| // Copyright lowRISC contributors. |
| // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. |
| // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 |
| // |
| // AES cipher core implementation |
| // |
| // This module contains the AES cipher core including, state register, full key and decryption key |
| // registers as well as key expand module and control unit. |
| // |
| // |
| // Masking |
| // ------- |
| // |
| // If the parameter "Masking" is set to one, first-order masking is applied to the entire |
| // cipher core including key expand module. For details, see Rivain et al., "Provably secure |
| // higher-order masking of AES" available at https://eprint.iacr.org/2010/441.pdf . |
| // |
| // |
| // Details on the data formats |
| // --------------------------- |
| // |
| // This implementation uses 4-dimensional SystemVerilog arrays to represent the AES state: |
| // |
| // logic [3:0][3:0][7:0] state_q [NumShares]; |
| // |
| // The fourth dimension (unpacked) corresponds to the different shares. The first element holds the |
| // (masked) data share whereas the other elements hold the masks (masked implementation only). |
| // The three packed dimensions correspond to the 128-bit state matrix per share. This |
| // implementation uses the same encoding as the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) FIPS Publication |
| // 197 available at https://www.nist.gov/publications/advanced-encryption-standard-aes (see Section |
| // 3.4). An input sequence of 16 bytes (128-bit, left most byte is the first one) |
| // |
| // b0 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7 b8 b9 b10 b11 b12 b13 b14 b15 |
| // |
| // is mapped to the state matrix as |
| // |
| // [ b0 b4 b8 b12 ] |
| // [ b1 b5 b9 b13 ] |
| // [ b2 b6 b10 b14 ] |
| // [ b3 b7 b11 b15 ] . |
| // |
| // This is mapped to three packed dimensions of SystemVerilog array as follows: |
| // - The first dimension corresponds to the rows. Thus, state_q[0] gives |
| // - The first row of the state matrix [ b0 b4 b8 b12 ], or |
| // - A 32-bit packed SystemVerilog array 32h'{ b12, b8, b4, b0 }. |
| // |
| // - The second dimension corresponds to the columns. To access complete columns, the state matrix |
| // must be transposed first. Thus state_transposed = aes_pkg::aes_transpose(state_q) and then |
| // state_transposed[1] gives |
| // - The second column of the state matrix [ b4 b5 b6 b7 ], or |
| // - A 32-bit packed SystemVerilog array 32h'{ b7, b6, b5, b4 }. |
| // |
| // - The third dimension corresponds to the bytes. |
| // |
| // Note that the CSRs are little-endian. The input sequence above is provided to 32-bit DATA_IN_0 - |
| // DATA_IN_3 registers as |
| // MSB LSB |
| // - DATA_IN_0 32h'{ b3 , b2 , b1 , b0 } |
| // - DATA_IN_1 32h'{ b7 , b6 , b4 , b4 } |
| // - DATA_IN_2 32h'{ b11, b10, b9 , b8 } |
| // - DATA_IN_3 32h'{ b15, b14, b13, b12 } . |
| // |
| // The input state can thus be obtained by transposing the content of the DATA_IN_0 - DATA_IN_3 |
| // registers. |
| // |
| // Similarly, the implementation uses a 3-dimensional array to represent the AES keys: |
| // |
| // logic [7:0][31:0] key_full_q [NumShares] |
| // |
| // The third dimension (unpacked) corresponds to the different shares. The first element holds the |
| // (masked) key share whereas the other elements hold the masks (masked implementation only). |
| // The two packed dimensions correspond to the 256-bit key per share. This implementation uses |
| // the same encoding as the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) FIPS Publication |
| // 197 available at https://www.nist.gov/publications/advanced-encryption-standard-aes . |
| // |
| // The first packed dimension corresponds to the 8 key words. The second packed dimension |
| // corresponds to the 32 bits per key word. A key sequence of 32 bytes (256-bit, left most byte is |
| // the first one) |
| // |
| // b0 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7 b8 b9 b10 b11 b12 b13 b14 b15 ... ... b28 b29 b30 b31 |
| // |
| // is mapped to the key words and registers (little-endian) as |
| // MSB LSB |
| // - KEY_SHARE0_0 32h'{ b3 , b2 , b1 , b0 } |
| // - KEY_SHARE0_1 32h'{ b7 , b6 , b4 , b4 } |
| // - KEY_SHARE0_2 32h'{ b11, b10, b9 , b8 } |
| // - KEY_SHARE0_3 32h'{ b15, b14, b13, b12 } |
| // - KEY_SHARE0_4 32h'{ . . . . } |
| // - KEY_SHARE0_5 32h'{ . . . . } |
| // - KEY_SHARE0_6 32h'{ . . . . } |
| // - KEY_SHARE0_7 32h'{ b31, b30, b29, b28 } . |
| |
| `include "prim_assert.sv" |
| |
| module aes_cipher_core import aes_pkg::*; |
| #( |
| parameter bit AES192Enable = 1, |
| parameter bit SecMasking = 1, |
| parameter sbox_impl_e SecSBoxImpl = SBoxImplDom, |
| parameter bit SecAllowForcingMasks = 0, |
| parameter bit SecSkipPRNGReseeding = 0, |
| parameter int unsigned EntropyWidth = edn_pkg::ENDPOINT_BUS_WIDTH, |
| |
| localparam int NumShares = SecMasking ? 2 : 1, // derived parameter |
| |
| parameter masking_lfsr_seed_t RndCnstMaskingLfsrSeed = RndCnstMaskingLfsrSeedDefault, |
| parameter masking_lfsr_perm_t RndCnstMaskingLfsrPerm = RndCnstMaskingLfsrPermDefault |
| ) ( |
| input logic clk_i, |
| input logic rst_ni, |
| |
| // Input handshake signals |
| input sp2v_e in_valid_i, |
| output sp2v_e in_ready_o, |
| |
| // Output handshake signals |
| output sp2v_e out_valid_o, |
| input sp2v_e out_ready_i, |
| |
| // Control and sync signals |
| input logic cfg_valid_i, // Used for gating assertions only. |
| input ciph_op_e op_i, |
| input key_len_e key_len_i, |
| input sp2v_e crypt_i, |
| output sp2v_e crypt_o, |
| input sp2v_e dec_key_gen_i, |
| output sp2v_e dec_key_gen_o, |
| input logic prng_reseed_i, |
| output logic prng_reseed_o, |
| input logic key_clear_i, |
| output logic key_clear_o, |
| input logic data_out_clear_i, // Re-use the cipher core muxes. |
| output logic data_out_clear_o, |
| input logic alert_fatal_i, |
| output logic alert_o, |
| |
| // Pseudo-random data for register clearing |
| input logic [WidthPRDClearing-1:0] prd_clearing_i [NumShares], |
| |
| // Masking PRNG |
| input logic force_masks_i, // Useful for SCA only. |
| output logic [3:0][3:0][7:0] data_in_mask_o, |
| output logic entropy_req_o, |
| input logic entropy_ack_i, |
| input logic [EntropyWidth-1:0] entropy_i, |
| |
| // I/O data & initial key |
| input logic [3:0][3:0][7:0] state_init_i [NumShares], |
| input logic [7:0][31:0] key_init_i [NumShares], |
| output logic [3:0][3:0][7:0] state_o [NumShares] |
| ); |
| |
| // Signals |
| logic [3:0][3:0][7:0] state_d [NumShares]; |
| logic [3:0][3:0][7:0] state_q [NumShares]; |
| sp2v_e state_we_ctrl; |
| sp2v_e state_we; |
| logic [StateSelWidth-1:0] state_sel_raw; |
| state_sel_e state_sel_ctrl; |
| state_sel_e state_sel; |
| logic state_sel_err; |
| |
| sp2v_e sub_bytes_en; |
| sp2v_e sub_bytes_out_req; |
| sp2v_e sub_bytes_out_ack; |
| logic sub_bytes_err; |
| logic [3:0][3:0][7:0] sub_bytes_out; |
| logic [3:0][3:0][7:0] sb_in_mask; |
| logic [3:0][3:0][7:0] sb_out_mask; |
| logic [3:0][3:0][7:0] shift_rows_in [NumShares]; |
| logic [3:0][3:0][7:0] shift_rows_out [NumShares]; |
| logic [3:0][3:0][7:0] mix_columns_out [NumShares]; |
| logic [3:0][3:0][7:0] add_round_key_in [NumShares]; |
| logic [3:0][3:0][7:0] add_round_key_out [NumShares]; |
| logic [AddRKSelWidth-1:0] add_rk_sel_raw; |
| add_rk_sel_e add_rk_sel_ctrl; |
| add_rk_sel_e add_rk_sel; |
| logic add_rk_sel_err; |
| |
| logic [7:0][31:0] key_full_d [NumShares]; |
| logic [7:0][31:0] key_full_q [NumShares]; |
| sp2v_e key_full_we_ctrl; |
| sp2v_e key_full_we; |
| logic [KeyFullSelWidth-1:0] key_full_sel_raw; |
| key_full_sel_e key_full_sel_ctrl; |
| key_full_sel_e key_full_sel; |
| logic key_full_sel_err; |
| logic [7:0][31:0] key_dec_d [NumShares]; |
| logic [7:0][31:0] key_dec_q [NumShares]; |
| sp2v_e key_dec_we_ctrl; |
| sp2v_e key_dec_we; |
| logic [KeyDecSelWidth-1:0] key_dec_sel_raw; |
| key_dec_sel_e key_dec_sel_ctrl; |
| key_dec_sel_e key_dec_sel; |
| logic key_dec_sel_err; |
| logic [7:0][31:0] key_expand_out [NumShares]; |
| ciph_op_e key_expand_op; |
| sp2v_e key_expand_en; |
| sp2v_e key_expand_out_req; |
| sp2v_e key_expand_out_ack; |
| logic key_expand_err; |
| logic key_expand_clear; |
| logic [3:0] key_expand_round; |
| logic [KeyWordsSelWidth-1:0] key_words_sel_raw; |
| key_words_sel_e key_words_sel_ctrl; |
| key_words_sel_e key_words_sel; |
| logic key_words_sel_err; |
| logic [3:0][31:0] key_words [NumShares]; |
| logic [3:0][3:0][7:0] key_bytes [NumShares]; |
| logic [3:0][3:0][7:0] key_mix_columns_out [NumShares]; |
| logic [3:0][3:0][7:0] round_key [NumShares]; |
| logic [RoundKeySelWidth-1:0] round_key_sel_raw; |
| round_key_sel_e round_key_sel_ctrl; |
| round_key_sel_e round_key_sel; |
| logic round_key_sel_err; |
| |
| logic cfg_valid; |
| logic mux_sel_err; |
| logic sp_enc_err_d, sp_enc_err_q; |
| logic op_err; |
| |
| // Pseudo-random data for clearing and masking purposes |
| logic [127:0] prd_clearing_128 [NumShares]; |
| logic [255:0] prd_clearing_256 [NumShares]; |
| |
| logic [WidthPRDMasking-1:0] prd_masking; |
| logic [3:0][3:0][WidthPRDSBox-1:0] prd_sub_bytes; |
| logic [WidthPRDKey-1:0] prd_key_expand; |
| logic prd_masking_upd; |
| logic prd_masking_rsd_req; |
| logic prd_masking_rsd_ack; |
| |
| // Generate clearing signals of appropriate widths. If masking is enabled, the two shares of |
| // the registers must be cleared with different pseudo-random data. |
| for (genvar s = 0; s < NumShares; s++) begin : gen_prd_clearing_shares |
| for (genvar c = 0; c < NumChunksPRDClearing128; c++) begin : gen_prd_clearing_128 |
| assign prd_clearing_128[s][c * WidthPRDClearing +: WidthPRDClearing] = prd_clearing_i[s]; |
| end |
| for (genvar c = 0; c < NumChunksPRDClearing256; c++) begin : gen_prd_clearing_256 |
| assign prd_clearing_256[s][c * WidthPRDClearing +: WidthPRDClearing] = prd_clearing_i[s]; |
| end |
| end |
| |
| // op_i is one-hot encoded. Check the provided value and trigger an alert upon detecing invalid |
| // encodings. |
| assign op_err = ~(op_i == CIPH_FWD || op_i == CIPH_INV); |
| assign cfg_valid = cfg_valid_i & ~op_err; |
| |
| ////////// |
| // Data // |
| ////////// |
| |
| // State registers |
| always_comb begin : state_mux |
| unique case (state_sel) |
| STATE_INIT: state_d = state_init_i; |
| STATE_ROUND: state_d = add_round_key_out; |
| STATE_CLEAR: state_d = prd_clearing_128; |
| default: state_d = prd_clearing_128; |
| endcase |
| end |
| |
| always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin : state_reg |
| if (!rst_ni) begin |
| state_q <= '{default: '0}; |
| end else if (state_we == SP2V_HIGH) begin |
| state_q <= state_d; |
| end |
| end |
| |
| // Masking |
| if (!SecMasking) begin : gen_no_masks |
| // The masks are ignored anyway, they can be 0. |
| assign sb_in_mask = '0; |
| assign prd_masking = '0; |
| |
| // Tie-off unused signals. |
| logic unused_entropy_ack; |
| logic [EntropyWidth-1:0] unused_entropy; |
| assign unused_entropy_ack = entropy_ack_i; |
| assign unused_entropy = entropy_i; |
| assign entropy_req_o = 1'b0; |
| |
| logic unused_force_masks; |
| logic unused_prd_masking_upd; |
| logic unused_prd_masking_rsd_req; |
| assign unused_force_masks = force_masks_i; |
| assign unused_prd_masking_upd = prd_masking_upd; |
| assign unused_prd_masking_rsd_req = prd_masking_rsd_req; |
| assign prd_masking_rsd_ack = 1'b0; |
| |
| logic [3:0][3:0][7:0] unused_sb_out_mask; |
| assign unused_sb_out_mask = sb_out_mask; |
| |
| end else begin : gen_masks |
| // The input mask is the mask share of the state. |
| assign sb_in_mask = state_q[1]; |
| |
| // The masking PRNG generates: |
| // - the pseudo-random data (PRD) required by SubBytes, |
| // - the PRD required by the key expand module (has 4 S-Boxes internally). |
| aes_prng_masking #( |
| .Width ( WidthPRDMasking ), |
| .ChunkSize ( ChunkSizePRDMasking ), |
| .EntropyWidth ( EntropyWidth ), |
| .SecAllowForcingMasks ( SecAllowForcingMasks ), |
| .SecSkipPRNGReseeding ( SecSkipPRNGReseeding ), |
| .RndCnstLfsrSeed ( RndCnstMaskingLfsrSeed ), |
| .RndCnstLfsrPerm ( RndCnstMaskingLfsrPerm ) |
| ) u_aes_prng_masking ( |
| .clk_i ( clk_i ), |
| .rst_ni ( rst_ni ), |
| .force_masks_i ( force_masks_i ), |
| .data_update_i ( prd_masking_upd ), |
| .data_o ( prd_masking ), |
| .reseed_req_i ( prd_masking_rsd_req ), |
| .reseed_ack_o ( prd_masking_rsd_ack ), |
| .entropy_req_o ( entropy_req_o ), |
| .entropy_ack_i ( entropy_ack_i ), |
| .entropy_i ( entropy_i ) |
| ); |
| end |
| |
| // Extract randomness for key expand module and SubBytes. |
| // |
| // The masking PRNG output has the following shape: |
| // prd_masking = { prd_key_expand, prd_sub_bytes } |
| assign prd_key_expand = prd_masking[WidthPRDMasking-1 -: WidthPRDKey]; |
| assign prd_sub_bytes = prd_masking[WidthPRDData-1 -: WidthPRDData]; |
| |
| // Extract randomness for masking the input data. |
| // |
| // The masking PRNG is used for generating both the PRD for the S-Boxes/SubBytes operation as |
| // well as for the input data masks. When using any of the masked Canright S-Box implementations, |
| // it is important that the SubBytes input masks (generated by the PRNG in Round X-1) and the |
| // SubBytes output masks (generated by the PRNG in Round X) are independent. Inside the PRNG, |
| // this is achieved by using multiple, separately re-seeded LFSR chunks and by selecting the |
| // separate LFSR chunks in alternating fashion. Since the input data masks become the SubBytes |
| // input masks in the first round, we select the same 8 bit lanes for the input data masks which |
| // are also used to form the SubBytes output mask for the masked Canright S-Box implementations, |
| // i.e., the 8 LSBs of the per S-Box PRD. In particular, we have: |
| // |
| // prd_masking = { prd_key_expand, ... , sb_prd[4], sb_out_mask[4], sb_prd[0], sb_out_mask[0] } |
| // |
| // Where sb_out_mask[x] contains the SubBytes output mask for byte x (when using a masked |
| // Canright S-Box implementation) and sb_prd[x] contains additional PRD consumed by SubBytes for |
| // byte x. |
| // |
| // When using a masked S-Box implementation other than Canright, we still select the 8 LSBs of |
| // the per-S-Box PRD to form the input data mask of the corresponding byte. We do this to |
| // distribute the input data masks over all LFSR chunks of the masking PRNG. We do the extraction |
| // on a row basis. |
| localparam int unsigned WidthPRDRow = 4*WidthPRDSBox; |
| for (genvar i = 0; i < 4; i++) begin : gen_in_mask |
| assign data_in_mask_o[i] = aes_prd_get_lsbs(prd_masking[i * WidthPRDRow +: WidthPRDRow]); |
| end |
| |
| // Cipher data path |
| aes_sub_bytes #( |
| .SecSBoxImpl ( SecSBoxImpl ) |
| ) u_aes_sub_bytes ( |
| .clk_i ( clk_i ), |
| .rst_ni ( rst_ni ), |
| .en_i ( sub_bytes_en ), |
| .out_req_o ( sub_bytes_out_req ), |
| .out_ack_i ( sub_bytes_out_ack ), |
| .op_i ( op_i ), |
| .data_i ( state_q[0] ), |
| .mask_i ( sb_in_mask ), |
| .prd_i ( prd_sub_bytes ), |
| .data_o ( sub_bytes_out ), |
| .mask_o ( sb_out_mask ), |
| .err_o ( sub_bytes_err ) |
| ); |
| |
| for (genvar s = 0; s < NumShares; s++) begin : gen_shares_shift_mix |
| if (s == 0) begin : gen_shift_in_data |
| // The (masked) data share |
| assign shift_rows_in[s] = sub_bytes_out; |
| end else begin : gen_shift_in_mask |
| // The mask share |
| assign shift_rows_in[s] = sb_out_mask; |
| end |
| |
| aes_shift_rows u_aes_shift_rows ( |
| .op_i ( op_i ), |
| .data_i ( shift_rows_in[s] ), |
| .data_o ( shift_rows_out[s] ) |
| ); |
| |
| aes_mix_columns u_aes_mix_columns ( |
| .op_i ( op_i ), |
| .data_i ( shift_rows_out[s] ), |
| .data_o ( mix_columns_out[s] ) |
| ); |
| end |
| |
| always_comb begin : add_round_key_in_mux |
| unique case (add_rk_sel) |
| ADD_RK_INIT: add_round_key_in = state_q; |
| ADD_RK_ROUND: add_round_key_in = mix_columns_out; |
| ADD_RK_FINAL: add_round_key_in = shift_rows_out; |
| default: add_round_key_in = state_q; |
| endcase |
| end |
| |
| for (genvar s = 0; s < NumShares; s++) begin : gen_shares_add_round_key |
| assign add_round_key_out[s] = add_round_key_in[s] ^ round_key[s]; |
| end |
| |
| ///////// |
| // Key // |
| ///////// |
| |
| // Full Key registers |
| always_comb begin : key_full_mux |
| unique case (key_full_sel) |
| KEY_FULL_ENC_INIT: key_full_d = key_init_i; |
| KEY_FULL_DEC_INIT: key_full_d = key_dec_q; |
| KEY_FULL_ROUND: key_full_d = key_expand_out; |
| KEY_FULL_CLEAR: key_full_d = prd_clearing_256; |
| default: key_full_d = prd_clearing_256; |
| endcase |
| end |
| |
| always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin : key_full_reg |
| if (!rst_ni) begin |
| key_full_q <= '{default: '0}; |
| end else if (key_full_we == SP2V_HIGH) begin |
| key_full_q <= key_full_d; |
| end |
| end |
| |
| // Decryption Key registers |
| always_comb begin : key_dec_mux |
| unique case (key_dec_sel) |
| KEY_DEC_EXPAND: key_dec_d = key_expand_out; |
| KEY_DEC_CLEAR: key_dec_d = prd_clearing_256; |
| default: key_dec_d = prd_clearing_256; |
| endcase |
| end |
| |
| always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin : key_dec_reg |
| if (!rst_ni) begin |
| key_dec_q <= '{default: '0}; |
| end else if (key_dec_we == SP2V_HIGH) begin |
| key_dec_q <= key_dec_d; |
| end |
| end |
| |
| // Key expand data path |
| aes_key_expand #( |
| .AES192Enable ( AES192Enable ), |
| .SecMasking ( SecMasking ), |
| .SecSBoxImpl ( SecSBoxImpl ) |
| ) u_aes_key_expand ( |
| .clk_i ( clk_i ), |
| .rst_ni ( rst_ni ), |
| .cfg_valid_i ( cfg_valid ), |
| .op_i ( key_expand_op ), |
| .en_i ( key_expand_en ), |
| .out_req_o ( key_expand_out_req ), |
| .out_ack_i ( key_expand_out_ack ), |
| .clear_i ( key_expand_clear ), |
| .round_i ( key_expand_round ), |
| .key_len_i ( key_len_i ), |
| .key_i ( key_full_q ), |
| .key_o ( key_expand_out ), |
| .prd_i ( prd_key_expand ), |
| .err_o ( key_expand_err ) |
| ); |
| |
| for (genvar s = 0; s < NumShares; s++) begin : gen_shares_round_key |
| always_comb begin : key_words_mux |
| unique case (key_words_sel) |
| KEY_WORDS_0123: key_words[s] = key_full_q[s][3:0]; |
| KEY_WORDS_2345: key_words[s] = AES192Enable ? key_full_q[s][5:2] : '0; |
| KEY_WORDS_4567: key_words[s] = key_full_q[s][7:4]; |
| KEY_WORDS_ZERO: key_words[s] = '0; |
| default: key_words[s] = '0; |
| endcase |
| end |
| |
| // Convert words to bytes (every key word contains one column). |
| assign key_bytes[s] = aes_transpose(key_words[s]); |
| |
| aes_mix_columns u_aes_key_mix_columns ( |
| .op_i ( CIPH_INV ), |
| .data_i ( key_bytes[s] ), |
| .data_o ( key_mix_columns_out[s] ) |
| ); |
| end |
| |
| always_comb begin : round_key_mux |
| unique case (round_key_sel) |
| ROUND_KEY_DIRECT: round_key = key_bytes; |
| ROUND_KEY_MIXED: round_key = key_mix_columns_out; |
| default: round_key = key_bytes; |
| endcase |
| end |
| |
| ///////////// |
| // Control // |
| ///////////// |
| |
| // Control |
| aes_cipher_control #( |
| .SecMasking ( SecMasking ), |
| .SecSBoxImpl ( SecSBoxImpl ) |
| ) u_aes_cipher_control ( |
| .clk_i ( clk_i ), |
| .rst_ni ( rst_ni ), |
| |
| .in_valid_i ( in_valid_i ), |
| .in_ready_o ( in_ready_o ), |
| |
| .out_valid_o ( out_valid_o ), |
| .out_ready_i ( out_ready_i ), |
| |
| .cfg_valid_i ( cfg_valid ), |
| .op_i ( op_i ), |
| .key_len_i ( key_len_i ), |
| .crypt_i ( crypt_i ), |
| .crypt_o ( crypt_o ), |
| .dec_key_gen_i ( dec_key_gen_i ), |
| .dec_key_gen_o ( dec_key_gen_o ), |
| .prng_reseed_i ( prng_reseed_i ), |
| .prng_reseed_o ( prng_reseed_o ), |
| .key_clear_i ( key_clear_i ), |
| .key_clear_o ( key_clear_o ), |
| .data_out_clear_i ( data_out_clear_i ), |
| .data_out_clear_o ( data_out_clear_o ), |
| .mux_sel_err_i ( mux_sel_err ), |
| .sp_enc_err_i ( sp_enc_err_q ), |
| .op_err_i ( op_err ), |
| .alert_fatal_i ( alert_fatal_i ), |
| .alert_o ( alert_o ), |
| |
| .prng_update_o ( prd_masking_upd ), |
| .prng_reseed_req_o ( prd_masking_rsd_req ), |
| .prng_reseed_ack_i ( prd_masking_rsd_ack ), |
| |
| .state_sel_o ( state_sel_ctrl ), |
| .state_we_o ( state_we_ctrl ), |
| .sub_bytes_en_o ( sub_bytes_en ), |
| .sub_bytes_out_req_i ( sub_bytes_out_req ), |
| .sub_bytes_out_ack_o ( sub_bytes_out_ack ), |
| .add_rk_sel_o ( add_rk_sel_ctrl ), |
| |
| .key_expand_op_o ( key_expand_op ), |
| .key_full_sel_o ( key_full_sel_ctrl ), |
| .key_full_we_o ( key_full_we_ctrl ), |
| .key_dec_sel_o ( key_dec_sel_ctrl ), |
| .key_dec_we_o ( key_dec_we_ctrl ), |
| .key_expand_en_o ( key_expand_en ), |
| .key_expand_out_req_i ( key_expand_out_req ), |
| .key_expand_out_ack_o ( key_expand_out_ack ), |
| .key_expand_clear_o ( key_expand_clear ), |
| .key_expand_round_o ( key_expand_round ), |
| .key_words_sel_o ( key_words_sel_ctrl ), |
| .round_key_sel_o ( round_key_sel_ctrl ) |
| ); |
| |
| /////////////// |
| // Selectors // |
| /////////////// |
| |
| // We use sparse encodings for these mux selector signals and must ensure that: |
| // 1. The synthesis tool doesn't optimize away the sparse encoding. |
| // 2. The selector signal is always valid. More precisely, an alert or SVA is triggered if a |
| // selector signal takes on an invalid value. |
| // 3. The alert signal remains asserted until reset even if the selector signal becomes valid |
| // again. This is achieved by driving the control FSM into the terminal error state whenever |
| // any mux selector signal becomes invalid. |
| // |
| // If any mux selector signal becomes invalid, the cipher core further immediately de-asserts |
| // the out_valid_o signal to prevent any data from being released. |
| |
| aes_sel_buf_chk #( |
| .Num ( StateSelNum ), |
| .Width ( StateSelWidth ), |
| .EnSecBuf ( 1'b1 ) |
| ) u_aes_state_sel_buf_chk ( |
| .clk_i ( clk_i ), |
| .rst_ni ( rst_ni ), |
| .sel_i ( state_sel_ctrl ), |
| .sel_o ( state_sel_raw ), |
| .err_o ( state_sel_err ) |
| ); |
| assign state_sel = state_sel_e'(state_sel_raw); |
| |
| aes_sel_buf_chk #( |
| .Num ( AddRKSelNum ), |
| .Width ( AddRKSelWidth ), |
| .EnSecBuf ( 1'b1 ) |
| ) u_aes_add_rk_sel_buf_chk ( |
| .clk_i ( clk_i ), |
| .rst_ni ( rst_ni ), |
| .sel_i ( add_rk_sel_ctrl ), |
| .sel_o ( add_rk_sel_raw ), |
| .err_o ( add_rk_sel_err ) |
| ); |
| assign add_rk_sel = add_rk_sel_e'(add_rk_sel_raw); |
| |
| aes_sel_buf_chk #( |
| .Num ( KeyFullSelNum ), |
| .Width ( KeyFullSelWidth ), |
| .EnSecBuf ( 1'b1 ) |
| ) u_aes_key_full_sel_buf_chk ( |
| .clk_i ( clk_i ), |
| .rst_ni ( rst_ni ), |
| .sel_i ( key_full_sel_ctrl ), |
| .sel_o ( key_full_sel_raw ), |
| .err_o ( key_full_sel_err ) |
| ); |
| assign key_full_sel = key_full_sel_e'(key_full_sel_raw); |
| |
| aes_sel_buf_chk #( |
| .Num ( KeyDecSelNum ), |
| .Width ( KeyDecSelWidth ), |
| .EnSecBuf ( 1'b1 ) |
| ) u_aes_key_dec_sel_buf_chk ( |
| .clk_i ( clk_i ), |
| .rst_ni ( rst_ni ), |
| .sel_i ( key_dec_sel_ctrl ), |
| .sel_o ( key_dec_sel_raw ), |
| .err_o ( key_dec_sel_err ) |
| ); |
| assign key_dec_sel = key_dec_sel_e'(key_dec_sel_raw); |
| |
| aes_sel_buf_chk #( |
| .Num ( KeyWordsSelNum ), |
| .Width ( KeyWordsSelWidth ), |
| .EnSecBuf ( 1'b1 ) |
| ) u_aes_key_words_sel_buf_chk ( |
| .clk_i ( clk_i ), |
| .rst_ni ( rst_ni ), |
| .sel_i ( key_words_sel_ctrl ), |
| .sel_o ( key_words_sel_raw ), |
| .err_o ( key_words_sel_err ) |
| ); |
| assign key_words_sel = key_words_sel_e'(key_words_sel_raw); |
| |
| aes_sel_buf_chk #( |
| .Num ( RoundKeySelNum ), |
| .Width ( RoundKeySelWidth ), |
| .EnSecBuf ( 1'b1 ) |
| ) u_aes_round_key_sel_buf_chk ( |
| .clk_i ( clk_i ), |
| .rst_ni ( rst_ni ), |
| .sel_i ( round_key_sel_ctrl ), |
| .sel_o ( round_key_sel_raw ), |
| .err_o ( round_key_sel_err ) |
| ); |
| assign round_key_sel = round_key_sel_e'(round_key_sel_raw); |
| |
| // Signal invalid mux selector signals to control FSM which will lock up and trigger an alert. |
| assign mux_sel_err = state_sel_err | add_rk_sel_err | key_full_sel_err | |
| key_dec_sel_err | key_words_sel_err | round_key_sel_err; |
| |
| ////////////////////////////// |
| // Sparsely Encoded Signals // |
| ////////////////////////////// |
| |
| // We use sparse encodings for various critical signals and must ensure that: |
| // 1. The synthesis tool doesn't optimize away the sparse encoding. |
| // 2. The sparsely encoded signal is always valid. More precisely, an alert or SVA is triggered |
| // if a sparse signal takes on an invalid value. |
| // 3. The alert signal remains asserted until reset even if the sparse signal becomes valid again |
| // This is achieved by driving the control FSM into the terminal error state whenever any |
| // sparsely encoded signal becomes invalid. |
| // |
| // If any sparsely encoded signal becomes invalid, the cipher core further immediately de-asserts |
| // the out_valid_o signal to prevent any data from being released. |
| |
| // We use vectors of sparsely encoded signals to reduce code duplication. |
| localparam int unsigned NumSp2VSig = 3; |
| sp2v_e [NumSp2VSig-1:0] sp2v_sig; |
| sp2v_e [NumSp2VSig-1:0] sp2v_sig_chk; |
| logic [NumSp2VSig-1:0][Sp2VWidth-1:0] sp2v_sig_chk_raw; |
| logic [NumSp2VSig-1:0] sp2v_sig_err; |
| |
| assign sp2v_sig[0] = state_we_ctrl; |
| assign sp2v_sig[1] = key_full_we_ctrl; |
| assign sp2v_sig[2] = key_dec_we_ctrl; |
| |
| // All signals inside sp2v_sig are eventually converted to single-rail signals. |
| localparam bit [NumSp2VSig-1:0] Sp2VEnSecBuf = {NumSp2VSig{1'b1}}; |
| |
| // Individually check sparsely encoded signals. |
| for (genvar i = 0; i < NumSp2VSig; i++) begin : gen_sel_buf_chk |
| aes_sel_buf_chk #( |
| .Num ( Sp2VNum ), |
| .Width ( Sp2VWidth ), |
| .EnSecBuf ( Sp2VEnSecBuf[i] ) |
| ) u_aes_sp2v_sig_buf_chk_i ( |
| .clk_i ( clk_i ), |
| .rst_ni ( rst_ni ), |
| .sel_i ( sp2v_sig[i] ), |
| .sel_o ( sp2v_sig_chk_raw[i] ), |
| .err_o ( sp2v_sig_err[i] ) |
| ); |
| assign sp2v_sig_chk[i] = sp2v_e'(sp2v_sig_chk_raw[i]); |
| end |
| |
| assign state_we = sp2v_sig_chk[0]; |
| assign key_full_we = sp2v_sig_chk[1]; |
| assign key_dec_we = sp2v_sig_chk[2]; |
| |
| // Collect encoding errors. |
| // We instantiate the checker modules as close as possible to where the sparsely encoded signals |
| // are used. Here, we collect also encoding errors detected in other places of the cipher core. |
| assign sp_enc_err_d = |sp2v_sig_err | sub_bytes_err | key_expand_err; |
| |
| // We need to register the collected error signal to avoid circular loops in the cipher core |
| // controller related to out_valid_o and detecting errors in state_we_o and sub_bytes_out_ack. |
| always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin : reg_sp_enc_err |
| if (!rst_ni) begin |
| sp_enc_err_q <= 1'b0; |
| end else if (sp_enc_err_d) begin |
| sp_enc_err_q <= 1'b1; |
| end |
| end |
| |
| ///////////// |
| // Outputs // |
| ///////////// |
| |
| // The output of the last round is not stored into the state register but forwarded directly. |
| assign state_o = add_round_key_out; |
| |
| //////////////// |
| // Assertions // |
| //////////////// |
| |
| // Typically assertions already contain this macro, which ensures that assertions are only compiled |
| // in simulation and FPV. However, we wrap the entire assertion section with INC_ASSERT so that the |
| // helper logic below is not synthesized either, since that could cause issues in DC. |
| `ifdef INC_ASSERT |
| //VCS coverage off |
| // pragma coverage off |
| |
| // Create a lint error to reduce the risk of accidentally disabling the masking. |
| `ASSERT_STATIC_LINT_ERROR(AesSecMaskingNonDefault, SecMasking == 1) |
| |
| // Cipher core masking requires a masked SBox and vice versa. |
| `ASSERT_INIT(AesMaskedCoreAndSBox, |
| (SecMasking && |
| (SecSBoxImpl == SBoxImplCanrightMasked || |
| SecSBoxImpl == SBoxImplCanrightMaskedNoreuse || |
| SecSBoxImpl == SBoxImplDom)) || |
| (!SecMasking && |
| (SecSBoxImpl == SBoxImplLut || |
| SecSBoxImpl == SBoxImplCanright))) |
| |
| // Signals used for assertions only. |
| logic prd_clearing_equals_output, unused_prd_clearing_equals_output; |
| assign prd_clearing_equals_output = (prd_clearing_128 == add_round_key_out); |
| assign unused_prd_clearing_equals_output = prd_clearing_equals_output; |
| |
| // Ensure that the state register gets cleared with pseudo-random data at the end of the last |
| // round. The following two scenarios are unlikely but not illegal: |
| // 1. The newly loaded initial state matches the previous output (the round counter is only |
| // cleared upon loading the new initial state). |
| // 2. The previous pseudo-random data is equal to the previous output. |
| // Otherwise, we must see an alert e.g. because the state multiplexer got glitched. |
| `ASSERT(AesSecCmDataRegKeySca, (state_we == SP2V_HIGH) && |
| ((key_len_i == AES_128 && u_aes_cipher_control.rnd_ctr == 4'd10) || |
| (key_len_i == AES_192 && u_aes_cipher_control.rnd_ctr == 4'd12) || |
| (key_len_i == AES_256 && u_aes_cipher_control.rnd_ctr == 4'd14)) |=> |
| (state_q != $past(add_round_key_out)) || |
| (state_q == $past(state_init_i)) || |
| $past(prd_clearing_equals_output) || alert_o) |
| |
| if (SecMasking) begin : gen_sec_cm_key_masking_svas |
| // The number of clock cycles a regular AES round takes - only used for assertions. |
| localparam int unsigned NumCyclesPerRound = (SecSBoxImpl == SBoxImplDom) ? 5 : 1; |
| logic unused_param; |
| assign unused_param = (NumCyclesPerRound == 1); |
| // Ensure that SubBytes gets fresh PRD input for every evaluation unless mask forcing is |
| // enabled. We effectively check that the PRNG has been updated at least once within the |
| // last NumCyclesPerRound cycles. This also holds for the very first round, as the PRNG |
| // is always updated in the last cycle of the IDLE state and/or the first cycle of the |
| // INIT state. |
| `ASSERT(AesSecCmKeyMaskingPrdSubBytes, |
| sub_bytes_en == SP2V_HIGH && ($past(sub_bytes_en) == SP2V_LOW || |
| ($past(sub_bytes_out_req) == SP2V_HIGH && |
| $past(sub_bytes_out_ack) == SP2V_HIGH)) |=> |
| $past(prd_sub_bytes) != $past(prd_sub_bytes, NumCyclesPerRound + 1) || |
| SecAllowForcingMasks && force_masks_i) |
| |
| // Ensure that the PRNG has been updated between masking the input and starting the first |
| // SubBytes evaluation/KeyExpand operation unless mask forcing is enabled. For AES-256, |
| // we just spend 1 cycle in the INIT state and KeyExpand isn't evaluating its S-Boxes, |
| // i.e., no fresh randomness is required. For the other key lengths, KeyExpand evaluates |
| // its S-Boxes which takes NumCyclesPerRound cycles. When computing the start key for |
| // decryption, the input isn't loaded and the PRNG is thus not advanced. |
| `ASSERT(AesSecCmKeyMaskingInitialPrngUpdateSubBytes, |
| sub_bytes_en == SP2V_HIGH && $past(sub_bytes_en) == SP2V_LOW |=> |
| (key_len_i == AES_256 && |
| $past(prd_masking) != $past(prd_masking, 3)) || |
| ((key_len_i == AES_128 || key_len_i == AES_192) && |
| $past(prd_masking) != $past(prd_masking, NumCyclesPerRound + 2)) || |
| (SecAllowForcingMasks && force_masks_i)) |
| `ASSERT(AesSecCmKeyMaskingInitialPrngUpdateKeyExpand, |
| key_expand_en == SP2V_HIGH && $past(key_expand_en) == SP2V_LOW |=> |
| (key_len_i == AES_256 && |
| $past(prd_masking) != $past(prd_masking, 3)) || |
| ((key_len_i == AES_128 || key_len_i == AES_192) && |
| $past(prd_masking) != $past(prd_masking, 2)) || |
| (SecAllowForcingMasks && force_masks_i) || dec_key_gen_o == SP2V_HIGH) |
| |
| // Ensure none of the state shares keeps being constant during encryption/decryption |
| // unless mask forcing is enabled. Even though unlikely it's not impossible that one |
| // share remains constant throughout one round. The SVAs thus only fire if a share |
| // remains constant across two rounds. |
| for (genvar s = 0; s < NumShares; s++) begin : gen_sec_cm_key_masking_share_svas |
| `ASSERT(AesSecCmKeyMaskingStateShare, state_we == SP2V_HIGH && |
| (crypt_i == SP2V_HIGH || crypt_o == SP2V_HIGH) |=> |
| state_q[s] != $past(state_q[s], NumCyclesPerRound) || |
| $past(state_q[s], NumCyclesPerRound) != $past(state_q[s], 2*NumCyclesPerRound) || |
| (SecAllowForcingMasks && force_masks_i) || dec_key_gen_o == SP2V_HIGH) |
| `ASSERT(AesSecCmKeyMaskingOutputShare, |
| (out_valid_o == SP2V_HIGH && $past(out_valid_o) == SP2V_LOW) && |
| (crypt_o == SP2V_HIGH) |=> |
| $past(state_o[s]) != $past(state_q[s], NumCyclesPerRound) || |
| $past(state_q[s], NumCyclesPerRound) != $past(state_q[s], 2*NumCyclesPerRound) || |
| (SecAllowForcingMasks && force_masks_i) || dec_key_gen_o == SP2V_HIGH) |
| end |
| end |
| |
| // Make sure the output of the masking PRNG is properly extracted without creating overlaps |
| // in the data input masks, or between the PRD fed to the key expand module and SubBytes. |
| if (WidthPRDSBox > 8) begin : gen_prd_extract_assert |
| // For one row of the state matrix, extract the WidthPRDSBox-8 MSBs of the per-S-Box PRD from |
| // the PRNG output. |
| function automatic logic [3:0][(WidthPRDSBox-8)-1:0] aes_prd_get_msbs( |
| logic [(4*WidthPRDSBox)-1:0] in |
| ); |
| logic [3:0][(WidthPRDSBox-8)-1:0] prd_msbs; |
| for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) begin |
| prd_msbs[i] = in[(i*WidthPRDSBox) + 8 +: (WidthPRDSBox-8)]; |
| end |
| return prd_msbs; |
| endfunction |
| |
| // For one row of the state matrix, undo the extraction of LSBs and MSBs of the per-S-Box PRD |
| // from the PRNG output. This can be used to verify proper extraction (no overlap of output |
| // masks and PRD for masked Canright S-Box implementations, no unused PRNG output). |
| function automatic logic [4*WidthPRDSBox-1:0] aes_prd_concat_bits( |
| logic [3:0] [7:0] prd_lsbs, |
| logic [3:0][(WidthPRDSBox-8)-1:0] prd_msbs |
| ); |
| logic [(4*WidthPRDSBox)-1:0] prd; |
| for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) begin |
| prd[(i*WidthPRDSBox) +: WidthPRDSBox] = {prd_msbs[i], prd_lsbs[i]}; |
| end |
| return prd; |
| endfunction |
| |
| // Check for correct extraction of masking PRNG output without overlaps. |
| logic [WidthPRDMasking-1:0] unused_prd_masking; |
| logic [3:0][3:0][(WidthPRDSBox-8)-1:0] unused_prd_msbs; |
| for (genvar i = 0; i < 4; i++) begin : gen_unused_prd_msbs |
| assign unused_prd_msbs[i] = aes_prd_get_msbs(prd_masking[i * WidthPRDRow +: WidthPRDRow]); |
| end |
| for (genvar i = 0; i < 4; i++) begin : gen_unused_prd_masking |
| assign unused_prd_masking[i * WidthPRDRow +: WidthPRDRow] = |
| aes_prd_concat_bits(data_in_mask_o[i], unused_prd_msbs[i]); |
| end |
| assign unused_prd_masking[WidthPRDMasking-1 -: WidthPRDKey] = prd_key_expand; |
| `ASSERT(AesMskgPrdExtraction, prd_masking == unused_prd_masking) |
| end |
| //VCS coverage on |
| // pragma coverage on |
| `endif |
| |
| endmodule |