| // Copyright lowRISC contributors. |
| // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. |
| // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 |
| //############################################################################ |
| // *Name: aon_osc |
| // *Module Description: AON Clock Oscilator |
| //############################################################################ |
| |
| module aon_osc ( |
| input vcore_pok_h_i, // VCORE POK @3.3V |
| input aon_en_i, // AON Source Clock Enable |
| input aon_osc_cal_i, // AON Oscillator Calibrated |
| `ifdef AST_BYPASS_CLK |
| input clk_aon_ext_i, // FPGA/VERILATOR Clock input\ |
| `endif |
| output logic aon_clk_o // AON Clock Output |
| ); |
| |
| `ifndef AST_BYPASS_CLK |
| `ifndef SYNTHESIS |
| // Behavioral Model |
| //////////////////////////////////////// |
| timeunit 1ns / 10ps; |
| |
| real CLK_PERIOD, ckmul; |
| |
| reg init_start; |
| initial init_start = 1'b0; |
| |
| initial begin |
| if ( !$value$plusargs("osc200k_freq_multiplier=%f", ckmul) ) ckmul = 1.0; |
| #1; |
| init_start = 1'b1; |
| #1; |
| $display("\n%m: AON Base Clock Power-up Frequency: %0d Hz", $rtoi(10**9/(CLK_PERIOD*ckmul))); |
| $display("%m: AON %0.1fxBase Clock Power-up Frequency: %0d Hz", ckmul, $rtoi(10**9/CLK_PERIOD)); |
| end |
| |
| // Enable 5us RC Delay on rise |
| wire en_osc_re_buf, en_osc_re; |
| buf #(ast_bhv_pkg::AON_EN_RDLY, 0) b0 (en_osc_re_buf, (vcore_pok_h_i && aon_en_i)); |
| assign en_osc_re = en_osc_re_buf && init_start; |
| |
| // Clock Oscillator |
| //////////////////////////////////////// |
| real CalAonClkPeriod, UncAonClkPeriod, AonClkPeriod; |
| |
| initial CalAonClkPeriod = $itor( 5000 ); // 5000ns (200KHz) |
| initial UncAonClkPeriod = $itor( $urandom_range(10000, 5555) ); // 10000-5555ps (100-180KHz) |
| |
| assign AonClkPeriod = (aon_osc_cal_i && init_start) ? CalAonClkPeriod : UncAonClkPeriod; |
| assign CLK_PERIOD = AonClkPeriod/ckmul; |
| |
| // Free running oscillator |
| reg clk_osc; |
| initial clk_osc = 1'b1; |
| |
| always begin |
| #(CLK_PERIOD/2) clk_osc = ~clk_osc; |
| end |
| |
| logic en_osc; |
| |
| // HDL Clock Gate |
| logic en_clk, clk; |
| |
| always_latch begin |
| if ( !clk_osc ) en_clk = en_osc; |
| end |
| |
| assign clk = clk_osc && en_clk; |
| `else // of SYNTHESIS |
| /////////////////////////////////////// |
| logic clk, en_osc; |
| assign clk = 1'b0; |
| |
| logic en_osc_re; |
| assign en_osc_re = vcore_pok_h_i && aon_en_i; |
| `endif // of SYNTHESIS |
| `else // of AST_BYPASS_CLK |
| /////////////////////////////////////// |
| logic en_osc_re; |
| assign en_osc_re = vcore_pok_h_i && aon_en_i; |
| |
| // Clock Oscillator |
| //////////////////////////////////////// |
| logic clk, en_osc; |
| |
| prim_clock_gating #( |
| .NoFpgaGate ( 1'b1 ) |
| ) u_clk_ckgt ( |
| .clk_i ( clk_aon_ext_i ), |
| .en_i ( en_osc ), |
| .test_en_i ( 1'b0 ), |
| .clk_o ( clk ) |
| ); |
| `endif |
| |
| logic en_osc_fe; |
| |
| // Syncronize en_osc to clk FE for glitch free disable |
| always_ff @( negedge clk, negedge vcore_pok_h_i ) begin |
| if ( !vcore_pok_h_i ) begin |
| en_osc_fe <= 1'b0; |
| end else begin |
| en_osc_fe <= en_osc_re; |
| end |
| end |
| |
| assign en_osc = en_osc_re || en_osc_fe; // EN -> 1 || EN -> 0 |
| |
| // Clock Output Buffer |
| //////////////////////////////////////// |
| prim_clock_buf #( |
| .NoFpgaBuf ( 1'b1 ) |
| ) u_buf ( |
| .clk_i ( clk ), |
| .clk_o ( aon_clk_o ) |
| ); |
| |
| |
| `ifdef SYNTHESIS |
| /////////////////////// |
| // Unused Signals |
| /////////////////////// |
| logic unused_sigs; |
| assign unused_sigs = ^{ aon_osc_cal_i }; |
| `endif |
| |
| endmodule : aon_osc |