| cabal-version: 3.0 |
| |
| -- ^^^ `cabal-version` is not the version of cabal-install nor |
| -- that of the Cabal library. It's the cabal specification version. |
| -- c.f. https://www.haskell.org/cabal/users-guide/file-format-changelog.html#spec-history |
| |
| |
| -- Initial cogent.cabal generated by cabal init. For further documentation, |
| -- see http://haskell.org/cabal/users-guide/ |
| |
| name: cogent |
| version: 3.0.1 |
| -- synopsis: |
| -- description: |
| -- license: |
| -- license-file: LICENSE |
| |
| author: The Cogent Team and Contributors |
| maintainer: Zilin Chen <zilin.chen@data61.csiro.au> |
| Vincent Jackson <v.jackson@unsw.edu.au> |
| homepage: https://ts.data61.csiro.au/projects/TS/cogent.pml |
| bug-reports: https://github.com/NICTA/cogent/issues |
| -- copyright: |
| -- category: |
| build-type: Custom |
| tested-with: GHC==8.4.3, GHC==8.6.5, GHC==8.8.3 |
| |
| |
| data-files: |
| static/jquery.min.js |
| static/style.css |
| static/toc.min.js |
| static/logo.png |
| lib/cogent-defns.h |
| lib/gum/common/*.cogent |
| lib/gum/fs/linux/*.cogent |
| lib/gum/kernel/linux/*.cogent |
| lib/gum/test/test.cogent |
| lib/gum/anti/*.ac |
| lib/gum/anti/abstract/*.ah |
| lib/c/linux/abstract-defns.h |
| lib/c/rbt.h |
| isa/ROOT |
| isa/*.thy |
| |
| flag builtin-arrays |
| description: Enable experimental arrays with SMT solving |
| manual: True |
| default: False |
| |
| flag refinement-types |
| description: Enable experimental refinement types features |
| manual: True |
| default: False |
| |
| flag docgent |
| description: Enable documentation generator (drastically embiggens build time) |
| manual: True |
| default: False |
| |
| flag haskell-backend |
| description: Enable PBT/Haskell backend |
| manual: True |
| default: False |
| |
| flag llvm-backend |
| description: Enable LLVM backend |
| manual: True |
| default: False |
| |
| |
| source-repository head |
| type: git |
| location: https://github.com/NICTA/cogent/ |
| |
| custom-setup |
| setup-depends: |
| base >= 4.10 && < 4.15 |
| , Cabal >= 3.0 |
| -- ^^^ 3.0 is needed as we use Cabal in Setup.hs |
| , directory >= 1.2 |
| , filepath >= |
| , process >= |
| |
| |
| library |
| hs-source-dirs: src |
| exposed-modules: |
| Cogent.C |
| , Cogent.C.Expr |
| , Cogent.C.Monad |
| , Cogent.C.Render |
| , Cogent.C.Syntax |
| , Cogent.C.Type |
| , Cogent.Common.Syntax |
| , Cogent.Common.Types |
| , Cogent.Compiler |
| , Cogent.Context |
| , Cogent.Core |
| , Cogent.Dargent.Allocation |
| , Cogent.Dargent.CodeGen |
| , Cogent.Dargent.Core |
| , Cogent.Dargent.Desugar |
| , Cogent.Dargent.Surface |
| , Cogent.Dargent.TypeCheck |
| , Cogent.Dargent.Util |
| , Cogent.Desugar |
| , Cogent.GetOpt |
| , Cogent.Glue |
| , Cogent.Inference |
| , Cogent.Interpreter |
| , Cogent.Isabelle |
| , Cogent.Isabelle.ACInstall |
| , Cogent.Isabelle.AllRefine |
| , Cogent.Isabelle.Compound |
| , Cogent.Isabelle.CorresProof |
| , Cogent.Isabelle.CorresSetup |
| , Cogent.Isabelle.Deep |
| , Cogent.Isabelle.GraphGen |
| , Cogent.Isabelle.MonoProof |
| , Cogent.Isabelle.NormalProof |
| , Cogent.Isabelle.ProofGen |
| , Cogent.Isabelle.Root |
| , Cogent.Isabelle.Shallow |
| , Cogent.Isabelle.ShallowTable |
| , Cogent.Isabelle.TypeProofs |
| , Cogent.Isabelle.IsabelleName |
| , Cogent.Mono |
| , Cogent.Normal |
| , Cogent.Parser |
| , Cogent.PrettyPrint |
| , Cogent.Preprocess |
| , Cogent.Quote |
| , Cogent.Reorganizer |
| , Cogent.Simplify |
| , Cogent.SuParser |
| , Cogent.Surface |
| , Cogent.TypeCheck |
| , Cogent.TypeCheck.ARow |
| , Cogent.TypeCheck.Base |
| , Cogent.TypeCheck.Errors |
| , Cogent.TypeCheck.Generator |
| , Cogent.TypeCheck.LRow |
| , Cogent.TypeCheck.Post |
| , Cogent.TypeCheck.Row |
| , Cogent.TypeCheck.Solver |
| , Cogent.TypeCheck.Solver.Simplify |
| , Cogent.TypeCheck.Solver.Unify |
| , Cogent.TypeCheck.Solver.Normalise |
| , Cogent.TypeCheck.Solver.Equate |
| , Cogent.TypeCheck.Solver.Goal |
| , Cogent.TypeCheck.Solver.Monad |
| , Cogent.TypeCheck.Solver.Rewrite |
| , Cogent.TypeCheck.Solver.SinkFloat |
| , Cogent.TypeCheck.Solver.Default |
| , Cogent.TypeCheck.Solver.Util |
| , Cogent.TypeCheck.Subst |
| , Cogent.TypeCheck.Util |
| , Cogent.Util |
| , Data.DList |
| , Data.Ex |
| , Data.Fin |
| , Data.LeafTree |
| , Data.Nat |
| , Data.OMap |
| , Data.PropEq |
| , Data.Vec |
| -- Generated |
| , Paths_cogent |
| , Version_cogent |
| |
| autogen-modules: |
| Paths_cogent |
| , Version_cogent |
| |
| build-depends: |
| ansi-wl-pprint >= 0.6 |
| , base >= 4.10 && < 4.15 |
| , binary |
| , bytestring >= 0.10 |
| , containers >= 0.5.8 |
| , cpphs >= 1.19 |
| , directory >= 1.2 |
| , filepath >= |
| , graph-wrapper >= 0.2 |
| , isa-parser >= |
| , language-c-quote >= 0.10.2 |
| , mainland-pretty >= 0.2.6 |
| , microlens >= 0.4.9 |
| , microlens-ghc >= 0.4.9 |
| , microlens-mtl >= 0.1.11 |
| , microlens-th >= 0.4.1 |
| , mtl >= 2.2.1 |
| , parsec >= 3.1 |
| , pretty-show-ansi-wl >= 1.5 |
| , srcloc >= 0.4 |
| , syb >= 0.4 |
| , template-haskell |
| , transformers >= 0.4.2 |
| if flag(haskell-backend) |
| exposed-modules: Cogent.Haskell.FFIGen |
| , Cogent.Haskell.HscGen |
| , Cogent.Haskell.HscSyntax |
| , Cogent.Haskell.Shallow |
| cpp-options: -DWITH_HASKELL |
| build-depends: haskell-src-exts >= 1.19, pretty |
| if flag(llvm-backend) |
| exposed-modules: Cogent.LLVM.Compile |
| cpp-options: -DWITH_LLVM |
| build-depends: llvm-hs >= 9.0.1, llvm-hs-pure >= 9.0.0 |
| if flag(builtin-arrays) || flag(refinement-types) |
| exposed-modules: |
| Cogent.TypeCheck.SMT |
| , Cogent.TypeCheck.Solver.SMT |
| build-depends: sbv >= 8.0 |
| if flag(builtin-arrays) |
| cpp-options: -DBUILTIN_ARRAYS |
| if flag(refinement-types) |
| cpp-options: -DREFINEMENT_TYPES |
| if flag(docgent) |
| cpp-options: -DWITH_DOCGENT |
| build-depends: ansi-terminal >= 0.6 |
| , pandoc >= |
| , pandoc-types >= 1.16 |
| , shakespeare >= 2.0 |
| , text >= |
| , data-default >=0.5 |
| , blaze-html >= 0.8.1 |
| , blaze-markup >= 0.7 |
| exposed-modules: Cogent.DocGent |
| |
| default-language: Haskell2010 |
| default-extensions: CPP NoMonadFailDesugaring |
| build-tool-depends: |
| alex:alex |
| , happy:happy |
| ghc-options: |
| -- -Wall |
| -- -Werror |
| -fno-warn-name-shadowing |
| -fno-warn-missing-signatures |
| -fno-warn-unused-matches |
| -O2 |
| -optP-Wno-nonportable-include-path |
| -- -rtsopts |
| -- +RTS -K256M |
| -- if impl(ghc >= 7.10.1) |
| -- ghc-options: -fno-warn-unticked-promoted-constructors |
| |
| |
| Executable cogent |
| main-is: Main.hs |
| |
| build-depends: |
| cogent |
| , ansi-wl-pprint >= 0.6 |
| , atomic-write >= |
| , base >= 4.10 && < 4.15 |
| , binary |
| , containers >= 0.5.8 |
| , directory >=1.2 |
| , filepath >= |
| , mainland-pretty >= 0.2.6 |
| , pretty-show-ansi-wl >= 1.5 |
| , process >= |
| , text >= |
| , time >= 1.5 |
| , transformers >= 0.4.2 |
| , microlens >= 0.4.8 |
| |
| if flag(llvm-backend) |
| cpp-options: -DWITH_LLVM |
| if flag(haskell-backend) |
| cpp-options: -DWITH_HASKELL |
| if flag(builtin-arrays) |
| cpp-options: -DBUILTIN_ARRAYS |
| if flag(docgent) |
| cpp-options: -DWITH_DOCGENT |
| |
| default-language: Haskell2010 |
| default-extensions: CPP |
| build-tool-depends: |
| alex:alex |
| , happy:happy |
| ghc-options: |
| -Wall |
| -- -Werror |
| -fno-warn-name-shadowing |
| -fno-warn-missing-signatures |
| -fno-warn-unused-matches |
| -O2 |
| -optP-Wno-nonportable-include-path |
| -- -rtsopts |
| -- +RTS -K256M |
| -- if impl(ghc >= 7.10.1) |
| -- ghc-options: -fno-warn-unticked-promoted-constructors |
| |
| test-suite test-util |
| type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 |
| default-language: Haskell2010 |
| default-extensions: CPP |
| main-is: test-util.hs |
| build-depends: |
| cogent |
| , base >= 4.10 && < 4.15 |
| , containers >= 0.5.8 |
| , directory >=1.2 |
| , filepath >= |
| , mtl >= 2.2.1 |
| |
| test-suite test-quickcheck |
| buildable: True |
| type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 |
| default-language: Haskell2010 |
| default-extensions: CPP |
| main-is: tests-quickcheck-run.hs |
| hs-source-dirs: tests-quickcheck . |
| other-modules: |
| CogentTests.Dargent.Core |
| , CogentTests.Dargent.Surface |
| , CogentTests.Dargent.TypeCheck |
| , CogentTests.Dargent.Desugar |
| , CogentTests.Dargent.CodeGen |
| , CogentTests.Core |
| build-depends: |
| cogent |
| , base >= 4.10 && < 4.15 |
| , Cabal >= 3.0 |
| , containers >= 0.5.8 |
| , mainland-pretty >= 0.2.6 |
| , parsec >= 3.1 |
| , QuickCheck >= 2.11.3 |
| , transformers |
| , mtl >= 2.2.1 |