blob: 087deddf97497bb5abf664e3757664eb809e55ff [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
-- Copyright 2020, Data61
-- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)
-- ABN 41 687 119 230.
-- This software may be distributed and modified according to the terms of
-- the GNU General Public License version 2. Note that NO WARRANTY is provided.
-- See "LICENSE_GPLv2.txt" for details.
{-# LANGUAGE DisambiguateRecordFields #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Cogent.LLVM.Compile where
import Cogent.Common.Syntax (VarName)
import qualified Cogent.Common.Syntax as Sy (Op (..))
import Cogent.Common.Types
import Cogent.Compiler
import Cogent.Core as Core
import Data.Fin (finInt)
import qualified Data.Vec
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
import Data.ByteString.Internal
import Data.ByteString.Short.Internal
import Data.Char
import Data.Either (fromLeft)
import Data.Function
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Data.String
import Data.Word
import LLVM.AST as AST
import LLVM.AST.AddrSpace
import qualified LLVM.AST.Constant as C
import LLVM.AST.DataLayout (defaultDataLayout, Endianness (LittleEndian))
import LLVM.AST.Global (Global (..))
import LLVM.AST.Instruction
import LLVM.AST.IntegerPredicate as IntP
import LLVM.AST.Typed (typeOf)
import LLVM.Context (withContext)
import LLVM.Module (moduleLLVMAssembly, withModuleFromAST)
import System.FilePath
import System.Info
import System.IO
import Debug.Trace (trace)
-- Module
mkModule :: ShortByteString -> ShortByteString -> [AST.Definition] -> AST.Module
mkModule moduleName fileName defs =
defaultModule { moduleName = moduleName
, moduleSourceFileName = fileName
, moduleDataLayout = Just (defaultDataLayout LittleEndian)
, moduleDefinitions = defs
def :: ShortByteString
-> [(AST.Type, Name)]
-> AST.Type
-> (AST.Type -> Codegen (Either Operand (Named Terminator)))
-> AST.Definition
def dName argTys retTy body =
let thisPtrType = PointerType { pointerReferent =
FunctionType { resultType = retTy
, argumentTypes = fst argTys
, isVarArg = False
, pointerAddrSpace = AddrSpace 0 }
bodyBlock = genBlocks
(do enter <- addBlock "entry"
setBlock enter
body_exp <- body thisPtrType
case body_exp of
Right trm -> terminator trm
Left val -> terminator (Do (Ret (Just val) []))
in GlobalDefinition
{ name = Name dName
, parameters = ([Parameter ty an [] | (ty, an) <- argTys], False)
, returnType = retTy
, basicBlocks = bodyBlock})
-- Types
toLLVMInt :: Cogent.Common.Types.PrimInt -> AST.Type
toLLVMInt Boolean = IntegerType 1
toLLVMInt U8 = IntegerType 8
toLLVMInt U16 = IntegerType 16
toLLVMInt U32 = IntegerType 32
toLLVMInt U64 = IntegerType 64
toLLVMType :: Core.Type t b -> AST.Type
toLLVMType (TPrim p) = toLLVMInt p
toLLVMType (TRecord _ ts _) = -- don't know how to deal with sigil, also not handling recursive types
StructureType { isPacked = False
, elementTypes = [ toLLVMType t | (_, (t, _)) <- ts ]
toLLVMType (TUnit) = VoidType
toLLVMType (TProduct a b) = StructureType { isPacked = False
, elementTypes = [ toLLVMType a, toLLVMType b ]
toLLVMType (TString )= PointerType { pointerReferent = IntegerType 8, pointerAddrSpace = AddrSpace 0 }
toLLVMType (TSum ts) =
let types = [ t | (_, (t, _)) <- ts ] in
let maxType = Data.List.foldl (\a b -> if typeSize a > typeSize b then a else b) (TUnit) types in
StructureType { isPacked = False
, elementTypes = [ IntegerType 32 -- default 32 bit tag
, toLLVMType maxType ]}
toLLVMType (TArray t l s mh) =
ArrayType { nArrayElements = __todo "toLLVMType: we cannot evaluate LExpr to a constant"
, elementType = toLLVMType t
toLLVMType _ = VoidType
typeSize :: Core.Type t b -> Int
typeSize (TPrim p) = case p of
Boolean -> 1
U8 -> 8
U16 -> 16
U32 -> 32
U64 -> 64
typeSize (TUnit) = 0
typeSize _ = fromIntegral $ primIntSizeBits machineWordType
-- Name
type Names = Map.Map ShortByteString Int
newName :: ShortByteString -> Names -> (ShortByteString, Names)
newName name scope =
case Map.lookup name scope of
Nothing -> (name, Map.insert name 1 scope)
Just i -> (name <> fromString (show i), Map.insert name (i + 1) scope)
type Binding = [(ShortByteString, Operand)]
-- Codegen
data BlockState = BlockState
{ idx :: Int
, instrs :: [Named Instruction]
, term :: Maybe (Named Terminator)
deriving (Show)
data CodegenState = CodegenState
{ currentBlock :: Name
, blocks :: Map.Map Name BlockState
, binding :: Binding
, blockCount :: Int
, unnamedCount :: Word
, names :: Names
, indexing :: [Operand]
deriving (Show)
newtype Codegen a = Codegen { cg :: State CodegenState a }
deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadState CodegenState)
genBlocks :: CodegenState -> [BasicBlock]
genBlocks m = mkBlock (sortBy (compare `on` (idx . snd))
(Map.toList (blocks m)))
mkBlock :: (Name, BlockState) -> BasicBlock
mkBlock (name, (BlockState _ instrs term)) =
let t = (case term of
Just t -> t
Nothing -> error ((show name) ++ " has no terminator"))
in BasicBlock name instrs t
newBlock :: Int -> BlockState
newBlock i = BlockState i [] Nothing
cgInit :: CodegenState
cgInit = CodegenState (Name "entry") Map.empty [] 1 0 Map.empty []
execCodegen :: Codegen a -> CodegenState
execCodegen m = execState (cg m) cgInit
fresh :: Codegen Word
fresh = do
i <- gets unnamedCount
modify (\s -> s {unnamedCount = i + 1})
return (i + 1)
instr :: AST.Type -> Instruction -> Codegen (Operand)
instr ty ins = do
n <- fresh
let localRef = (UnName n)
blk <- current
let i = instrs blk
modifyBlock (blk {instrs = i ++ [(localRef := ins)] })
return (LocalReference ty localRef)
unnamedInstr :: Instruction -> Codegen ()
unnamedInstr ins = do
blk <- current
let i = instrs blk
modifyBlock (blk {instrs = i ++ [(Do ins)]})
terminator :: Named Terminator -> Codegen (Named Terminator)
terminator term = do
blk <- current
modifyBlock (blk {term = Just term})
return term
entry :: Codegen Name
entry = gets currentBlock
current :: Codegen BlockState
current = do
c <- gets currentBlock
blks <- gets blocks
case Map.lookup c blks of
Just x -> return x
Nothing -> error ("Cannot find block: " ++ (show c))
modifyBlock :: BlockState -> Codegen ()
modifyBlock newBlk = do
current <- gets currentBlock
modify (\s -> s {blocks = Map.insert current newBlk (blocks s)})
addBlock :: ShortByteString -> Codegen Name
addBlock blkName = do
bs <- gets blocks
ix <- gets blockCount
ns <- gets names
let new = newBlock ix
(name, newNames) = newName blkName ns
modify (\s -> s { blocks = Map.insert (Name name) new bs
, blockCount = ix + 1
, names = newNames
return (Name name)
setBlock :: Name -> Codegen Name
setBlock blkName = do
modify (\s -> s { currentBlock = blkName })
return blkName
recordType :: TypedExpr t v a b -> [AST.Type]
recordType (TE rect _) = case rect of
(TRecord _ flds _) -> (\f -> toLLVMType (fst (snd f))) flds
_ -> error "cannot get record type from a non-record type"
exprToLLVM :: Core.TypedExpr t v a b -> Codegen (Either Operand (Named Terminator))
exprToLLVM (TE t Unit) = return (Left (ConstantOperand C.Undef { C.constantType = toLLVMType t }))
exprToLLVM (TE _ (ILit int bits)) =
return (Left (case bits of
Boolean -> ConstantOperand C.Int { C.integerBits = 1, C.integerValue = int }
U8 -> ConstantOperand C.Int { C.integerBits = 8, C.integerValue = int }
U16 -> ConstantOperand C.Int { C.integerBits = 16, C.integerValue = int }
U32 -> ConstantOperand C.Int { C.integerBits = 32, C.integerValue = int }
U64 -> ConstantOperand C.Int { C.integerBits = 64, C.integerValue = int }))
exprToLLVM (TE _ (SLit str)) =
return (Left (ConstantOperand C.Array { C.memberType = IntegerType 8
, C.memberValues = [ C.Int { C.integerBits = 8, C.integerValue = toInteger(ord c)} | c <- str]
exprToLLVM (TE rt (Op op [a,b])) =
do _oa <- exprToLLVM a
_ob <- exprToLLVM b
-- If the operands are known at compile time, should we evaluate the expression here? / z.shang
res <- let oa = fromLeft (error "operand of OP cannot be terminator") _oa
ob = fromLeft (error "operand of OP cannot be terminator") _ob
in case op of
Sy.Plus -> instr (toLLVMType rt) (Add { nsw = False
, nuw = True
, operand0 = oa
, operand1 = ob
, metadata = []
Sy.Minus -> instr (toLLVMType rt) (Sub { nsw = False
, nuw = True
, operand0 = oa
, operand1 = ob
, metadata = []
Sy.Times -> instr (toLLVMType rt) (Mul { nsw = False
, nuw = True
, operand0 = oa
, operand1 = ob
, metadata = []
Sy.Divide -> instr (toLLVMType rt) (SDiv { exact = False -- Or should we do more check here?
, operand0 = oa
, operand1 = ob
, metadata = []
Sy.Mod -> instr (toLLVMType rt) (SRem { operand0 = oa
, operand1 = ob
, metadata = []
Sy.And -> instr (toLLVMType rt) (And { operand0 = oa
, operand1 = ob
, metadata = []} )
Sy.Or -> instr (toLLVMType rt) (Or { operand0 = oa
, operand1 = ob
, metadata = []} )
Sy.Gt -> instr (IntegerType 1) (ICmp { operand0 = oa
, operand1 = ob
, metadata = []
, iPredicate = UGT -- assuming unsigned
Sy.Lt -> instr (IntegerType 1) (ICmp { operand0 = oa
, operand1 = ob
, metadata = []
, iPredicate = ULT -- assuming unsigned
Sy.Ge -> instr (IntegerType 1) (ICmp { operand0 = oa
, operand1 = ob
, metadata = []
, iPredicate = UGE -- assuming unsigned
Sy.Le -> instr (IntegerType 1) (ICmp { operand0 = oa
, operand1 = ob
, metadata = []
, iPredicate = ULE -- assuming unsigned
Sy.Eq -> instr (IntegerType 1) (ICmp { operand0 = oa
, operand1 = ob
, metadata = []
, iPredicate = IntP.EQ -- assuming unsigned
Sy.NEq -> instr (IntegerType 1) (ICmp { operand0 = oa
, operand1 = ob
, metadata = []
, iPredicate = NE -- assuming unsigned
Sy.BitAnd-> error "not implemented yet"
Sy.BitOr-> error "not implemented yet"
Sy.BitXor-> error "not implemented yet"
Sy.LShift-> error "not implemented yet"
Sy.RShift-> error "not implemented yet"
Sy.Complement-> error "not implemented yet"
Sy.Not -> error "Not is not defined to be binary"
return (Left res)
exprToLLVM (TE _ (Take (a, b) recd fld body)) =
_recv <- (exprToLLVM recd)
let recv = fromLeft (error "address cannot be terminator") _recv
fldvp <- instr ((recordType recd) !! fld)
(GetElementPtr { inBounds = True
, address = recv
, indices = [
C.Int { C.integerBits = 32
, C.integerValue = toInteger 0 }
C.Int { C.integerBits = 32
, C.integerValue = toInteger fld }
, metadata = []
fldv <- instr ((recordType recd) !! fld) (Load { volatile = False
, address = fldvp
, maybeAtomicity = Nothing
, alignment = 4
, metadata = []
vars <- gets indexing
modify (\s -> s { indexing = [fldv, recv] ++ vars })
res <- exprToLLVM body
case res of
Left val -> ((terminator (Do (Ret (Just val) [])) ) >>= (\a -> return (Right a)))
Right trm -> return (Right trm)
exprToLLVM (TE _ (Put recd fld val)) =
_recv <- (exprToLLVM recd)
let recv = fromLeft (error "address cannot be terminator") _recv
_v <- (exprToLLVM val)
let v = fromLeft (error "address cannot be terminator") _v
fldvp <- instr ((recordType recd) !! fld)
(GetElementPtr { inBounds = True
, address = recv
, indices = [
C.Int { C.integerBits = 32
, C.integerValue = toInteger 0 }
C.Int { C.integerBits = 32
, C.integerValue = toInteger fld }
, metadata = []
unnamedInstr (Store { volatile = False
, address = fldvp
, value = v
, maybeAtomicity = Nothing
, alignment = 4
, metadata = []
return (Left recv)
exprToLLVM (TE _ (Let _ val body)) = -- it seems that the variable name is not used here
_v <- (exprToLLVM val)
let v = fromLeft (error "let cannot bind a terminator") _v
vars <- gets indexing
modify (\s -> s { indexing = [v] ++ vars })
res <- exprToLLVM body
case res of
Left val -> ((terminator (Do (Ret (Just val) [])) ) >>= (\a -> return (Right a)))
Right trm -> return (Right trm)
exprToLLVM (TE _ (LetBang _ _ val body)) = -- let! and let should be the same here
_v <- (exprToLLVM val)
let v = fromLeft (error "let cannot bind a terminator") _v
vars <- gets indexing
modify (\s -> s { indexing = [v] ++ vars })
res <- exprToLLVM body
case res of
Left val -> ((terminator (Do (Ret (Just val) [])) ) >>= (\a -> return (Right a)))
Right trm -> return (Right trm)
exprToLLVM (TE _ (Promote _ e))= exprToLLVM e
exprToLLVM (TE rt (Con tag e t))=
res <- instr (toLLVMType rt) (Alloca { allocatedType = toLLVMType rt
, numElements = Nothing
, alignment = 4
, metadata = []
v <- exprToLLVM e
casted <- instr (PointerType { pointerReferent = toLLVMType t
, pointerAddrSpace = AddrSpace 0
(BitCast { operand0 = res
, type' = PointerType { pointerReferent = toLLVMType t
, pointerAddrSpace = AddrSpace 0}
, metadata = []})
instr (toLLVMType rt) (Store { volatile = False
, address = casted
, maybeAtomicity = Nothing
, value = fromLeft (error "value cannot be a terminator") v
, alignment = 4
, metadata = []})
return (Left res)
exprToLLVM (TE _ (If cd tb fb)) =
_cond <- (exprToLLVM cd)
cond <- instr (IntegerType 1)
(ICmp { iPredicate = IntP.EQ
, operand0 = fromLeft (error "cond cannot be a terminator") _cond
, operand1 = ConstantOperand C.Int { C.integerBits = 1, C.integerValue = 1}
, metadata = []
currentBlk <- gets currentBlock
blkTrue <- addBlock "brTrue"
blkFalse <- addBlock "brFalse"
-- blkEnd <- addBlock "brEnd"
setBlock blkTrue
_tb <- (exprToLLVM tb)
case _tb of
Left val -> (terminator (Do (Ret (Just val) [])) )
Right trm -> terminator trm
setBlock blkFalse
_fb <- (exprToLLVM fb)
case _fb of
Left val -> (terminator (Do (Ret (Just val) [])) )
Right trm -> terminator trm
setBlock currentBlk
(terminator (Do (CondBr { condition = cond
, trueDest = blkTrue
, falseDest = blkFalse
, metadata' = []
}))) >>= (\a -> return (Right a))
exprToLLVM r@(TE rect (Struct flds)) =
struct <- instr (PointerType { pointerReferent = (toLLVMType rect) })
(Alloca { allocatedType = (toLLVMType rect)
, alignment = 4
let fldvs = [ (i, exprToLLVM (snd fld)) | (i, fld) <- [0..] flds] in
(Data.List.foldr (>>) (pure struct)
[ (do
elmptr <- (instr ((recordType r) !! i)
(GetElementPtr { inBounds = True
, address = struct
, indices = [ConstantOperand
C.Int { C.integerBits = 64
, C.integerValue = 0}
, ConstantOperand
C.Int { C.integerBits = 64
, C.integerValue = toInteger i}
fldv >>= (\v -> instr ((recordType r) !! i)
(Store { address = elmptr
, value = (fromLeft (error "field value cannot be terminator") v)
, alignment = 4})))
| (i, fldv) <- fldvs ]) >>= (\a -> return (Left a))
exprToLLVM (TE vt (Variable (idx, _))) =
unnames <- gets unnamedCount
_indexing <- gets indexing
let indexing = _indexing in
let _idx = finInt idx in
if (Data.List.null indexing) then
let pos = (fromIntegral unnames) - _idx in
return (Left (LocalReference (toLLVMType vt) (UnName (fromIntegral pos))))
else return (Left (indexing !! _idx))
-- error ("variable not implemented yet. idx: " ++ show idx ++ " " ++ show uname_count)
exprToLLVM _ = error ("not implemented yet")
hasBlock :: Core.TypedExpr t v a b -> Bool
hasBlock (TE _ e) = hasBlock' e
hasBlock' :: Core.Expr t v a b Core.TypedExpr -> Bool
hasBlock' (Variable _) = False
hasBlock' (Fun _ _ _ _) = False
hasBlock' (Op _ xs) = Data.List.foldl (\a b-> a || hasBlock b) False xs
hasBlock' (App a b) = hasBlock a || hasBlock b
hasBlock' (Con _ _ _) = False
hasBlock' (Unit) = False
hasBlock' (ILit _ _) = False
hasBlock' (SLit _) = False
hasBlock' (ALit xs) = Data.List.foldl (\a b-> a || hasBlock b) False xs
hasBlock' (ArrayIndex _ _) = False
hasBlock' (Singleton _) = False
hasBlock' (Tuple a b) = hasBlock a || hasBlock b
hasBlock' (Struct xs) = Data.List.foldl (\a b-> a || hasBlock (snd b)) False xs
hasBlock' (Esac _) = False
hasBlock' (Core.Member a _) = hasBlock a
hasBlock' (Put a _ b) = hasBlock a || hasBlock b
hasBlock' (Promote _ e) = hasBlock e
hasBlock' (Cast _ e) = hasBlock e
hasBlock' _ = True
toLLVMDef :: Core.Definition Core.TypedExpr VarName VarName -> AST.Definition
toLLVMDef (AbsDecl attr name ts ls t rt) =
(functionDefaults { name = Name (toShort (packChars name))
, parameters = ([Parameter (toLLVMType t) (UnName 0) []], False)
, returnType = toLLVMType rt
, basicBlocks = []
-- if passing in struct, it should be a pointer
toLLVMDef (FunDef attr name ts ls t rt body) =
def (toShort (packChars name))
[(argType t, (UnName 0))]
(argType rt)
(\ptr -> (exprToLLVM body))
where argType at@(TRecord {}) = (PointerType { pointerReferent = (toLLVMType at)
, pointerAddrSpace = AddrSpace 0})
argType at@(TProduct {}) = (PointerType { pointerReferent = (toLLVMType at)
, pointerAddrSpace = AddrSpace 0})
argType at = toLLVMType at
toLLVMDef (TypeDef name tyargs mt) =
TypeDefinition (Name (toShort (packChars name)))
(fmap toLLVMType mt)
to_mod :: [Core.Definition Core.TypedExpr VarName VarName] -> FilePath -> AST.Module
to_mod ds source =
mkModule (toShort (packChars source))
(toShort (packChars source))
(fmap toLLVMDef ds)
print_llvm :: AST.Module -> IO ()
print_llvm mod = (withContext (\ctx ->
ir <- (withModuleFromAST ctx mod moduleLLVMAssembly)
(BS.putStrLn ir))))
write_llvm :: AST.Module -> Handle -> IO()
write_llvm mod file = (withContext (\ctx ->
ir <- (withModuleFromAST ctx mod moduleLLVMAssembly)
(BS.hPut file ir))))
to_llvm :: [Core.Definition Core.TypedExpr VarName VarName] -> FilePath -> IO ()
to_llvm monoed source = do
let ast = to_mod monoed source
let resName = replaceExtension source "ll"
outFile <- openFile resName ReadWriteMode
write_llvm ast outFile
hClose outFile
return ()