blob: 6c9a99c8c2275a32d17af440e0794203665bdf0c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// This contains SVA assertions for clock gating output to alert_handler.
// - cg_en corresponds to clock gating enabled, which means the clock is gated,
// thus inactive.
// - ip_clk_en and sw_clk_en have the opposite polarity: when they are active
// the clock is enabled.
interface clkmgr_cg_en_sva_if
import prim_mubi_pkg::*;
input logic clk,
input logic rst_n,
input logic ip_clk_en,
input logic sw_clk_en,
input prim_mubi_pkg::mubi4_t scanmode,
input logic cg_en
bit disable_sva;
logic clk_enable;
always_comb clk_enable = ip_clk_en && sw_clk_en;
`ASSERT(CgEnOn_A, $fell(clk_enable) |=> ##[0:2] clk_enable || cg_en, clk,
!rst_n || scanmode == prim_mubi_pkg::MuBi4True || disable_sva)
`ASSERT(CgEnOff_A, $rose(clk_enable) |=> ##[0:2] !clk_enable || !cg_en, clk,
!rst_n || scanmode == prim_mubi_pkg::MuBi4True || disable_sva)