tracy::MemWrite(&item->lockObtain.time, tracy::Profiler::GetTime()); |
| tracy::Profiler::QueueSerialFinish(); |
| } |
| |
| void iree_tracing_mutex_after_try_lock(uint32_t lock_id, bool was_acquired) { |
| if (was_acquired) { |
| iree_tracing_mutex_after_lock(lock_id); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void iree_tracing_mutex_after_unlock(uint32_t lock_id) { |
| auto item = tracy::Profiler::QueueSerial(); |
| tracy::MemWrite(&item->hdr.type, tracy::QueueType::LockRelease); |
| tracy::MemWrite(&item->lockReleaseShared.thread, tracy::GetThreadHandle()); |
| tracy::MemWrite(&item->lockRelease.id, lock_id); |
| tracy::MemWrite(&item->lockRelease.time, tracy::Profiler::GetTime()); |
| tracy::Profiler::QueueSerialFinish(); |
| } |
| |
| |
| int64_t iree_tracing_time(void) { return tracy::Profiler::GetTime(); } |
| |
| int64_t iree_tracing_frequency(void) { return tracy::GetFrequencyQpc(); } |
| |
| uint8_t iree_tracing_gpu_context_allocate(iree_tracing_gpu_context_type_t type, |
| const char* name, size_t name_length, |
| bool is_calibrated, |
| uint64_t cpu_timestamp, |
| uint64_t gpu_timestamp, |
| float timestamp_period) { |
| // Allocate the process-unique GPU context ID. There's a max of 255 available; |
| // if we are recreating devices a lot we may exceed that. Don't do that, or |
| // wrap around and get weird (but probably still usable) numbers. |
| uint8_t context_id = |
| tracy::GetGpuCtxCounter().fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_relaxed); |
| if (context_id >= 255) { |
| context_id %= 255; |
| } |
| |
| uint8_t context_flags = 0; |
| if (is_calibrated) { |
| // Tell tracy we'll be passing calibrated timestamps and not to mess with |
| // the times. We'll periodically send GpuCalibration events in case the |
| // times drift. |
| context_flags |= tracy::GpuContextCalibration; |
| } |
| { |
| auto* item = tracy::Profiler::QueueSerial(); |
| tracy::MemWrite(&item->hdr.type, tracy::QueueType::GpuNewContext); |
| tracy::MemWrite(&item->gpuNewContext.cpuTime, cpu_timestamp); |
| tracy::MemWrite(&item->gpuNewContext.gpuTime, gpu_timestamp); |
| memset(&item->gpuNewContext.thread, 0, sizeof(item->gpuNewContext.thread)); |
| tracy::MemWrite(&item->gpuNewContext.period, timestamp_period); |
| tracy::MemWrite(&item->gpuNewContext.context, context_id); |
| tracy::MemWrite(&item->gpuNewContext.flags, context_flags); |
| tracy::MemWrite(&item->gpuNewContext.type, (tracy::GpuContextType)type); |
| tracy::Profiler::QueueSerialFinish(); |
| } |
| |
| // Send the name of the context along. |
| // NOTE: Tracy will unconditionally free the name so we must clone it here. |
| // Since internally Tracy will use its own rpmalloc implementation we must |
| // make sure we allocate from the same source. |
| char* cloned_name = (char*)tracy::tracy_malloc(name_length); |
| memcpy(cloned_name, name, name_length); |
| { |
| auto* item = tracy::Profiler::QueueSerial(); |
| tracy::MemWrite(&item->hdr.type, tracy::QueueType::GpuContextName); |
| tracy::MemWrite(&item->gpuContextNameFat.context, context_id); |
| tracy::MemWrite(&item->gpuContextNameFat.ptr, (uint64_t)cloned_name); |
| tracy::MemWrite(&item->gpuContextNameFat.size, name_length); |
| tracy::Profiler::QueueSerialFinish(); |
| } |
| |
| return context_id; |
| } |
| |
| void iree_tracing_gpu_context_calibrate(uint8_t context_id, int64_t cpu_delta, |
| int64_t cpu_timestamp, |
| int64_t gpu_timestamp) { |
| auto* item = tracy::Profiler::QueueSerial(); |
| tracy::MemWrite(&item->hdr.type, tracy::QueueType::GpuCalibration); |
| tracy::MemWrite(&item->gpuCalibration.gpuTime, gpu_timestamp); |
| tracy::MemWrite(&item->gpuCalibration.cpuTime, cpu_timestamp); |
| tracy::MemWrite(&item->gpuCalibration.cpuDelta, cpu_delta); |
| tracy::MemWrite(&item->gpuCalibration.context, context_id); |
| tracy::Profiler::QueueSerialFinish(); |
| } |
| |
| void iree_tracing_gpu_zone_begin(uint8_t context_id, uint16_t query_id, |
| const iree_tracing_location_t* src_loc) { |
| auto* item = tracy::Profiler::QueueSerial(); |
| tracy::MemWrite(&item->hdr.type, tracy::QueueType::GpuZoneBeginSerial); |
| tracy::MemWrite(&item->gpuZoneBegin.cpuTime, tracy::Profiler::GetTime()); |
| tracy::MemWrite(&item->gpuZoneBegin.srcloc, (uint64_t)src_loc); |
| tracy::MemWrite(&item->gpuZoneBegin.thread, tracy::GetThreadHandle()); |
| tracy::MemWrite(&item->gpuZoneBegin.queryId, query_id); |
| tracy::MemWrite(&item->gpuZoneBegin.context, context_id); |
| tracy::Profiler::QueueSerialFinish(); |
| } |
| |
| void iree_tracing_gpu_zone_begin_external( |
| uint8_t context_id, uint16_t query_id, const char* file_name, |
| size_t file_name_length, uint32_t line, const char* function_name, |
| size_t function_name_length, const char* name, size_t name_length) { |
| const auto src_loc = tracy::Profiler::AllocSourceLocation( |
| line, file_name, file_name_length, function_name, function_name_length, |
| name, name_length); |
| auto* item = tracy::Profiler::QueueSerial(); |
| tracy::MemWrite(&item->hdr.type, |
| tracy::QueueType::GpuZoneBeginAllocSrcLocSerial); |
| tracy::MemWrite(&item->gpuZoneBegin.cpuTime, tracy::Profiler::GetTime()); |
| tracy::MemWrite(&item->gpuZoneBegin.srcloc, (uint64_t)src_loc); |
| tracy::MemWrite(&item->gpuZoneBegin.thread, tracy::GetThreadHandle()); |
| tracy::MemWrite(&item->gpuZoneBegin.queryId, query_id); |
| tracy::MemWrite(&item->gpuZoneBegin.context, context_id); |
| tracy::Profiler::QueueSerialFinish(); |
| } |
| |
| void iree_tracing_gpu_zone_end(uint8_t context_id, uint16_t query_id) { |
| auto* item = tracy::Profiler::QueueSerial(); |
| tracy::MemWrite(&item->hdr.type, tracy::QueueType::GpuZoneEndSerial); |
| tracy::MemWrite(&item->gpuZoneEnd.cpuTime, tracy::Profiler::GetTime()); |
| tracy::MemWrite(&item->gpuZoneEnd.thread, tracy::GetThreadHandle()); |
| tracy::MemWrite(&item->gpuZoneEnd.queryId, query_id); |
| tracy::MemWrite(&item->gpuZoneEnd.context, context_id); |
| tracy::Profiler::QueueSerialFinish(); |
| } |
| |
| void iree_tracing_gpu_zone_notify(uint8_t context_id, uint16_t query_id, |
| int64_t gpu_timestamp) { |
| auto* item = tracy::Profiler::QueueSerial(); |
| tracy::MemWrite(&item->hdr.type, tracy::QueueType::GpuTime); |
| tracy::MemWrite(&item->gpuTime.gpuTime, gpu_timestamp); |
| tracy::MemWrite(&item->gpuTime.queryId, query_id); |
| tracy::MemWrite(&item->gpuTime.context, context_id); |
| tracy::Profiler::QueueSerialFinish(); |
| } |
| |
| |
| void* iree_tracing_obscure_ptr(void* ptr) { return ptr; } |
| |
| //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// |
| // Experimental Tracing Interop API |
| //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// |
| |
| |
| struct iree_tracing_context_t { |
| inline static std::atomic<uint32_t> next_tracing_thread_id{0x80000000u}; |
| tracy::moodycamel::ProducerToken token_detail; |
| tracy::ProducerWrapper token; |
| uint32_t thread_id = 0; |
| iree_tracing_context_t() |
| : token_detail(tracy::GetQueue()), |
| token({tracy::GetQueue().get_explicit_producer(token_detail)}), |
| thread_id(iree_tracing_context_t::next_tracing_thread_id++) { |
| token.ptr->threadId = thread_id; |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| #define IREE_TRACING_CONTEXT_BEGIN_WRITE(context, queue_type) \ |
| tracy::moodycamel::ConcurrentQueueDefaultTraits::index_t __magic; \ |
| tracy::moodycamel::ConcurrentQueue<tracy::QueueItem>::ExplicitProducer* \ |
| __token = (context)->token.ptr; \ |
| auto& __tail = __token->get_tail_index(); \ |
| auto item = __token->enqueue_begin(__magic); \ |
| tracy::MemWrite(&item->hdr.type, (queue_type)); |
| |
| #define IREE_TRACING_CONTEXT_END_WRITE(context) \ |
| __tail.store(__magic + 1, std::memory_order_release); |
| |
| iree_tracing_context_t* iree_tracing_context_allocate( |
| const char* name, iree_host_size_t name_length) { |
| iree_tracing_context_t* context = new iree_tracing_context_t(); |
| |
| // TODO(benvanik): upstream a tracy::Profiler::SetThreadNameWithHint that |
| // only updates the GetThreadNameData() linked list with a new entry. Today |
| // there's no way to set the thread name explicitly. |
| |
| return context; |
| } |
| |
| void iree_tracing_context_free(iree_tracing_context_t* context) { |
| if (context) delete context; |
| } |
| |
| void iree_tracing_context_calibrate_executor( |
| iree_tracing_context_t* context, iree_tracing_executor_id_t executor_id, |
| int64_t cpu_delta, uint64_t host_timestamp, uint64_t executor_timestamp) { |
| IREE_TRACING_CONTEXT_BEGIN_WRITE(context, tracy::QueueType::GpuCalibration); |
| tracy::MemWrite(&item->gpuCalibration.gpuTime, executor_timestamp); |
| tracy::MemWrite(&item->gpuCalibration.cpuTime, host_timestamp); |
| tracy::MemWrite(&item->gpuCalibration.cpuDelta, cpu_delta); |
| tracy::MemWrite(&item->gpuCalibration.context, executor_id); |
| } |
| |
| void iree_tracing_context_zone_begin(iree_tracing_context_t* context, |
| uint64_t timestamp, |
| const iree_tracing_location_t* src_loc) { |
| IREE_TRACING_CONTEXT_BEGIN_WRITE(context, tracy::QueueType::ZoneBegin); |
| tracy::MemWrite(&item->zoneBegin.time, timestamp); |
| tracy::MemWrite(&item->zoneBegin.srcloc, reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(src_loc)); |
| } |
| |
| void iree_tracing_context_zone_end(iree_tracing_context_t* context, |
| uint64_t timestamp) { |
| IREE_TRACING_CONTEXT_BEGIN_WRITE(context, tracy::QueueType::ZoneEnd); |
| tracy::MemWrite(&item->zoneEnd.time, timestamp); |
| } |
| |
| void iree_tracing_context_zone_value_i64(iree_tracing_context_t* context, |
| uint64_t value) { |
| IREE_TRACING_CONTEXT_BEGIN_WRITE(context, tracy::QueueType::ZoneValue); |
| tracy::MemWrite(&item->zoneValue.value, value); |
| } |
| |
| void iree_tracing_context_zone_value_text_literal( |
| iree_tracing_context_t* context, const char* value) { |
| // NOTE: no literal tracing support, have to use the slow path. |
| iree_tracing_context_zone_value_text_dynamic(context, value, strlen(value)); |
| } |
| |
| void iree_tracing_context_zone_value_text_dynamic( |
| iree_tracing_context_t* context, const char* value, |
| iree_host_size_t value_length) { |
| auto ptr = (char*)tracy::tracy_malloc(value_length); |
| memcpy(ptr, value, value_length); |
| IREE_TRACING_CONTEXT_BEGIN_WRITE(context, tracy::QueueType::ZoneText); |
| tracy::MemWrite(&item->zoneTextFat.text, (uint64_t)ptr); |
| tracy::MemWrite(&item->zoneTextFat.size, (uint16_t)value_length); |
| } |
| |
| // TODO(benvanik): figure out why serial recording works with GPU zones and |
| // thread-local recording doesn't (sometimes?). May be timing related. |
| |
| void iree_tracing_context_execution_zone_begin( |
| iree_tracing_context_t* context, uint64_t timestamp, |
| const iree_tracing_location_t* src_loc, |
| iree_tracing_executor_id_t executor_id, iree_tracing_query_id_t query_id) { |
| auto* item = tracy::Profiler::QueueSerial(); |
| tracy::MemWrite(&item->hdr.type, tracy::QueueType::GpuZoneBeginSerial); |
| tracy::MemWrite(&item->gpuZoneBegin.cpuTime, timestamp); |
| tracy::MemWrite(&item->gpuZoneBegin.srcloc, src_loc); |
| tracy::MemWrite(&item->gpuZoneBegin.thread, context->thread_id); |
| tracy::MemWrite(&item->gpuZoneBegin.queryId, query_id); |
| tracy::MemWrite(&item->gpuZoneBegin.context, executor_id); |
| tracy::Profiler::QueueSerialFinish(); |
| #else |
| IREE_TRACING_CONTEXT_BEGIN_WRITE(context, tracy::QueueType::GpuZoneBegin); |
| tracy::MemWrite(&item->gpuZoneBegin.cpuTime, timestamp); |
| tracy::MemWrite(&item->gpuZoneBegin.thread, context->thread_id); |
| tracy::MemWrite(&item->gpuZoneBegin.queryId, query_id); |
| tracy::MemWrite(&item->gpuZoneBegin.context, executor_id); |
| tracy::MemWrite(&item->gpuZoneBegin.srcloc, src_loc); |
| } |
| |
| void iree_tracing_context_execution_zone_end( |
| iree_tracing_context_t* context, uint64_t timestamp, |
| iree_tracing_executor_id_t executor_id, iree_tracing_query_id_t query_id) { |
| auto* item = tracy::Profiler::QueueSerial(); |
| tracy::MemWrite(&item->hdr.type, tracy::QueueType::GpuZoneEndSerial); |
| tracy::MemWrite(&item->gpuZoneEnd.cpuTime, timestamp); |
| tracy::MemWrite(&item->gpuZoneEnd.thread, context->thread_id); |
| tracy::MemWrite(&item->gpuZoneEnd.queryId, query_id); |
| tracy::MemWrite(&item->gpuZoneEnd.context, executor_id); |
| tracy::Profiler::QueueSerialFinish(); |
| #else |
| IREE_TRACING_CONTEXT_BEGIN_WRITE(context, tracy::QueueType::GpuZoneEnd); |
| tracy::MemWrite(&item->gpuZoneEnd.cpuTime, timestamp); |
| tracy::MemWrite(&item->gpuZoneEnd.thread, context->thread_id); |
| tracy::MemWrite(&item->gpuZoneEnd.queryId, query_id); |
| tracy::MemWrite(&item->gpuZoneEnd.context, executor_id); |
| } |
| |
| void iree_tracing_context_execution_zone_notify( |
| iree_tracing_context_t* context, iree_tracing_executor_id_t executor_id, |
| iree_tracing_query_id_t query_id, uint64_t query_timestamp) { |
| iree_tracing_gpu_zone_notify(executor_id, query_id, query_timestamp); |
| auto* item = tracy::Profiler::QueueSerial(); |
| tracy::MemWrite(&item->hdr.type, tracy::QueueType::GpuTime); |
| tracy::MemWrite(&item->gpuTime.gpuTime, query_timestamp); |
| tracy::MemWrite(&item->gpuTime.queryId, query_id); |
| tracy::MemWrite(&item->gpuTime.context, executor_id); |
| tracy::Profiler::QueueSerialFinish(); |
| #else |
| IREE_TRACING_CONTEXT_BEGIN_WRITE(context, tracy::QueueType::GpuTime); |
| tracy::MemWrite(&item->gpuTime.gpuTime, query_timestamp); |
| tracy::MemWrite(&item->gpuTime.queryId, query_id); |
| tracy::MemWrite(&item->gpuTime.context, executor_id); |
| } |
| |
| void iree_tracing_context_memory_alloc(iree_tracing_context_t* context, |
| uint64_t timestamp, const char* pool, |
| uint64_t ptr, uint64_t size) { |
| // TODO(benvanik): add a thread override to MemAllocNamed - it does shady |
| // things with m_memNamePayload that we can't easily replicate outside of the |
| // tracy implementation. |
| } |
| |
| void iree_tracing_context_memory_free(iree_tracing_context_t* context, |
| uint64_t timestamp, const char* pool, |
| uint64_t ptr) { |
| // TODO(benvanik): add a thread override to MemFreeNamed- it does shady |
| // things with m_memNamePayload that we can't easily replicate outside of the |
| // tracy implementation. |
| } |
| |
| void iree_tracing_context_message_literal(iree_tracing_context_t* context, |
| uint64_t timestamp, |
| const char* value) { |
| IREE_TRACING_CONTEXT_BEGIN_WRITE(context, tracy::QueueType::MessageLiteral); |
| tracy::MemWrite(&item->messageLiteral.time, timestamp); |
| tracy::MemWrite(&item->messageLiteral.text, (uint64_t)value); |
| } |
| |
| void iree_tracing_context_message_dynamic(iree_tracing_context_t* context, |
| uint64_t timestamp, const char* value, |
| iree_host_size_t value_length) { |
| auto ptr = (char*)tracy::tracy_malloc(value_length); |
| memcpy(ptr, value, value_length); |
| IREE_TRACING_CONTEXT_BEGIN_WRITE(context, tracy::QueueType::Message); |
| tracy::MemWrite(&item->messageFat.time, timestamp); |
| tracy::MemWrite(&item->messageFat.text, (uint64_t)ptr); |
| tracy::MemWrite(&item->messageFat.size, (uint16_t)value_length); |
| } |
| |
| void iree_tracing_context_plot_config(iree_tracing_context_t* context, |
| const char* name_literal, uint8_t type, |
| bool step, bool fill, uint32_t color) { |
| IREE_TRACING_CONTEXT_BEGIN_WRITE(context, tracy::QueueType::PlotConfig); |
| tracy::MemWrite(&item->plotConfig.name, (uint64_t)name_literal); |
| tracy::MemWrite(&item->plotConfig.type, (uint8_t)type); |
| tracy::MemWrite(&item->plotConfig.step, (uint8_t)step); |
| tracy::MemWrite(&item->plotConfig.fill, (uint8_t)fill); |
| tracy::MemWrite(&item->plotConfig.color, color); |
| } |
| |
| void iree_tracing_context_plot_value_i64(iree_tracing_context_t* context, |
| uint64_t timestamp, |
| const char* plot_name, int64_t value) { |
| IREE_TRACING_CONTEXT_BEGIN_WRITE(context, tracy::QueueType::PlotDataInt); |
| tracy::MemWrite(&item->plotDataInt.name, (uint64_t)plot_name); |
| tracy::MemWrite(&item->plotDataInt.time, timestamp); |
| tracy::MemWrite(&item->plotDataInt.val, value); |
| } |
| |
| |
| |
| #ifdef __cplusplus |
| } // extern "C" |
| #endif // __cplusplus |