blob: d6f7d5e7114c4534916585e0a47e6ec578135a53 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright lowRISC contributors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# waiver file for prim_generic_ram_[1,2]p
waive -rules MULTI_PROC_ASSIGN -location {} -regexp {Assignment to 'mem' from more than one block} \
-comment "That is the nature of a dual-port memory: both write ports can access the same storage simultaneously"
waive -rules ALWAYS_SPEC -location {prim_generic_ram_*} -regexp {Edge triggered block may be more accurately modeled as always_ff} \
-comment "Vivado requires here an always instead of always_ff"
waive -rules HIER_NET_NOT_READ -regexp {Connected net '(addr|wdata)_i' at* is not read from in module 'prim_generic_ram_1p'} \
-comment "Ascentlint blackboxes very deep RAMs to speed up runtime. This blackboxing causes above lint errors."
waive -rules IFDEF_CODE -location {} -regexp {Assignment to 'unused_cfg' contained within `ifndef} \
-comment "Declaration of signal and assignment to it are in same `ifndef"