blob: 1bf9298abef2c4020085a3874bd927944dd57d3c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
name: "rv_core_ibex"
import_testplans: ["rv_core_ibex_sec_cm_testplan.hjson"]
testpoints: [
name: riscv_arithmetic_basic_test
desc: '''
Sanity test for basic RV32I instructions
- Generate instruction binary and load to memory model
- Only arithmetic instructions are generated
- Assert fetch enable to start the core execution
- Terminate the test after ecall instructinon in detected
- All instruction results are compared against spike simulation'''
stage: V1
tests: ["riscv_arithmetic_basic_test"]
name: riscv_rand_instr_test
desc: '''
Fully randomized RV32IMC instructions
- Including all types of instructions
- forward/backward branches
- directed sequence for various hazard conditions
- mixed load/store instructions
- random jump instructions
- fence instructions (treated as nop)
- mret instruction
- corner cases for each instruction (overflow, underflow, div by zero etc.)'''
stage: V1
tests: ["riscv_rand_instr_test"]
name: riscv_machine_mode_rand_test
desc: '''
Fully randomized RV32IMC instructions
- boot into Machine Mode'''
stage: V1
tests: ["riscv_machine_mode_rand_test"]
name: riscv_rand_jump_test
desc: '''
Stresses I-Fetch operation:
- Generates a large number of subprograms and frequently jumps between them'''
stage: V1
tests: ["riscv_rand_jump_test"]
name: riscv_jump_stress_test
desc: '''
Stresses I-Fetch operation:
- Generates sequences of many back-to-back jump instructions'''
stage: V1
tests: ["riscv_jump_stress_test"]
name: riscv_loop_test
desc: '''
Generate directed sequences of loops to test branch operations'''
stage: V1
tests: ["riscv_loop_test"]
name: riscv_mmu_stress_test
desc: '''
Create various load/store patterns to stress LSU
- load/store from random addresses
- load/store from dense or sparse locations
- back-to-back load/store instructions
- cover all byte/half-word/word load/store instructions
- load/store with hazard conditions'''
stage: V1
tests: ["riscv_mmu_stress_test"]
name: riscv_unaligned_load_store_test
desc: '''
Random mis-aligned half-word/word load/store instruction
Expect the core finishes the load/store properly with no exception raised'''
stage: V1
tests: ["riscv_unaligned_load_store_test"]
name: riscv_mem_error_test
desc: '''
Randomly assert error bit for instruction fetch and load/store.
Expect the core to raise memory access fault exception
Verify the fault load instruction won't modify GPR
Verify the context of the exception is captured correctly in privileged CSRs
- mstatus, mcause, mepc'''
stage: V1
tests: ["riscv_mem_error_test"]
name: riscv_illegal_instr_test
desc: '''
Randomly inject below illegal instructions in the instruction stream
- Instructions which not belong to RV32IMC
- Reserved instructions as specified in RISC-V user mode spec
- CSR instruction to not implemented CSR
- Execute S/U mode instructions in machine mode
Verify the illlegal instruction exception is raised and the context is captured correctly in privieged mode CSRs
- mstatus, mcause, mepc
Verify the core can resume execution after returning from trap handling'''
stage: V1
tests: ["riscv_illegal_instr_test"]
name: riscv_hint_instr_test
desc: '''
Randomly inject HINT instructions as specified in RISC-V user mode specification 5.4
Verify the core execute it as NOP and no exception is raised'''
stage: V1
tests: ["riscv_hint_instr_test"]
name: riscv_ebreak_test
desc: '''
Generate random instructions including ebreak, expect core to raise ebreak exception'''
stage: V1
tests: ["riscv_ebreak_test"]
name: riscv_debug_basic_test
desc: '''
Randomly assert debug_req_i signal
- in debug_rom, insert normal random instruction sequence
excluding control transfer instructions
- verify wfi instructions act as NOPs
- ensure normal execution finishes successfully'''
stage: V1
tests: ["riscv_debug_basic_test"]
name: riscv_debug_stress_test
desc: '''
Randomly assert debug_req signal
- debug rom will consist of just a dret instructions, so any switches into
debug mode will immediately return
- will use this jointly with full instruction checking with spike'''
stage: V1
tests: ["riscv_debug_stress_test"]
name: riscv_debug_branch_jump_test
desc: '''
Randomly assert debug_req_i signal
- in debug_rom, insert random instruction sequence,
including control transfer instructions and multiple subprograms to
jump between'''
stage: V1
tests: ["riscv_debug_branch_jump_test"]
name: riscv_debug_interrupt_test
desc: '''
Randomly assert debug_req_i signal
- in debug_rom, insert random instruction sequence
- randomly toggle interrupts during debug code
- verify that execution of debug_rom continues as normal, interrupts are
stage: V2
tests: ["riscv_debug_interrupt_test"]
name: riscv_debug_illegal_instr_test
desc: '''
- insert illegal instruction into debug rom to trigger internal exception
- verify that no registers have been updated
- verify that execution of debug rom ends'''
stage: V2
tests: ["riscv_debug_illegal_instr_test"]
name: riscv_debug_wfi_test
desc: '''
Insert random generation of wfi instructions
- while core is in wfi sleep state, assert debug request
- verify core jumps to debug mode
- debug rom consists of random generation instructions'''
stage: V1
tests: ["riscv_debug_wfi_test"]
name: riscv_dret_test
desc: '''
Randomly insert dret instructions into M mode instructions
- verify that ibex treats them as illegal instructions'''
stage: V1
tests: ["riscv_dret_test"]
name: riscv_debug_ebreak_test
desc: '''
- insert ebreak instructions in M mode code, should be handled normally
- assert debug request
- in debug mode, insert ebreak instruction, verify that ibex re-enter debug mode'''
stage: V1
tests: ["riscv_debug_ebreak_test"]
name: riscv_debug_ebreakmu_test
desc: '''
- set dcsr.ebreakm/u at begining of test
- randomly insert ebreak instructions in generated code
- boot randomly into either M/U modes
- verify that ebreak instructions (in either mode) now enter debug mode'''
stage: V1
tests: ["riscv_debug_ebreakmu_test"]
name: riscv_debug_single_step_test
desc: '''
Randomly assert debug_req_i signal to force core into debug mode.
- in debug_rom, set dcsr.step
- after exiting debug mode, core will execute one instruction and re-enter
debug mode'''
stage: V1
tests: ["riscv_debug_single_step_test"]
name: riscv_debug_csr_entry_test
desc: '''
Inject debug stimulus during CSR modification operations,
core should jump to debug mode and return without any issues'''
stage: V1
tests: ["riscv_debug_csr_entry_test"]
name: riscv_irq_in_debug_mode_test
desc: '''
Randomly assert interrupt lines while the core is in debug mode execution,
verify that these interrupts are all completely ignored'''
stage: V1
tests: ["riscv_irq_in_debug_mode_test"]
name: riscv_single_interrupt_test
desc: '''
Randomly assert a single interrupt line during program execution, core
should jump to proper handler'''
stage: V1
tests: ["riscv_single_interrupt_test"]
name: riscv_multiple_interrupt_test
desc: '''
Randomly assert multiple interrupt lines during program execution,
core should jump to handler of highest priority interrupt'''
stage: V1
tests: ["riscv_multiple_interrupt_test"]
name: riscv_interrupt_wfi_test
desc: '''
Randomly assert interrupt lines while the core is sleeping due to a WFI instruction'''
stage: V1
tests: ["riscv_interrupt_wfi_test"]
name: riscv_interrupt_csr_test
desc: '''
Randomly assert interrupt lines during CSR modification operations,
core should jump to proper handler'''
stage: V1
tests: ["riscv_interrupt_csr_test"]
name: riscv_interrupt_nested_test
desc: '''
- randomly assert interrupt lines during program execution
- verify that jumps to interrupt handler
- trigger another interrupt during first intr_handler execution
- verify that core takes this nested interrupt and handles it, then restores previous interrupt
state and finishes executing first interrupt handler - ibex implements nonstandard MSTACK csrs to
save/restore state in case of nested interrupt'''
stage: V2
tests: ["riscv_interrupt_nested_test"]
name: riscv_csr_test
desc: '''
Perform all CSR instructions to implemented privileged CSR
Verify the reset value of the privileged CSR
Verify WARL field can be upated properly'''
stage: V1
tests: ["riscv_csr_test"]
name: riscv_reset_test
desc: '''
Reset the core a random number of times during program execution, core
should jump back to start address and re-enter the program.
Ensure to flush all testbench state to prevent contamination after reset.'''
stage: V1
tests: ["riscv_reset_test"]
name: riscv_perf_counter_test
desc: '''
Run random instruction test, and dump performance counters for checking'''
stage: V1
tests: ["riscv_perf_counter_test"]
name: riscv_rv32im_instr_test
desc: '''
Specify RV32IM architecture to compiler to generate target specific
instructions (no compressed instructions).'''
stage: V1
tests: ["riscv_rv32im_instr_test"]
name: riscv_user_mode_rand_test
desc: '''
Fully randomized RV32IMC instructions, boot in U-mode,
test should finish successfully
- includes all types of instructions
- no external debug/irq stimulus, exceptions, security aspects are checked here'''
stage: V2
tests: ["riscv_user_mode_rand_test"]
name: riscv_umode_tw_test
desc: '''
Set, and enable random generation of WFI instructions.
Upon encountering WFI in U-mode, core should trap to M-mode
illegal instruction exception handler.'''
stage: V2
tests: ["riscv_umode_tw_test"]
name: riscv_invalid_csr_test
desc: '''
Boot core into a random privilege mode and generate accesses to higher level CSRs,
expect to throw an illegal instruction exception for each of these accesses.'''
stage: V2
tests: ["riscv_invalid_csr_test"]
// TODO: Need to add testplan entries for PMP and nested trap tests