blob: 06df28af3b2aa2085cfcbef65ec21370917af9e5 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright lowRISC contributors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# waiver file for TPM over SPI submodule
# Created a separate file to distinguish between the SPI_DEVICE HWIP and TPM
# over SPI
waive -rules {RESET_DRIVER RESET_MUX} -location {} \
-regexp {'rst_n' is driven} \
-comment "Async reset generated from TPM_CS#"
waive -rules {RESET_MUX} -location {} \
-regexp {'sys_tpm_rst_n' is driven by a multiplexer} \
-comment {The mux is scan mux}
waive -rules TERMINAL_STATE -location {} \
-regexp {'(StEnd|StInvalid)'} \
-comment "Wait TPM CS# de-assertion here. Intentionally TERMINAL_STATE"
waive -rules NOT_READ -location {} \
-regexp {'addr\[1:0\]' is not read from} \
-comment "lower 2 bits are not used. cmdaddr_wdata_q[1:0] is rather used"
waive -rules NOT_READ -location {} \
-regexp {'wrdata_q\[7\]' is not read } \
-comment "Make wrdata_q 8bits to match the spi_byte_t, but MSB not used"
waive -rules NOT_READ -location {} \
-regexp {'addr\[1:0\]' is not read from} \
-comment "lower 2 bits are not used. cmdaddr_wdata_q[1:0] is rather used"
waive -rules NOT_READ -location {} \
-regexp {'sys_clk_tpm_cfg.tpm_en' is not read from} \
-comment "Not used because we use different signal to sample in 8 cycles"
waive -rules INPUT_NOT_READ -location {} \
-regexp {'csb_i' is not read from} \
-comment "Required for assertion"
waive -rules HIER_BRANCH_NOT_READ -location {} \
-regexp {'csb_i' is not read from} \
-comment "Required for assertion"
waive -rules PARAM_NOT_USED -location {} \
-regexp {'TpmRegisterSize' not used} \
-comment "The parameter is used in the assertion"
waive -rules INTEGER -location {} \
-regexp {'i' of type int used as a non-constant} \
-comment "i is compared to locality value."