| # PINMUX DV document |
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| ## Goals |
| * **DV**: |
| * TODO: Add a UVM testbench to reuse auto-generated common tests for TLUL and alerts. |
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| * **FPV**: |
| * Verify all the PINMUX outputs by writing assumptions and assertions with a FPV based testbench |
| * Verify TileLink device protocol compliance with a FPV based testbench |
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| ## Current status |
| * [Design & verification stage](../../../../README.md) |
| * [HW development stages](../../../../../doc/project_governance/development_stages.md) |
| * [FPV dashboard](https://reports.opentitan.org/hw/top_earlgrey/formal/summary.html) |
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| ## Design features |
| For detailed information on PINMUX design features, please see the |
| [PINMUX design specification](../../README.md). |
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| ## Testbench architecture |
| PINMUX FPV testbench has been constructed based on the [formal architecture](../../../../formal/README.md). |
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| ### Block diagram |
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| #### TLUL assertions |
| * The `../fpv/tb/pinmux_bind.sv` binds the `tlul_assert` [assertions](../../../tlul/doc/TlulProtocolChecker.md) with pinmux to ensure TileLink interface protocol compliance. |
| * The `../fpv/tb/pinmux_bind.sv` also binds the `pinmux_csr_assert_fpv` to assert the TileLink writes and reads correctly. |
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| #### PINMUX assertions |
| * The `../fpv/tb/pinmux_bind_fpv.sv` binds module `pinmux_assert_fpv` with the pinmux RTL. |
| The assertion file ensures all pinmux's outputs are verified based on the [testplan](#testplan). |
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| In the pinmux design, it includes usbdev logic because it operates on an always-on domain. |
| Pinmux FPV assertions will only cover the connectivities between usbdev IOs and pinmux IOs. |
| All functional checks will be implemented in the usbdev testbench. |
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| ##### Symbolic variables |
| Due to the large number of peripheral, muxed, dedicated IOs, and wakeup causes, symbolic variables are used to reduce the number of repeated assertions code. |
| In the pinmux_assert_fpv module, we declared four symbolic variables (`mio_sel_i`, `periph_sel_i`, `dio_sel_i`, `wkup_sel_i`) to represent the index for muxed IOs, peripheral IOs, dedicated IOs, and wakeup causes. |
| Detailed explanation is listed in the [Symbolic Variables](../../../../formal/README.md#symbolic-variables) section. |
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| ## Testplan |
| [Testplan](../../data/pinmux_fpv_testplan.hjson) |