blob: 4028307dd1c3784d0bc75145eb2cacd1bf1ee405 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* OTTF Interrupt Vector.
.section .vectors, "ax"
.option push
// Disable RISC-V instruction compression: we need all instructions to
// be exactly word wide in the interrupt vector.
.option norvc
// Disable RISC-V linker relaxation, as it can compress instructions at
// link-time, which we also really don't want.
.option norelax
* `_ottf_interrupt_vector` is an ibex-compatible interrupt vector.
* Interrupt vectors in Ibex have 32 4-byte entries for 32 possible interrupts.
* The vector must be 256-byte aligned, as Ibex's vectoring mechanism requires
* that.
* Only the following will be used by Ibex:
* - Exception Handler (Entry 0)
* - Machine Software Interrupt Handler (Entry 3)
* - Machine Timer Interrupt Handler (Entry 7)
* - Machine External Interrupt Handler (Entry 11)
* - Vendor Interrupt Handlers (Entries 16-31)
* More information about Ibex's interrupts can be found here:
.balign 256
.global _ottf_interrupt_vector
.type _ottf_interrupt_vector, @function
// RISC-V Standard (Vectored) Interrupt Handlers:
// Exception and User Software Interrupt Handler.
j handler_exception
// Supervisor Software Interrupt Handler.
// Reserved.
// Machine Software Interrupt Handler.
j handler_irq_software
// User Timer Interrupt Handler.
// Supervisor Timer Interrupt Handler.
// Reserved.
// Machine Timer Interrupt Handler.
j handler_irq_timer
// User External Interrupt Handler.
// Supervisor External Interrupt Handler.
// Reserved.
// Machine External Interrupt Handler.
j handler_irq_external
// Reserved.
// Vendor Interrupt Handlers:
// On Ibex, interrupt IDs 16-30 are for "fast" interrupts.
.rept 15
// On Ibex, interrupt ID 31 is for non-maskable interrupts
j handler_irq_internal
// Set size so vector can be disassembled.
.size _ottf_interrupt_vector, .-_ottf_interrupt_vector
.option pop
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* OTTF runtime initialization code.
* NOTE: The "ax" flag below is necessary to ensure that this section
* is allocated executable space in ROM by the linker.
.section .crt, "ax"
* Entry point.
* This symbol is jumped to from the test ROM or ROM using the
* `entry_point` field of the manifest.
.balign 4
.global _ottf_start
.type _ottf_start, @function
* Set up the global pointer `gp`.
* Linker relaxations are disabled until the global pointer is setup below,
* because otherwise some sequences may be turned into `gp`-relative
* sequences, which is incorrect when `gp` is not initialized.
.option push
.option norelax
la gp, __global_pointer$
.option pop
* Set up the stack pointer.
* In RISC-V, the stack grows downwards, so we load the address of the highest
* word in the stack into sp. We don't load in `_stack_end`, as that points
* beyond the end of RAM, and we always want it to be valid to dereference
* `sp`, and we need this to be 128-bit (16-byte) aligned to meet the psABI.
* If an exception fires, the handler is conventionaly only allowed to clobber
* memory at addresses below `sp`.
la sp, (_stack_end - 16)
* Set well-defined interrupt/exception handlers.
* The lowest two bits should be `0b01` to ensure we use vectored interrupts.
la t0, (_ottf_interrupt_vector + 1)
csrw mtvec, t0
* Setup C Runtime
* Initialize the `.data` section in RAM from Flash.
la a0, _data_start
la a1, _data_end
la a2, _data_init_start
call crt_section_copy
* Initialize the `.bss` section.
* We do this despite zeroing all of SRAM above, so that we still zero `.bss`
* once we've enabled SRAM scrambling.
la a0, _bss_start
la a1, _bss_end
call crt_section_clear
* Call the functions in the `.init_array` section.
* This section is typically empty except for executables built with LLVM
* coverage enabled. When coverage is enabled, the compiler emits pointers to
* the functions that initialize the profile buffer in this section. These
* functions must be called before the instrumented functions in the program.
* We use `s0` and `s1` to represent the start and end pointers of
* `.init_array`, respectively, and `t0` to store the addresses of the
* functions to be called.
la s0, _init_array_start
la s1, _init_array_end
bgeu s0, s1, init_array_loop_end
lw t0, 0(s0)
jalr t0
addi s0, s0, 0x4
bltu s0, s1, init_array_loop
* Jump into the OTTF C entry point.
tail _ottf_main
.size _ottf_start, .-_ottf_start