tree: 1a60ffba9328ed6b9cfc617e687507a5cfb97b85 [path history] [tgz]
  1. dargent-examples/
  2. doc/
  3. examples/
  4. isa/
  5. lib/
  6. llvm/
  7. manual/
  8. misc/
  9. quickcheck/
  10. scripts/
  11. src/
  12. static/
  13. tests/
  14. tests-quickcheck/
  15. .gitignore
  16. base_LICENSE
  17. cabal.project
  18. Cabal_LICENSE
  19. cogent.cabal
  20. Main.hs
  21. Makefile
  23. repr-scratch.cogent
  24. Setup.hs
  25. stack-8.2.yaml
  26. stack-8.4.yaml
  27. stack-8.6.yaml
  28. stack-8.8.yaml
  29. test-util.hs
  30. tests.xml

Cogent Installation

Cogent builds with the Glasgow Haskell Compiler (GHC)

See the Installation Guide for details.

Command-line Options

Run cogent -? to see the help message cogent --version will print the git revision against which you build your Cogent compiler.

Run . misc/ for bash auto-complete support. (The script requires an installed Cogent)

Contents in This Directory

  • src/Cogent: Cogent compiler source code.
  • main: The entry point for the Cogent compiler.
  • isa: Isabelle formalisation.
  • lib: C library for generated C code
  • Setup.hs: runhaskell entry.
  • doc: The Cogent compiler documentation.
  • manual: A Cogent language manual.
  • misc: Miscellaneous helper scripts (Emacs/Vim syntax, Bash autocompletion, cabal.config files).
  • tests: Cogent test files.
  • examples: Some tiny but self-contained examples that newcomers should have a look.

Known Issues

  • In Cogent, type constructors (type names) and data constructors (tags) don't share the same namespace. In C parser/AutoCorres, however, they share the same namespace. Which means, if in Cogent, a type and a tag have the same name, c-refinement proof will fail.

  • If warnings are given by the typechecker, Isabelle embedding generation might fail.

  • Generating code with --ffncall-as-macro from non-ANF will cause problems. The cause of the problem is our function calls are not truly function macros -- they don‘t always obey macro’s comma-parens separation rule.

  • 's (read: primes) in Cogent identifiers will cause problem: Cogent will turn ' to _prime in generated C code but not in theory files, whereas C parser/AutoCorres doesn't do the same trick.

  • Trailing _s (read: underscores) in Cogent identifiers are problematic as well. They are not consisdered good names in Isabelle.

  • Bool type is defined as u8 in generated C, with 1 being True and 0 False. This may introduce inconsistency between Cogent semantics and C semantics. Extra care need be taken when writing wrapper code.

  • If a function signature is given in a .cogent file, but the corresponding definition is not given in a .ac file, then Cogent compiler may not warn you.

  • $exp antiquote is buggy. It seems to generate things as statements where expressions are needed.

  • Because Haskell is mostly non-strict, with some compiler command, it doesn't necessarily trigger compiler panic because the erroneous value is not (fully) evaluated. Deepseq might be the cure. The difficulty is to define instances of NFData.

  • $exp cannot call polymorphic functions, because the compiler has no way of knowing what type instances are used by looking at the Cogent code. There is no easy cure. Cogent compiler may need to understand the .ac files in order to check this. If poly-function is called from .ac files, then it's very likely that the compiler will panic when doing monomorphisation. The workaround is to define a wrapper function in a Cogent program which calls and instantiates the poly-function.

  • The -entry-funcs flag takes a file with a list of entry functions. These functions must be monomorphic at the moment. This is unnecessary technically --- if we had a better parser then we can easily allow poly-functions (instantiated, of course). This flag is only used in monomorphisation phase and is large indenpendent of code generation or glue code. Current workaround, as stated in the previous point, is to have wrapper functions in Cogent to instantiate entry poly-functions. [TODO, LOW-HANGING]

  • If any of the abstract Cogent functions is higher-order and the .ac file implements it, then there must be at least one function which can serve as the argument to that higher-order function, otherwise the generated C code will end up with undefined type (the type of the input function).

  • BE VERY CAREFUL potential trailing whitespaces in the --entry-funcs file! The parser does not eliminate them and will be counted as part of the function name. [LOW-HANGING]