| -- |
| -- Copyright 2020, Data61 |
| -- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) |
| -- ABN 41 687 119 230. |
| -- |
| -- This software may be distributed and modified according to the terms of |
| -- the GNU General Public License version 2. Note that NO WARRANTY is provided. |
| -- See "LICENSE_GPLv2.txt" for details. |
| -- |
| -- @TAG(DATA61_GPL) |
| -- |
| |
| {-# LANGUAGE DisambiguateRecordFields #-} |
| {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} |
| {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} |
| {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} |
| |
| module Cogent.LLVM.Compile where |
| |
| import Cogent.Common.Syntax (VarName) |
| import qualified Cogent.Common.Syntax as Sy (Op (..)) |
| import Cogent.Common.Types |
| import Cogent.Compiler |
| import Cogent.Core as Core |
| import Data.Fin (finInt) |
| import qualified Data.Vec |
| |
| import Control.Applicative |
| import Control.Monad.State |
| import Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS |
| import Data.ByteString.Internal |
| import Data.ByteString.Short.Internal |
| import Data.Char |
| import Data.Either (fromLeft) |
| import Data.Function |
| import Data.List |
| import qualified Data.Map as Map |
| import Data.Monoid ((<>)) |
| import Data.String |
| import Data.Word |
| import LLVM.AST as AST |
| import LLVM.AST.AddrSpace |
| import qualified LLVM.AST.Constant as C |
| import LLVM.AST.DataLayout (defaultDataLayout, Endianness (LittleEndian)) |
| import LLVM.AST.Global (Global (..)) |
| import LLVM.AST.Instruction |
| import LLVM.AST.IntegerPredicate as IntP |
| import LLVM.AST.Typed (typeOf) |
| import LLVM.Context (withContext) |
| import LLVM.Module (moduleLLVMAssembly, withModuleFromAST) |
| import System.FilePath |
| import System.Info |
| import System.IO |
| |
| import Debug.Trace (trace) |
| |
| |
| -- Module |
| |
| mkModule :: ShortByteString -> ShortByteString -> [AST.Definition] -> AST.Module |
| mkModule moduleName fileName defs = |
| defaultModule { moduleName = moduleName |
| , moduleSourceFileName = fileName |
| , moduleDataLayout = Just (defaultDataLayout LittleEndian) |
| , moduleDefinitions = defs |
| } |
| |
| def :: ShortByteString |
| -> [(AST.Type, Name)] |
| -> AST.Type |
| -> (AST.Type -> Codegen (Either Operand (Named Terminator))) |
| -> AST.Definition |
| def dName argTys retTy body = |
| let thisPtrType = PointerType { pointerReferent = |
| FunctionType { resultType = retTy |
| , argumentTypes = Data.List.map fst argTys |
| , isVarArg = False |
| } |
| , pointerAddrSpace = AddrSpace 0 } |
| bodyBlock = genBlocks |
| (execCodegen |
| (do enter <- addBlock "entry" |
| setBlock enter |
| body_exp <- body thisPtrType |
| case body_exp of |
| Right trm -> terminator trm |
| Left val -> terminator (Do (Ret (Just val) [])) |
| )) |
| in GlobalDefinition |
| (functionDefaults |
| { name = Name dName |
| , parameters = ([Parameter ty an [] | (ty, an) <- argTys], False) |
| , returnType = retTy |
| , basicBlocks = bodyBlock}) |
| |
| |
| -- Types |
| |
| toLLVMInt :: Cogent.Common.Types.PrimInt -> AST.Type |
| toLLVMInt Boolean = IntegerType 1 |
| toLLVMInt U8 = IntegerType 8 |
| toLLVMInt U16 = IntegerType 16 |
| toLLVMInt U32 = IntegerType 32 |
| toLLVMInt U64 = IntegerType 64 |
| |
| |
| toLLVMType :: Core.Type t b -> AST.Type |
| toLLVMType (TPrim p) = toLLVMInt p |
| toLLVMType (TRecord _ ts _) = -- don't know how to deal with sigil, also not handling recursive types |
| StructureType { isPacked = False |
| , elementTypes = [ toLLVMType t | (_, (t, _)) <- ts ] |
| } |
| toLLVMType (TUnit) = VoidType |
| toLLVMType (TProduct a b) = StructureType { isPacked = False |
| , elementTypes = [ toLLVMType a, toLLVMType b ] |
| } |
| toLLVMType (TString )= PointerType { pointerReferent = IntegerType 8, pointerAddrSpace = AddrSpace 0 } |
| toLLVMType (TSum ts) = |
| let types = [ t | (_, (t, _)) <- ts ] in |
| let maxType = Data.List.foldl (\a b -> if typeSize a > typeSize b then a else b) (TUnit) types in |
| StructureType { isPacked = False |
| , elementTypes = [ IntegerType 32 -- default 32 bit tag |
| , toLLVMType maxType ]} |
| toLLVMType (TArray t l s mh) = |
| ArrayType { nArrayElements = __todo "toLLVMType: we cannot evaluate LExpr to a constant" |
| , elementType = toLLVMType t |
| } |
| #endif |
| toLLVMType _ = VoidType |
| |
| typeSize :: Core.Type t b -> Int |
| typeSize (TPrim p) = case p of |
| Boolean -> 1 |
| U8 -> 8 |
| U16 -> 16 |
| U32 -> 32 |
| U64 -> 64 |
| typeSize (TUnit) = 0 |
| typeSize _ = fromIntegral $ primIntSizeBits machineWordType |
| |
| |
| -- Name |
| |
| type Names = Map.Map ShortByteString Int |
| |
| newName :: ShortByteString -> Names -> (ShortByteString, Names) |
| newName name scope = |
| case Map.lookup name scope of |
| Nothing -> (name, Map.insert name 1 scope) |
| Just i -> (name <> fromString (show i), Map.insert name (i + 1) scope) |
| |
| type Binding = [(ShortByteString, Operand)] |
| |
| -- Codegen |
| |
| data BlockState = BlockState |
| { idx :: Int |
| , instrs :: [Named Instruction] |
| , term :: Maybe (Named Terminator) |
| } |
| deriving (Show) |
| |
| data CodegenState = CodegenState |
| { currentBlock :: Name |
| , blocks :: Map.Map Name BlockState |
| , binding :: Binding |
| , blockCount :: Int |
| , unnamedCount :: Word |
| , names :: Names |
| , indexing :: [Operand] |
| } |
| deriving (Show) |
| |
| newtype Codegen a = Codegen { cg :: State CodegenState a } |
| deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadState CodegenState) |
| |
| |
| genBlocks :: CodegenState -> [BasicBlock] |
| genBlocks m = Data.List.map mkBlock (sortBy (compare `on` (idx . snd)) |
| (Map.toList (blocks m))) |
| |
| mkBlock :: (Name, BlockState) -> BasicBlock |
| mkBlock (name, (BlockState _ instrs term)) = |
| let t = (case term of |
| Just t -> t |
| Nothing -> error ((show name) ++ " has no terminator")) |
| in BasicBlock name instrs t |
| |
| newBlock :: Int -> BlockState |
| newBlock i = BlockState i [] Nothing |
| |
| cgInit :: CodegenState |
| cgInit = CodegenState (Name "entry") Map.empty [] 1 0 Map.empty [] |
| |
| execCodegen :: Codegen a -> CodegenState |
| execCodegen m = execState (cg m) cgInit |
| |
| fresh :: Codegen Word |
| fresh = do |
| i <- gets unnamedCount |
| modify (\s -> s {unnamedCount = i + 1}) |
| return (i + 1) |
| |
| instr :: AST.Type -> Instruction -> Codegen (Operand) |
| instr ty ins = do |
| n <- fresh |
| let localRef = (UnName n) |
| blk <- current |
| let i = instrs blk |
| modifyBlock (blk {instrs = i ++ [(localRef := ins)] }) |
| return (LocalReference ty localRef) |
| |
| |
| unnamedInstr :: Instruction -> Codegen () |
| unnamedInstr ins = do |
| blk <- current |
| let i = instrs blk |
| modifyBlock (blk {instrs = i ++ [(Do ins)]}) |
| |
| |
| terminator :: Named Terminator -> Codegen (Named Terminator) |
| terminator term = do |
| blk <- current |
| modifyBlock (blk {term = Just term}) |
| return term |
| |
| entry :: Codegen Name |
| entry = gets currentBlock |
| |
| current :: Codegen BlockState |
| current = do |
| c <- gets currentBlock |
| blks <- gets blocks |
| case Map.lookup c blks of |
| Just x -> return x |
| Nothing -> error ("Cannot find block: " ++ (show c)) |
| |
| modifyBlock :: BlockState -> Codegen () |
| modifyBlock newBlk = do |
| current <- gets currentBlock |
| modify (\s -> s {blocks = Map.insert current newBlk (blocks s)}) |
| |
| addBlock :: ShortByteString -> Codegen Name |
| addBlock blkName = do |
| bs <- gets blocks |
| ix <- gets blockCount |
| ns <- gets names |
| let new = newBlock ix |
| (name, newNames) = newName blkName ns |
| modify (\s -> s { blocks = Map.insert (Name name) new bs |
| , blockCount = ix + 1 |
| , names = newNames |
| }) |
| return (Name name) |
| |
| setBlock :: Name -> Codegen Name |
| setBlock blkName = do |
| modify (\s -> s { currentBlock = blkName }) |
| return blkName |
| |
| recordType :: TypedExpr t v a b -> [AST.Type] |
| recordType (TE rect _) = case rect of |
| (TRecord _ flds _) -> Data.List.map (\f -> toLLVMType (fst (snd f))) flds |
| _ -> error "cannot get record type from a non-record type" |
| |
| |
| exprToLLVM :: Core.TypedExpr t v a b -> Codegen (Either Operand (Named Terminator)) |
| exprToLLVM (TE t Unit) = return (Left (ConstantOperand C.Undef { C.constantType = toLLVMType t })) |
| |
| exprToLLVM (TE _ (ILit int bits)) = |
| return (Left (case bits of |
| Boolean -> ConstantOperand C.Int { C.integerBits = 1, C.integerValue = int } |
| U8 -> ConstantOperand C.Int { C.integerBits = 8, C.integerValue = int } |
| U16 -> ConstantOperand C.Int { C.integerBits = 16, C.integerValue = int } |
| U32 -> ConstantOperand C.Int { C.integerBits = 32, C.integerValue = int } |
| U64 -> ConstantOperand C.Int { C.integerBits = 64, C.integerValue = int })) |
| |
| exprToLLVM (TE _ (SLit str)) = |
| return (Left (ConstantOperand C.Array { C.memberType = IntegerType 8 |
| , C.memberValues = [ C.Int { C.integerBits = 8, C.integerValue = toInteger(ord c)} | c <- str] |
| })) |
| |
| exprToLLVM (TE rt (Op op [a,b])) = |
| do _oa <- exprToLLVM a |
| _ob <- exprToLLVM b |
| -- If the operands are known at compile time, should we evaluate the expression here? / z.shang |
| res <- let oa = fromLeft (error "operand of OP cannot be terminator") _oa |
| ob = fromLeft (error "operand of OP cannot be terminator") _ob |
| in case op of |
| Sy.Plus -> instr (toLLVMType rt) (Add { nsw = False |
| , nuw = True |
| , operand0 = oa |
| , operand1 = ob |
| , metadata = [] |
| }) |
| Sy.Minus -> instr (toLLVMType rt) (Sub { nsw = False |
| , nuw = True |
| , operand0 = oa |
| , operand1 = ob |
| , metadata = [] |
| }) |
| Sy.Times -> instr (toLLVMType rt) (Mul { nsw = False |
| , nuw = True |
| , operand0 = oa |
| , operand1 = ob |
| , metadata = [] |
| }) |
| Sy.Divide -> instr (toLLVMType rt) (SDiv { exact = False -- Or should we do more check here? |
| , operand0 = oa |
| , operand1 = ob |
| , metadata = [] |
| }) |
| Sy.Mod -> instr (toLLVMType rt) (SRem { operand0 = oa |
| , operand1 = ob |
| , metadata = [] |
| }) |
| Sy.And -> instr (toLLVMType rt) (And { operand0 = oa |
| , operand1 = ob |
| , metadata = []} ) |
| Sy.Or -> instr (toLLVMType rt) (Or { operand0 = oa |
| , operand1 = ob |
| , metadata = []} ) |
| Sy.Gt -> instr (IntegerType 1) (ICmp { operand0 = oa |
| , operand1 = ob |
| , metadata = [] |
| , iPredicate = UGT -- assuming unsigned |
| }) |
| Sy.Lt -> instr (IntegerType 1) (ICmp { operand0 = oa |
| , operand1 = ob |
| , metadata = [] |
| , iPredicate = ULT -- assuming unsigned |
| }) |
| Sy.Ge -> instr (IntegerType 1) (ICmp { operand0 = oa |
| , operand1 = ob |
| , metadata = [] |
| , iPredicate = UGE -- assuming unsigned |
| }) |
| Sy.Le -> instr (IntegerType 1) (ICmp { operand0 = oa |
| , operand1 = ob |
| , metadata = [] |
| , iPredicate = ULE -- assuming unsigned |
| }) |
| Sy.Eq -> instr (IntegerType 1) (ICmp { operand0 = oa |
| , operand1 = ob |
| , metadata = [] |
| , iPredicate = IntP.EQ -- assuming unsigned |
| }) |
| Sy.NEq -> instr (IntegerType 1) (ICmp { operand0 = oa |
| , operand1 = ob |
| , metadata = [] |
| , iPredicate = NE -- assuming unsigned |
| }) |
| Sy.BitAnd-> error "not implemented yet" |
| Sy.BitOr-> error "not implemented yet" |
| Sy.BitXor-> error "not implemented yet" |
| Sy.LShift-> error "not implemented yet" |
| Sy.RShift-> error "not implemented yet" |
| Sy.Complement-> error "not implemented yet" |
| Sy.Not -> error "Not is not defined to be binary" |
| return (Left res) |
| |
| exprToLLVM (TE _ (Take (a, b) recd fld body)) = |
| do |
| _recv <- (exprToLLVM recd) |
| let recv = fromLeft (error "address cannot be terminator") _recv |
| fldvp <- instr ((recordType recd) !! fld) |
| (GetElementPtr { inBounds = True |
| , address = recv |
| , indices = [ |
| ConstantOperand |
| C.Int { C.integerBits = 32 |
| , C.integerValue = toInteger 0 } |
| , |
| ConstantOperand |
| C.Int { C.integerBits = 32 |
| , C.integerValue = toInteger fld } |
| |
| ] |
| , metadata = [] |
| }) |
| fldv <- instr ((recordType recd) !! fld) (Load { volatile = False |
| , address = fldvp |
| , maybeAtomicity = Nothing |
| , alignment = 4 |
| , metadata = [] |
| }) |
| vars <- gets indexing |
| modify (\s -> s { indexing = [fldv, recv] ++ vars }) |
| res <- exprToLLVM body |
| case res of |
| Left val -> ((terminator (Do (Ret (Just val) [])) ) >>= (\a -> return (Right a))) |
| Right trm -> return (Right trm) |
| |
| exprToLLVM (TE _ (Put recd fld val)) = |
| do |
| _recv <- (exprToLLVM recd) |
| let recv = fromLeft (error "address cannot be terminator") _recv |
| _v <- (exprToLLVM val) |
| let v = fromLeft (error "address cannot be terminator") _v |
| fldvp <- instr ((recordType recd) !! fld) |
| (GetElementPtr { inBounds = True |
| , address = recv |
| , indices = [ |
| ConstantOperand |
| C.Int { C.integerBits = 32 |
| , C.integerValue = toInteger 0 } |
| , |
| ConstantOperand |
| C.Int { C.integerBits = 32 |
| , C.integerValue = toInteger fld } |
| |
| ] |
| , metadata = [] |
| }) |
| unnamedInstr (Store { volatile = False |
| , address = fldvp |
| , value = v |
| , maybeAtomicity = Nothing |
| , alignment = 4 |
| , metadata = [] |
| }) |
| return (Left recv) |
| |
| exprToLLVM (TE _ (Let _ val body)) = -- it seems that the variable name is not used here |
| do |
| _v <- (exprToLLVM val) |
| let v = fromLeft (error "let cannot bind a terminator") _v |
| vars <- gets indexing |
| modify (\s -> s { indexing = [v] ++ vars }) |
| res <- exprToLLVM body |
| case res of |
| Left val -> ((terminator (Do (Ret (Just val) [])) ) >>= (\a -> return (Right a))) |
| Right trm -> return (Right trm) |
| |
| exprToLLVM (TE _ (LetBang _ _ val body)) = -- let! and let should be the same here |
| do |
| _v <- (exprToLLVM val) |
| let v = fromLeft (error "let cannot bind a terminator") _v |
| vars <- gets indexing |
| modify (\s -> s { indexing = [v] ++ vars }) |
| res <- exprToLLVM body |
| case res of |
| Left val -> ((terminator (Do (Ret (Just val) [])) ) >>= (\a -> return (Right a))) |
| Right trm -> return (Right trm) |
| |
| exprToLLVM (TE _ (Promote _ e))= exprToLLVM e |
| |
| exprToLLVM (TE rt (Con tag e t))= |
| do |
| res <- instr (toLLVMType rt) (Alloca { allocatedType = toLLVMType rt |
| , numElements = Nothing |
| , alignment = 4 |
| , metadata = [] |
| }) |
| v <- exprToLLVM e |
| casted <- instr (PointerType { pointerReferent = toLLVMType t |
| , pointerAddrSpace = AddrSpace 0 |
| }) |
| (BitCast { operand0 = res |
| , type' = PointerType { pointerReferent = toLLVMType t |
| , pointerAddrSpace = AddrSpace 0} |
| , metadata = []}) |
| instr (toLLVMType rt) (Store { volatile = False |
| , address = casted |
| , maybeAtomicity = Nothing |
| , value = fromLeft (error "value cannot be a terminator") v |
| , alignment = 4 |
| , metadata = []}) |
| return (Left res) |
| |
| exprToLLVM (TE _ (If cd tb fb)) = |
| do |
| _cond <- (exprToLLVM cd) |
| cond <- instr (IntegerType 1) |
| (ICmp { iPredicate = IntP.EQ |
| , operand0 = fromLeft (error "cond cannot be a terminator") _cond |
| , operand1 = ConstantOperand C.Int { C.integerBits = 1, C.integerValue = 1} |
| , metadata = [] |
| }) |
| currentBlk <- gets currentBlock |
| blkTrue <- addBlock "brTrue" |
| blkFalse <- addBlock "brFalse" |
| -- blkEnd <- addBlock "brEnd" |
| setBlock blkTrue |
| _tb <- (exprToLLVM tb) |
| case _tb of |
| Left val -> (terminator (Do (Ret (Just val) [])) ) |
| Right trm -> terminator trm |
| setBlock blkFalse |
| _fb <- (exprToLLVM fb) |
| case _fb of |
| Left val -> (terminator (Do (Ret (Just val) [])) ) |
| Right trm -> terminator trm |
| setBlock currentBlk |
| (terminator (Do (CondBr { condition = cond |
| , trueDest = blkTrue |
| , falseDest = blkFalse |
| , metadata' = [] |
| }))) >>= (\a -> return (Right a)) |
| |
| exprToLLVM r@(TE rect (Struct flds)) = |
| do |
| struct <- instr (PointerType { pointerReferent = (toLLVMType rect) }) |
| (Alloca { allocatedType = (toLLVMType rect) |
| , alignment = 4 |
| }) |
| let fldvs = [ (i, exprToLLVM (snd fld)) | (i, fld) <- Data.List.zip [0..] flds] in |
| (Data.List.foldr (>>) (pure struct) |
| [ (do |
| elmptr <- (instr ((recordType r) !! i) |
| (GetElementPtr { inBounds = True |
| , address = struct |
| , indices = [ConstantOperand |
| C.Int { C.integerBits = 64 |
| , C.integerValue = 0} |
| , ConstantOperand |
| C.Int { C.integerBits = 64 |
| , C.integerValue = toInteger i} |
| ]})) |
| fldv >>= (\v -> instr ((recordType r) !! i) |
| (Store { address = elmptr |
| , value = (fromLeft (error "field value cannot be terminator") v) |
| , alignment = 4}))) |
| | (i, fldv) <- fldvs ]) >>= (\a -> return (Left a)) |
| |
| exprToLLVM (TE vt (Variable (idx, _))) = |
| do |
| unnames <- gets unnamedCount |
| _indexing <- gets indexing |
| let indexing = _indexing in |
| let _idx = finInt idx in |
| if (Data.List.null indexing) then |
| let pos = (fromIntegral unnames) - _idx in |
| return (Left (LocalReference (toLLVMType vt) (UnName (fromIntegral pos)))) |
| else return (Left (indexing !! _idx)) |
| -- error ("variable not implemented yet. idx: " ++ show idx ++ " " ++ show uname_count) |
| |
| exprToLLVM _ = error ("not implemented yet") |
| |
| |
| hasBlock :: Core.TypedExpr t v a b -> Bool |
| hasBlock (TE _ e) = hasBlock' e |
| where |
| hasBlock' :: Core.Expr t v a b Core.TypedExpr -> Bool |
| hasBlock' (Variable _) = False |
| hasBlock' (Fun _ _ _ _) = False |
| hasBlock' (Op _ xs) = Data.List.foldl (\a b-> a || hasBlock b) False xs |
| hasBlock' (App a b) = hasBlock a || hasBlock b |
| hasBlock' (Con _ _ _) = False |
| hasBlock' (Unit) = False |
| hasBlock' (ILit _ _) = False |
| hasBlock' (SLit _) = False |
| hasBlock' (ALit xs) = Data.List.foldl (\a b-> a || hasBlock b) False xs |
| hasBlock' (ArrayIndex _ _) = False |
| hasBlock' (Singleton _) = False |
| #endif |
| hasBlock' (Tuple a b) = hasBlock a || hasBlock b |
| hasBlock' (Struct xs) = Data.List.foldl (\a b-> a || hasBlock (snd b)) False xs |
| hasBlock' (Esac _) = False |
| hasBlock' (Core.Member a _) = hasBlock a |
| hasBlock' (Put a _ b) = hasBlock a || hasBlock b |
| hasBlock' (Promote _ e) = hasBlock e |
| hasBlock' (Cast _ e) = hasBlock e |
| hasBlock' _ = True |
| |
| |
| toLLVMDef :: Core.Definition Core.TypedExpr VarName VarName -> AST.Definition |
| toLLVMDef (AbsDecl attr name ts ls t rt) = |
| GlobalDefinition |
| (functionDefaults { name = Name (toShort (packChars name)) |
| , parameters = ([Parameter (toLLVMType t) (UnName 0) []], False) |
| , returnType = toLLVMType rt |
| , basicBlocks = [] |
| }) |
| -- if passing in struct, it should be a pointer |
| toLLVMDef (FunDef attr name ts ls t rt body) = |
| def (toShort (packChars name)) |
| [(argType t, (UnName 0))] |
| (argType rt) |
| (\ptr -> (exprToLLVM body)) |
| where argType at@(TRecord {}) = (PointerType { pointerReferent = (toLLVMType at) |
| , pointerAddrSpace = AddrSpace 0}) |
| argType at@(TProduct {}) = (PointerType { pointerReferent = (toLLVMType at) |
| , pointerAddrSpace = AddrSpace 0}) |
| argType at = toLLVMType at |
| |
| toLLVMDef (TypeDef name tyargs mt) = |
| TypeDefinition (Name (toShort (packChars name))) |
| (fmap toLLVMType mt) |
| |
| |
| to_mod :: [Core.Definition Core.TypedExpr VarName VarName] -> FilePath -> AST.Module |
| to_mod ds source = |
| mkModule (toShort (packChars source)) |
| (toShort (packChars source)) |
| (fmap toLLVMDef ds) |
| |
| |
| print_llvm :: AST.Module -> IO () |
| print_llvm mod = (withContext (\ctx -> |
| (do |
| ir <- (withModuleFromAST ctx mod moduleLLVMAssembly) |
| (BS.putStrLn ir)))) |
| |
| write_llvm :: AST.Module -> Handle -> IO() |
| write_llvm mod file = (withContext (\ctx -> |
| (do |
| ir <- (withModuleFromAST ctx mod moduleLLVMAssembly) |
| (BS.hPut file ir)))) |
| |
| |
| to_llvm :: [Core.Definition Core.TypedExpr VarName VarName] -> FilePath -> IO () |
| to_llvm monoed source = do |
| let ast = to_mod monoed source |
| let resName = replaceExtension source "ll" |
| outFile <- openFile resName ReadWriteMode |
| write_llvm ast outFile |
| hClose outFile |
| return () |