tree: d1447aee3322a75ceb69eabb0d59e4f418afaedd [path history] [tgz]
  1. fsm_example/
  2. readpage_example/
  3. wa_example/
  4. cogent-quickcheck.cabal

How To Run The QuickCheck Examples

Setting up

Assume $PWD is this directory.

  1. Setup a cabal sandbox and install dependencies:
> cabal sandbox init
> cabal install --only-dependencies
  1. Build QuickCheck Utils:
> cabal build cogent-quickcheck-utils

Running the WordArray example

  1. cd wa_example; make; cd ../ which generates the C code and binary files.

  2. cabal build wa-example --ghc-options=" wa_example/build/wa.o"

  3. cabal repl wa-example --ghc-options=" wa_example/build/wa.o" which gives you a ghc REPL.

  4. Inside the REPL, $ GHCi > main which runs all the tests.

  5. For individual ones, $ GHCi > quickCheck prop_corres_ and you can try to autocomplete the function names by tabbing the Tab key twice.

Running the readpage example

Assume you have cabal-built wa-example as described above.

  1. cabal build readpage-example

  2. cabal repl readpage-example which gives you a ghc REPL.

  3. Inside the REPL, $ GHCi > Readpage.main which runs the test using a default configuration.

  4. If you want to run the test manually, then the property you are after is called prop_corres_fsop_readpage.