| // Copyright lowRISC contributors. |
| // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. |
| // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 |
| |
| /** |
| * Covergoups that are dependent on run-time parameters that may be available |
| * only in build_phase can be defined here. |
| * Covergroups may also be wrapped inside helper classes if needed. |
| */ |
| |
| `include "cip_macros.svh" |
| |
| // Wrapper class for wakeup control covergroup. |
| class pwrmgr_wakeup_ctrl_cg_wrap; |
| // This covers enable, capture, and status of wakeups. |
| covergroup wakeup_ctrl_cg(string name) with function sample (bit enable, bit capture, bit wakeup); |
| option.name = name; |
| option.per_instance = 1; |
| |
| enable_cp: coverpoint enable; |
| capture_cp: coverpoint capture; |
| wakeup_cp: coverpoint wakeup; |
| |
| wakeup_cross: cross enable_cp, capture_cp, wakeup_cp; |
| endgroup |
| |
| function new(string name); |
| wakeup_ctrl_cg = new(name); |
| endfunction |
| |
| function void sample (bit enable, bit capture, bit wakeup); |
| wakeup_ctrl_cg.sample(enable, capture, wakeup); |
| endfunction |
| endclass |
| |
| // Wrapper class for wakeup interrupt covergroup. |
| class pwrmgr_wakeup_intr_cg_wrap; |
| // This covers interrupts generated by wakeups. |
| covergroup wakeup_intr_cg( |
| string name |
| ) with function sample ( |
| bit wakeup, bit enable, bit status, bit interrupt |
| ); |
| option.name = name; |
| option.per_instance = 1; |
| |
| enable_cp: coverpoint enable; |
| status_cp: coverpoint status; |
| wakeup_cp: coverpoint wakeup; |
| interrupt_cp: coverpoint interrupt; |
| |
| interrupt_cross: cross enable_cp, status_cp, wakeup_cp, interrupt_cp{ |
| // An interrupt cannot happen unless wake_status is on. |
| ignore_bins no_wakeup = interrupt_cross with (!wakeup_cp && interrupt_cp); |
| // An interrupt cannot happen unless it is enabled. |
| ignore_bins disable_pin = interrupt_cross with (!enable_cp && interrupt_cp); |
| // An interrupt cannot happen if intr_status is off. |
| ignore_bins no_status_pin = interrupt_cross with (!status_cp && interrupt_cp); |
| // If all preconditions are satisfied there must be an interrupt. |
| ignore_bins missing_int = interrupt_cross with (enable_cp && status_cp && wakeup_cp && |
| !interrupt_cp); |
| } |
| endgroup |
| |
| function new(string name); |
| wakeup_intr_cg = new(name); |
| endfunction |
| |
| function void sample (bit enable, bit status, bit wakeup, bit interrupt); |
| wakeup_intr_cg.sample(wakeup, enable, status, interrupt); |
| endfunction |
| endclass |
| |
| class pwrmgr_env_cov extends cip_base_env_cov #( |
| .CFG_T(pwrmgr_env_cfg) |
| ); |
| `uvm_component_utils(pwrmgr_env_cov) |
| |
| // the base class provides the following handles for use: |
| // pwrmgr_env_cfg: cfg |
| |
| // covergroups |
| pwrmgr_wakeup_ctrl_cg_wrap wakeup_ctrl_cg_wrap[pwrmgr_reg_pkg::NumWkups]; |
| pwrmgr_wakeup_intr_cg_wrap wakeup_intr_cg_wrap[pwrmgr_reg_pkg::NumWkups]; |
| |
| // This collects coverage on the clock and power control functionality. |
| covergroup control_cg with function sample (control_enables_t control_enables, bit sleep); |
| core_cp: coverpoint control_enables.core_clk_en; |
| io_cp: coverpoint control_enables.io_clk_en; |
| usb_lp_cp: coverpoint control_enables.usb_clk_en_lp; |
| usb_active_cp: coverpoint control_enables.usb_clk_en_active; |
| main_pd_n_cp: coverpoint control_enables.main_pd_n; |
| sleep_cp: coverpoint sleep; |
| |
| control_cross: cross core_cp, io_cp, usb_lp_cp, usb_active_cp, main_pd_n_cp, sleep_cp; |
| endgroup |
| |
| covergroup hw_reset_0_cg with function sample (logic reset, logic enable, bit sleep); |
| reset_cp: coverpoint reset; |
| enable_cp: coverpoint enable; |
| sleep_cp: coverpoint sleep; |
| reset_cross: cross reset_cp, enable_cp, sleep_cp { |
| // Reset and sleep are mutually exclusive. |
| illegal_bins illegal = reset_cross with (reset_cp && sleep_cp); |
| } |
| endgroup |
| |
| covergroup hw_reset_1_cg with function sample (logic reset, logic enable, bit sleep); |
| reset_cp: coverpoint reset; |
| enable_cp: coverpoint enable; |
| sleep_cp: coverpoint sleep; |
| reset_cross: cross reset_cp, enable_cp, sleep_cp { |
| // Reset and sleep are mutually exclusive. |
| illegal_bins illegal = reset_cross with (reset_cp && sleep_cp); |
| } |
| endgroup |
| |
| // This reset cannot be generated in low power state since it is triggered by software. |
| covergroup rstmgr_sw_reset_cg with function sample (logic sw_reset); |
| sw_reset_cp: coverpoint sw_reset; |
| endgroup |
| |
| covergroup main_power_reset_cg with function sample (logic main_power_reset, bit sleep); |
| main_power_reset_cp: coverpoint main_power_reset; |
| sleep_cp: coverpoint sleep; |
| reset_cross: cross main_power_reset_cp, sleep_cp { |
| // Any reset and sleep are mutually exclusive. |
| illegal_bins illegal = reset_cross with (main_power_reset_cp && sleep_cp); |
| } |
| endgroup |
| |
| covergroup esc_reset_cg with function sample (logic esc_reset, bit sleep); |
| esc_reset_cp: coverpoint esc_reset; |
| sleep_cp: coverpoint sleep; |
| reset_cross: cross esc_reset_cp, sleep_cp { |
| // Any reset and sleep are mutually exclusive. |
| illegal_bins illegal = reset_cross with (esc_reset_cp && sleep_cp); |
| } |
| endgroup |
| |
| // This measures the number of cycles between the reset and wakeup. |
| // It is positive when reset happened after wakeup, and zero when they coincided in time. |
| covergroup reset_wakeup_distance_cg with function sample (int cycles); |
| cycles_cp: coverpoint cycles { |
| bins close[] = {[-4 : 4]}; |
| bins far = default; |
| } |
| endgroup |
| |
| // This covers the rom inputs that should prevent entering the active state. |
| covergroup rom_active_blockers_cg with function sample ( |
| logic [3:0] done, logic [3:0] good, logic [3:0] dft, logic [3:0] debug |
| ); |
| done_cp: coverpoint done { |
| } |
| good_cp: coverpoint good { |
| } |
| dft_cp: coverpoint dft { |
| } |
| debug_cp: coverpoint debug { |
| } |
| blockers_cross: cross done_cp, good_cp, dft_cp, debug_cp; |
| endgroup |
| |
| function new(string name, uvm_component parent); |
| super.new(name, parent); |
| foreach (wakeup_ctrl_cg_wrap[i]) begin |
| pwrmgr_env_pkg::wakeup_e wakeup = pwrmgr_env_pkg::wakeup_e'(i); |
| wakeup_ctrl_cg_wrap[i] = new({wakeup.name, "_ctrl_cg"}); |
| wakeup_intr_cg_wrap[i] = new({wakeup.name, "_intr_cg"}); |
| end |
| control_cg = new(); |
| hw_reset_0_cg = new(); |
| hw_reset_1_cg = new(); |
| rstmgr_sw_reset_cg = new(); |
| main_power_reset_cg = new(); |
| esc_reset_cg = new(); |
| reset_wakeup_distance_cg = new(); |
| rom_active_blockers_cg = new(); |
| endfunction : new |
| |
| virtual function void build_phase(uvm_phase phase); |
| super.build_phase(phase); |
| // [or instantiate covergroups here] |
| // Please instantiate sticky_intr_cov array of objects for all interrupts that are sticky |
| // See cip_base_env_cov for details |
| endfunction |
| |
| endclass |