blob: e7da2760549afa575be4ec89962b52678b99e3be [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Generic, technology independent pad wrapper. This is NOT synthesizable!
`include ""
module prim_generic_pad_wrapper
import prim_pad_wrapper_pkg::*;
// These parameters are ignored in this model.
parameter pad_type_e PadType = BidirStd,
parameter scan_role_e ScanRole = NoScan
) (
// This is only used for scanmode (not used in generic models)
input clk_scan_i,
input scanmode_i,
// Power sequencing signals (not used in generic models)
input pad_pok_t pok_i,
// Main Pad signals
inout wire inout_io, // bidirectional pad
output logic in_o, // input data
output logic in_raw_o, // uninverted output data
input ie_i, // input enable
input out_i, // output data
input oe_i, // output enable
input pad_attr_t attr_i // additional pad attributes
// analog pads cannot have a scan role.
`ASSERT_INIT(AnalogNoScan_A, PadType != AnalogIn0 || ScanRole == NoScan)
//VCS coverage off
// pragma coverage off
// not all signals are used here.
logic unused_sigs;
assign unused_sigs = ^{attr_i.slew_rate,
//VCS coverage on
// pragma coverage on
if (PadType == InputStd) begin : gen_input_only
//VCS coverage off
// pragma coverage off
logic unused_in_sigs;
assign unused_in_sigs = ^{out_i,
//VCS coverage on
// pragma coverage on
assign in_raw_o = (ie_i) ? inout_io : 1'bz;
// input inversion
assign in_o = attr_i.invert ^ in_raw_o;
// pulls are not supported by verilator
// pullup / pulldown termination
assign (weak0, weak1) inout_io = attr_i.pull_en ? attr_i.pull_select : 1'bz;
end else if (PadType == BidirTol ||
PadType == DualBidirTol ||
PadType == BidirOd ||
PadType == BidirStd) begin : gen_bidir
assign in_raw_o = (ie_i) ? inout_io : 1'bz;
// input inversion
assign in_o = attr_i.invert ^ in_raw_o;
// virtual open drain emulation
logic oe, out;
assign out = out_i ^ attr_i.invert;
assign oe = oe_i & ((attr_i.virt_od_en & ~out) | ~attr_i.virt_od_en);
// drive strength attributes are not supported by verilator
assign inout_io = (oe) ? out : 1'bz;
// different driver types
assign (strong0, strong1) inout_io = (oe && attr_i.drive_strength[0]) ? out : 1'bz;
assign (pull0, pull1) inout_io = (oe && !attr_i.drive_strength[0]) ? out : 1'bz;
// pullup / pulldown termination
assign (weak0, weak1) inout_io = attr_i.pull_en ? attr_i.pull_select : 1'bz;
end else if (PadType == AnalogIn0 || PadType == AnalogIn1) begin : gen_analog
//VCS coverage off
// pragma coverage off
logic unused_ana_sigs;
assign unused_ana_sigs = ^{attr_i, out_i, oe_i, ie_i};
//VCS coverage on
// pragma coverage on
assign inout_io = 1'bz; // explicitly make this tristate to avoid lint errors.
assign in_o = inout_io;
assign in_raw_o = inout_io;
end else begin : gen_invalid_config
// this should throw link warnings in elaboration
endmodule : prim_generic_pad_wrapper