blob: 56c1bb423fe27e8632af4ce6938be391498c4beb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
//! Structs for reading and writing manifests of flash boot stage images.
//! Note: The structs below must match the definitions in
//! sw/device/silicon_creator/lib/manifest.h.
use std::mem::size_of;
use memoffset::offset_of;
use zerocopy::AsBytes;
use zerocopy::FromBytes;
// Currently, these definitions must be updated manually but they can be
// generated using the following commands (requires bindgen):
// cargo install bindgen
// cd "${REPO_TOP}"
// bindgen --allowlist-type manifest_t --allowlist-var "MANIFEST_.*" \
// --allowlist-var "CHIP_.*" \
// --no-doc-comments --no-layout-tests \
// sw/device/silicon_creator/lib/manifest.h \
// sw/device/silicon_creator/lib/base/chip.h \
// -- -I./ -Isw/device/lib/base/freestanding
// TODO: Generate some constants as hex if possible, replacing manually for now.
pub const CHIP_MANIFEST_SIZE: u32 = 896;
pub const CHIP_ROM_EXT_IDENTIFIER: u32 = 0x4552544f;
pub const CHIP_BL0_IDENTIFIER: u32 = 0x3042544f;
pub const CHIP_ROM_EXT_SIZE_MIN: u32 = 896;
pub const CHIP_ROM_EXT_SIZE_MAX: u32 = 0x10000;
pub const CHIP_BL0_SIZE_MIN: u32 = 896;
pub const CHIP_BL0_SIZE_MAX: u32 = 0x70000;
/// Manifest for boot stage images stored in flash.
#[derive(FromBytes, AsBytes, Debug, Default)]
pub struct Manifest {
pub signature: SigverifyRsaBuffer,
pub usage_constraints: ManifestUsageConstraints,
pub modulus: SigverifyRsaBuffer,
pub address_translation: u32,
pub identifier: u32,
pub length: u32,
pub version_major: u32,
pub version_minor: u32,
pub security_version: u32,
pub timestamp: u64,
pub binding_value: KeymgrBindingValue,
pub max_key_version: u32,
pub code_start: u32,
pub code_end: u32,
pub entry_point: u32,
/// A type that holds 96 32-bit words for RSA-3072.
#[derive(FromBytes, AsBytes, Debug)]
pub struct SigverifyRsaBuffer {
pub data: [u32; 96usize],
impl Default for SigverifyRsaBuffer {
fn default() -> Self {
Self { data: [0; 96usize] }
/// A type that holds the 256-bit device identifier.
#[derive(FromBytes, AsBytes, Debug, Default)]
pub struct LifecycleDeviceId {
pub device_id: [u32; 8usize],
/// Manifest usage constraints.
#[derive(FromBytes, AsBytes, Debug)]
pub struct ManifestUsageConstraints {
pub selector_bits: u32,
pub device_id: LifecycleDeviceId,
pub manuf_state_creator: u32,
pub manuf_state_owner: u32,
pub life_cycle_state: u32,
impl Default for ManifestUsageConstraints {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
selector_bits: 0,
device_id: LifecycleDeviceId {
#[derive(FromBytes, AsBytes, Debug, Default)]
pub struct KeymgrBindingValue {
pub data: [u32; 8usize],
/// Checks the layout of the manifest struct.
/// Implemented as a function because using `offset_of!` at compile-time
/// requires a nightly compiler.
/// TODO(#6915): Convert this to a unit test after we start running rust tests during our builds.
pub fn check_manifest_layout() {
assert_eq!(offset_of!(Manifest, signature), 0);
assert_eq!(offset_of!(Manifest, usage_constraints), 384);
assert_eq!(offset_of!(Manifest, modulus), 432);
assert_eq!(offset_of!(Manifest, address_translation), 816);
assert_eq!(offset_of!(Manifest, identifier), 820);
assert_eq!(offset_of!(Manifest, length), 824);
assert_eq!(offset_of!(Manifest, version_major), 828);
assert_eq!(offset_of!(Manifest, version_minor), 832);
assert_eq!(offset_of!(Manifest, security_version), 836);
assert_eq!(offset_of!(Manifest, timestamp), 840);
assert_eq!(offset_of!(Manifest, binding_value), 848);
assert_eq!(offset_of!(Manifest, max_key_version), 880);
assert_eq!(offset_of!(Manifest, code_start), 884);
assert_eq!(offset_of!(Manifest, code_end), 888);
assert_eq!(offset_of!(Manifest, entry_point), 892);
assert_eq!(size_of::<Manifest>(), CHIP_MANIFEST_SIZE as usize);