blob: 49780bc4acadb70add9782ff43a698f0f2ff9528 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Name of the sim cfg - typically same as the name of the DUT.
name: sysrst_ctrl
// Top level dut name (sv module).
dut: sysrst_ctrl
// Top level testbench name (sv module).
tb: tb
// Simulator used to sign off this block
tool: vcs
// Fusesoc core file used for building the file list.
fusesoc_core: lowrisc:dv:sysrst_ctrl_sim:0.1
// Testplan hjson file.
testplan: "{proj_root}/hw/ip/sysrst_ctrl/data/sysrst_ctrl_testplan.hjson"
// RAL spec - used to generate the RAL model.
ral_spec: "{proj_root}/hw/ip/sysrst_ctrl/data/sysrst_ctrl.hjson"
// Import additional common sim cfg files.
// TODO: remove imported cfgs that do not apply.
import_cfgs: [// Project wide common sim cfg file
// Common CIP test lists
// Add additional tops for simulation.
sim_tops: ["sysrst_ctrl_bind", "sysrst_ctrl_cov_bind", "sec_cm_prim_onehot_check_bind"]
// Default iterations for all tests - each test entry can override this.
reseed: 50
// Add exclusion files.
vcs_cov_excl_files: ["{proj_root}/hw/ip/sysrst_ctrl/dv/cov/sysrst_ctrl_cov_unr_excl.el"]
// Default UVM test and seq class name.
uvm_test: sysrst_ctrl_base_test
uvm_test_seq: sysrst_ctrl_base_vseq
// List of test specifications.
tests: [
name: sysrst_ctrl_smoke
uvm_test_seq: sysrst_ctrl_smoke_vseq
name: sysrst_ctrl_in_out_inverted
uvm_test_seq: sysrst_ctrl_in_out_inverted_vseq
name: sysrst_ctrl_combo_detect_ec_rst
uvm_test_seq: sysrst_ctrl_combo_detect_ec_rst_vseq
// This is a directed test with very few random values.
reseed: 5
name: sysrst_ctrl_combo_detect_ec_rst_with_pre_cond
uvm_test_seq: sysrst_ctrl_combo_detect_ec_rst_with_pre_cond_vseq
// This is a directed test with very few random values.
reseed: 5
name: sysrst_ctrl_pin_access_test
uvm_test_seq: sysrst_ctrl_pin_access_vseq
name: sysrst_ctrl_pin_override_test
uvm_test_seq: sysrst_ctrl_pin_override_vseq
name: sysrst_ctrl_flash_wr_prot_out
uvm_test_seq: sysrst_ctrl_flash_wr_prot_vseq
name: sysrst_ctrl_ec_pwr_on_rst
uvm_test_seq: sysrst_ctrl_ec_pwr_on_rst_vseq
run_opts: ["+test_timeout_ns=10_000_000_000"]
name: sysrst_ctrl_auto_blk_key_output
uvm_test_seq: sysrst_ctrl_auto_blk_key_output_vseq
name: sysrst_ctrl_ultra_low_pwr
uvm_test_seq: sysrst_ctrl_ultra_low_pwr_vseq
run_opts: ["+test_timeout_ns=10_000_000_000"]
name: sysrst_ctrl_combo_detect
uvm_test_seq: sysrst_ctrl_combo_detect_vseq
run_opts: ["+test_timeout_ns=10_000_000_000"]
name: sysrst_ctrl_edge_detect
uvm_test_seq: sysrst_ctrl_edge_detect_vseq
run_opts: ["+test_timeout_ns=10_000_000_000"]
// List of regressions.
regressions: [
name: smoke
tests: ["sysrst_ctrl_smoke"]