blob: 6e1ebdb57ef2806c6408de40f376006383cb15ed [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Synchronous dual-port SRAM register model
// This module is for simulation and small size SRAM.
// Implementing ECC should be done inside wrapper not this model.
`include ""
module prim_generic_ram_2p import prim_ram_2p_pkg::*; #(
parameter int Width = 32, // bit
parameter int Depth = 128,
parameter int DataBitsPerMask = 1, // Number of data bits per bit of write mask
parameter MemInitFile = "", // VMEM file to initialize the memory with
localparam int Aw = $clog2(Depth) // derived parameter
) (
input clk_a_i,
input clk_b_i,
input a_req_i,
input a_write_i,
input [Aw-1:0] a_addr_i,
input [Width-1:0] a_wdata_i,
input logic [Width-1:0] a_wmask_i,
output logic [Width-1:0] a_rdata_o,
input b_req_i,
input b_write_i,
input [Aw-1:0] b_addr_i,
input [Width-1:0] b_wdata_i,
input logic [Width-1:0] b_wmask_i,
output logic [Width-1:0] b_rdata_o,
input ram_2p_cfg_t cfg_i
// For certain synthesis experiments we compile the design with generic models to get an unmapped
// netlist (GTECH). In these synthesis experiments, we typically black-box the memory models since
// these are going to be simulated using plain RTL models in netlist simulations. This can be done
// by analyzing and elaborating the design, and then removing the memory submodules before writing
// out the verilog netlist. However, memory arrays can take a long time to elaborate, and in case
// of dual port rams they can even trigger elab errors due to multiple processes writing to the
// same memory variable concurrently. To this end, we exclude the entire logic in this module in
// these runs with the following macro.
logic unused_cfg;
assign unused_cfg = ^cfg_i;
// Width of internal write mask. Note *_wmask_i input into the module is always assumed
// to be the full bit mask.
localparam int MaskWidth = Width / DataBitsPerMask;
logic [Width-1:0] mem [Depth];
logic [MaskWidth-1:0] a_wmask;
logic [MaskWidth-1:0] b_wmask;
for (genvar k = 0; k < MaskWidth; k++) begin : gen_wmask
assign a_wmask[k] = &a_wmask_i[k*DataBitsPerMask +: DataBitsPerMask];
assign b_wmask[k] = &b_wmask_i[k*DataBitsPerMask +: DataBitsPerMask];
// Ensure that all mask bits within a group have the same value for a write
`ASSERT(MaskCheckPortA_A, a_req_i && a_write_i |->
a_wmask_i[k*DataBitsPerMask +: DataBitsPerMask] inside {{DataBitsPerMask{1'b1}}, '0},
clk_a_i, '0)
`ASSERT(MaskCheckPortB_A, b_req_i && b_write_i |->
b_wmask_i[k*DataBitsPerMask +: DataBitsPerMask] inside {{DataBitsPerMask{1'b1}}, '0},
clk_b_i, '0)
// Xilinx FPGA specific Dual-port RAM coding style
// using always instead of always_ff to avoid 'ICPD - illegal combination of drivers' error
// thrown due to 'mem' being driven by two always processes below
always @(posedge clk_a_i) begin
if (a_req_i) begin
if (a_write_i) begin
for (int i=0; i < MaskWidth; i = i + 1) begin
if (a_wmask[i]) begin
mem[a_addr_i][i*DataBitsPerMask +: DataBitsPerMask] <=
a_wdata_i[i*DataBitsPerMask +: DataBitsPerMask];
end else begin
a_rdata_o <= mem[a_addr_i];
always @(posedge clk_b_i) begin
if (b_req_i) begin
if (b_write_i) begin
for (int i=0; i < MaskWidth; i = i + 1) begin
if (b_wmask[i]) begin
mem[b_addr_i][i*DataBitsPerMask +: DataBitsPerMask] <=
b_wdata_i[i*DataBitsPerMask +: DataBitsPerMask];
end else begin
b_rdata_o <= mem[b_addr_i];
`include "prim_util_memload.svh"