| # Crossbar Generation Tool |
| |
| The crossbar tool `tlgen.py` is used to build the TL-UL crossbar RTL. |
| It can be used standalone or invoked as part of top module generation process (details of top generation forthcoming). |
| The RTL files found `hw/top_earlgrey/ip/xbar/rtl/autogen` are generated with the crossbar tool. |
| This document does not specify the details of the internal blocks. |
| See the [bus specification](../../hw/ip/tlul/README.md) for details on the protocol and the components used in the crossbar. |
| |
| ## Standalone tlgen.py |
| |
| The standalone utility `tlgen.py` is a Python script to read a crossbar Hjson configuration file and generate a crossbar package, crossbar RTL, and DV test collateral for checking the connectivity. |
| |
| The `--help` flag is provided for details on how to run the tool. |
| |
| ### Example and Results |
| |
| An example of the crossbar Hjson is given in `util/example/tlgen/xbar_main.hjson`. |
| |
| The package file and RTL can be created by the command below: |
| |
| ```console |
| $ util/tlgen.py -t util/example/tlgen/xbar_main.hjson -o /tmp/ |
| ``` |
| |
| This creates files in `/tmp/{rtl|dv}`. |
| While generating the RTL, the tool adds detailed connection information in the form of comments to the RTL header. |
| |
| ## Configuration File Format |
| |
| The `tlgen` script reads an Hjson file containing the crossbar connections and the host and device information. |
| The two main sections of the configuration file are the list of nodes and the list of connections. |
| Together, these describe a generic Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) with some additional clock information and steering information. |
| |
| If the tool is used in the process of top generation (`topgen.py`, details forthcoming), a few fields are derived from the top Hjson configuration module structure. |
| |
| A description of Hjson and the recommended style is in the [Hjson Usage and Style Guide](../../doc/contributing/style_guides/hjson_usage_style.md). |
| |
| An item in the `nodes` list corresponds to a host or device interface on an instantiated IP block. |
| The name of such a node should be of the form `<instance_name>.<interface_name>`, so the `my_if` interface on the instance `my_instance` would be denoted `my_instance.my_if`. |
| However, many instances have a single, unnamed, device interface. |
| For these devices, the node should just be named with the name of the instance (just `my_instance` in the example above). |
| For details of how interfaces are defined using the register tool, see the [Bus Interfaces](../../doc/contributing/hw/comportability/README.md#bus-interfaces) section of the Comportability Specification. |
| |
| Edges in the DAG are specified in the `connections` map. |
| This uses an adjacency list format. |
| The keys are the names of host nodes. |
| The value at a host a list of the names of device nodes which that host should be able to see. |
| |
| ### Configuration file syntax |
| |
| The tables below describe the keys for each context. |
| The tool raises an error if *Required* keys are missing. |
| *Optional* keys may be provided in the input files. |
| The tool also may insert the optional keys with default value. |
| |
| <!-- BEGIN AUTOGEN python3 util/selfdoc.py tlgen --> |
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| |
| The tables describe each key and the type of the value. The following |
| types are used: |
| |
| Type | Description |
| ---- | ----------- |
| int | integer (binary 0b, octal 0o, decimal, hex 0x) |
| xint | x for undefined otherwise int |
| bitrange | bit number as decimal integer, or bit-range as decimal integers msb:lsb |
| list | comma separated list enclosed in `[]` |
| name list | comma separated list enclosed in `[]` of one or more groups that have just name and dscr keys. e.g. `{ name: "name", desc: "description"}` |
| name list+ | name list that optionally contains a width |
| parameter list | parameter list having default value optionally |
| group | comma separated group of key:value enclosed in `{}` |
| list of group | comma separated group of key:value enclosed in `{}` the second entry of the list is the sub group format |
| string | string, typically short |
| text | string, may be multi-line enclosed in `'''` may use `**bold**`, `*italic*` or `!!Reg` markup |
| tuple | tuple enclosed in () |
| python int | Native Python type int (generated) |
| python Bool | Native Python type Bool (generated) |
| python list | Native Python type list (generated) |
| python enum | Native Python type enum (generated) |
| ### Top configuration |
| |
| |
| Crossbar configuration format. |
| |
| |
| |
| Field | Kind | Type | Description |
| ----- | ---- | ---- | ------------ |
| name | required | string | Name of the crossbar |
| clock | required | string | Main clock. Internal components use this clock. If not specified, it is assumed to be in main clock domain |
| reset | required | string | Main reset |
| connections | required | group | List of edge. Key is host, entry in value list is device |
| clock_connections | required | group | list of clocks |
| nodes | required | list of group | List of nodes group |
| type | optional | string | Indicate Hjson type. "xbar" always if exist |
| clock_group | optional | string | Remnant from auto-generation scripts. Ignore. |
| clock_srcs | optional | group | Remnant from auto-generation scripts. Ignore. |
| domain | optional | string | Power domain for the crossbar |
| reset_connections | added by tool | group | Generated by topgen. Key is the reset signal inside IP and value is the top reset signal |
| |
| |
| ### Node configuration |
| |
| |
| Crossbar node description. It can be host, device, or internal nodes. |
| |
| |
| |
| Field | Kind | Type | Description |
| ----- | ---- | ---- | ------------ |
| name | required | string | Module instance name |
| stub | required | python Bool | Real node or stub. Stubs only occupy address ranges |
| type | required | string | Module type: {"host", "device", "async", "socket_1n", "socket_m1"} |
| clock | optional | string | main clock of the port |
| reset | optional | string | main reset of the port |
| pipeline | optional | python Bool | If true, pipeline is added in front of the port |
| req_fifo_pass | optional | python Bool | If true, pipeline fifo has passthrough behavior on req |
| rsp_fifo_pass | optional | python Bool | If true, pipeline fifo has passthrough behavior on rsp |
| inst_type | optional | string | Instance type |
| xbar | optional | python Bool | If true, the node is connected to another Xbar |
| addr_range | optional | list of group | List of addr_range group |
| |
| |
| ### Address configuration |
| |
| Device Node address configuration. It contains the base address and the size in bytes. |
| |
| |
| |
| Field | Kind | Type | Description |
| ----- | ---- | ---- | ------------ |
| base_addr | required | int | Base address of the device. It is required for the device |
| size_byte | required | int | Memory space of the device. It is required for the device |
| |
| |
| |
| <!-- END AUTOGEN --> |
| |
| ## Fabrication process |
| |
| The tool fabricates a sparse crossbar from the given Hjson configuration file. |
| In the first step, the tool creates Vertices (Nodes) and Edges. |
| Then it creates internal building blocks such as Asynchronous FIFO, Socket `1:N`, or Socket `M:1` at the elaboration stage. |
| Please refer to `util/tlgen/elaborate.py` for details. |
| |
| ### Traversing DAG |
| |
| The tool, after building Nodes and Edges, traverses downstream from every Host node downstream during elaboration. |
| In the process of traversal, it adds internal blocks as necessary. |
| Once all Nodes are visited, the tool completes traversing then moves to RTL generation stage. |
| |
| 1. Generates Nodes and Edges from the Hjson. |
| Start node should be Host and end node should be Device. |
| 2. (`for loop`) Visit every host |
| 3. If a node has different clock from main clock and not Async FIFO: |
| 1. (New Node) Create Async FIFO Node. |
| 2. If the Node is host, revise every edge from the node to have start node in Async FIFO. |
| (New Edge) Create an Edge from the Node to Async FIFO. |
| Then go to Step 3 with Async FIFO Node. |
| Eventually, the connection is changed to `host -> async_fifo -> downstream` from `host -> downstream`. |
| 3. Revise every Edge to the Node to have Async FIFO as a downstream port. |
| (New Edge) Create an Edge from the Async FIFO to the Node. |
| 4. If it is not Device, raise Error. |
| If it is, repeat from Step 2 with next item. |
| 4. If a Node has multiple Edges pointing to it as a downstream port, set `nodes -> this node` and create Socket `M:1`, |
| 1. (New Node) Create Socket `M:1`. |
| 2. Revise every Edge to the Node to point to this Socket `M:1` as a downstream port |
| 3. (New Edge) Create an Edge from Socket `M:1` to the Node. |
| The new connection appears as `nodes -> socket_m1 -> this node`. |
| 4. Repeat from Step 3 with the Node. |
| 5. If a Node has multiple Edges and is not already a Socket `1:N`, |
| 1. (New Node) Create Socket `1:N` Node. |
| 2. Revise every Edge from the Node to point to Socket `1:N` as an upstream port |
| 3. (New Edge) Create an Edge from the Node to Socket `1:N`. |
| 4. (for loop) Repeat from Step 3 with Socket `1:N`'s downstream Nodes. |
| |
| Below shows an example of 2 Hosts and 2 Devices connectivity. |
| |
|  |
| |
| Each circle represents a Node and an arrow represents an Edge that has downward direction. |
| The tool starts from `H0` Node. |
| As the Node has two downstream Edges and not Socket `1:N`, the tool creates Socket `1:N` based on the condition #5 above. |
| Then repeat the process from Socket `1:N` Node's children Nodes, `D0` and `D1`. |
| |
|  |
| |
| For `D0`, the tool creates Socket `M:1` based on the condition #4. |
| It then visit its downstream Node, `D0` again. |
| In this case, it doesn't create an Async FIFO as the clock is same as main clock. |
| So it reached the terminal Node. |
| Then it visits `D1`. |
| It repeats the same step (condition #4) as `D0`, which creates another Socket `M:1`. |
| |
|  |
| |
| As all Nodes from `H0` have been visited, the tool repeats all steps from `H1`. |
| It applies condition #3 above as `H1` has a peripheral clock rather than main clock. |
| So the tool creates an Async FIFO and moves the pointer to the Node and repeats. |
| |
|  |
| |
| The tool applies rule #5 as Async FIFO has multiple downstream Nodes (Edges) and it is not Socket `1:N`. |
| The tool creates a Socket `1:N` and visits every downstream Node. |
| |
|  |
| |
| Both Nodes have been processed, so no condition is hit. |
| The tool completes traversing. |
| |
| ### Numbering |
| |
| After the traversing is completed, Hosts and Devices only have one Edge and internal Sockets have multiple Edges. |
| The tool assigns increasing numbers to each Edge starting from 0. |
| This helps the tool to connect between Nodes. |
| |
| ### Propagating the steering information (Address) |
| |
| After the numbering is done, the tool propagates the steering information, addressing every Device Node to the upstream node until it hits a Socket `1:N`. |
| Socket `1:N` is the only module that requires `base_addr` and `size_bytes` information. |
| |
| It is determined that at most one Socket `1:N` exists on the path from a Host to a Device within a crossbar. |
| If any SoC requires a multi-tiered crossbar design, it should create multiple crossbars to communicate with each other. |
| This condition does not exist in the current design. |
| |
| ### Connection information |
| |
| The tool creates DAG connections when it creates RTL to help understanding the fabric. |
| The information is put as a comment in the header of the RTL. |
| For instance, with the above 2x2 example, the following information is created. |
| |
| ```console |
| $ util/tlgen.py -t util/example/tlgen/xbar_2x2.hjson -o /tmp/ |
| $ cat /tmp/rtl/xbar_2x2.sv |
| // ... |
| // Interconnect |
| // h0 |
| // -> s1n_4 |
| // -> sm1_5 |
| // -> d0 |
| // -> sm1_6 |
| // -> d1 |
| // h1 |
| // -> asf_7 |
| // -> s1n_8 |
| // -> sm1_5 |
| // -> d0 |
| // -> sm1_6 |
| // -> d1 |
| // ... |
| ``` |