| // Copyright lowRISC contributors. |
| // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. |
| // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 |
| |
| // This sequence will verify the ultra low power feature. It detects the specific |
| // signal transition on pwrb_in, ac_present and lid_open pins, starts the timer |
| // configured in registers. Once the timing condition is met, ulp_status and wkup_status |
| // registers gets updated with the triggered event. Software will read and clear the register. |
| class sysrst_ctrl_ultra_low_pwr_vseq extends sysrst_ctrl_base_vseq; |
| `uvm_object_utils(sysrst_ctrl_ultra_low_pwr_vseq) |
| |
| `uvm_object_new |
| |
| rand uint16_t set_pwrb_timer, set_lid_timer, set_ac_timer; |
| rand int pwrb_cycles, ac_cycles, lid_cycles; |
| rand bit en_ulp; |
| |
| constraint set_pwrb_timer_c { |
| set_pwrb_timer dist { |
| [10:100] :/ 95, |
| [101:$] :/ 5 |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| constraint set_lid_timer_c { |
| set_lid_timer dist { |
| [10:100] :/ 95, |
| [101:$] :/ 5 |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| constraint set_ac_timer_c { |
| set_ac_timer dist { |
| [10:100] :/ 95, |
| [101:$] :/ 5 |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| constraint pwrb_cycles_c { pwrb_cycles dist { |
| [1 : set_pwrb_timer] :/20, |
| (set_pwrb_timer + 1) :/20, |
| [set_pwrb_timer + 2 : set_pwrb_timer * 2] :/60 |
| }; |
| } |
| constraint lid_cycles_c { lid_cycles dist { |
| [1 : set_lid_timer] :/20, |
| (set_lid_timer + 1) :/20, |
| [set_lid_timer + 2 : set_lid_timer * 2] :/60 |
| }; |
| } |
| constraint ac_cycles_c { ac_cycles dist { |
| [1 : set_ac_timer] :/20, |
| (set_ac_timer + 1) :/20, |
| [set_ac_timer + 2 : set_ac_timer * 2] :/60 |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| constraint num_trans_c {num_trans inside {[1 : 3]};} |
| |
| task drive_ac(); |
| cfg.vif.ac_present = 1; |
| cfg.clk_aon_rst_vif.wait_clks(ac_cycles); |
| cfg.vif.ac_present = 0; |
| endtask |
| |
| task drive_pwrb(); |
| cfg.vif.pwrb_in = 1; |
| cfg.clk_aon_rst_vif.wait_clks($urandom_range(1,20)); |
| cfg.vif.pwrb_in = 0; |
| cfg.clk_aon_rst_vif.wait_clks(pwrb_cycles); |
| cfg.vif.pwrb_in = 1; |
| endtask |
| |
| task drive_lid(); |
| cfg.vif.lid_open = 0; |
| cfg.clk_aon_rst_vif.wait_clks($urandom_range(1,20)); |
| cfg.vif.lid_open = 1; |
| cfg.clk_aon_rst_vif.wait_clks(lid_cycles); |
| cfg.vif.lid_open = 0; |
| endtask |
| |
| task body(); |
| |
| uvm_reg_data_t rdata, wkup_sts_rdata; |
| uint16_t get_ac_timer, get_pwrb_timer, get_lid_timer; |
| bit enable_ulp; |
| |
| `uvm_info(`gfn, "Starting the body from ultra_low_pwr_vseq", UVM_LOW) |
| |
| repeat (num_trans) begin |
| |
| // Enable ultra low power feature |
| ral.ulp_ctl.ulp_enable.set(en_ulp); |
| csr_update(ral.ulp_ctl); |
| |
| // Set the debounce timer for pwrb, ac and lid_open |
| csr_wr(ral.ulp_ac_debounce_ctl, set_ac_timer); |
| csr_wr(ral.ulp_lid_debounce_ctl, set_lid_timer); |
| csr_wr(ral.ulp_pwrb_debounce_ctl, set_pwrb_timer); |
| |
| // Disable the bus clock |
| cfg.clk_rst_vif.stop_clk(); |
| |
| // It takes 2-3 clock cycles to sync the register values |
| cfg.clk_aon_rst_vif.wait_clks(2); |
| |
| repeat ($urandom_range(1,5)) begin |
| fork |
| begin |
| cfg.clk_aon_rst_vif.wait_clks(1); |
| drive_pwrb(); |
| end |
| begin |
| cfg.clk_aon_rst_vif.wait_clks(1); |
| drive_ac(); |
| end |
| begin |
| cfg.clk_aon_rst_vif.wait_clks(1); |
| drive_lid(); |
| end |
| join |
| |
| // Wait until all debounce timer expires, so the state machines will be reset to Idle. |
| begin |
| int wait_cycles[$]; |
| wait_cycles.push_back(cycles_to_finish_debounce(pwrb_cycles, set_pwrb_timer)); |
| wait_cycles.push_back(cycles_to_finish_debounce(lid_cycles, set_lid_timer)); |
| wait_cycles.push_back(cycles_to_finish_debounce(ac_cycles, set_ac_timer)); |
| cfg.clk_aon_rst_vif.wait_clks($urandom_range(2, 10) + max(wait_cycles)); |
| end |
| end |
| |
| // Enable the bus clock to read the status register |
| cfg.clk_rst_vif.start_clk(); |
| |
| csr_rd(ral.ulp_ac_debounce_ctl, get_ac_timer); |
| csr_rd(ral.ulp_pwrb_debounce_ctl, get_pwrb_timer); |
| csr_rd(ral.ulp_lid_debounce_ctl, get_lid_timer); |
| csr_rd(ral.ulp_ctl, rdata); |
| enable_ulp = get_field_val(ral.ulp_ctl.ulp_enable, rdata); |
| |
| `uvm_info(`gfn, {$sformatf("enable_ulp=%0b, pwrb_cycles=%0d, pwrb_timer=%0d", |
| enable_ulp, pwrb_cycles, get_pwrb_timer), |
| $sformatf("ac_cycles=%0d, get_ac_timer=%0d", ac_cycles, get_ac_timer), |
| $sformatf("lid_cycles=%0d, lid_timer=%0d", lid_cycles, get_lid_timer)}, |
| // (cycles == timer) => sysrst_ctrl_detect.state : DebounceSt -> IdleSt |
| // (cycles == timer + 1) => sysrst_ctrl_detect.state : DetectSt -> IdleSt |
| // Therefore we only need to check when cycles > timer + 1 |
| if (enable_ulp == 1 && |
| (pwrb_cycles > (get_pwrb_timer + 1) || |
| ac_cycles > (get_ac_timer + 1) || |
| lid_cycles > (get_lid_timer + 1))) begin |
| cfg.clk_aon_rst_vif.wait_clks(1); |
| `DV_CHECK_EQ(cfg.vif.z3_wakeup, 1); |
| csr_rd(ral.wkup_status, wkup_sts_rdata); |
| csr_rd_check(ral.wkup_status, .compare_value(1)); |
| |
| // Check if the ulp wakeup event is detected |
| csr_rd_check(ral.ulp_status, .compare_value(1)); |
| |
| // Clear the ulp_status register |
| csr_wr(ral.ulp_status, 'h1); |
| |
| cfg.clk_aon_rst_vif.wait_clks(20); |
| |
| // Check if the register is cleared |
| csr_rd_check(ral.ulp_status, .compare_value(0)); |
| |
| // Disable the ultra low power feature |
| ral.ulp_ctl.ulp_enable.set(0); |
| csr_update(ral.ulp_ctl); |
| |
| // Clear the wkup_status register |
| csr_wr(ral.wkup_status, 'h1); |
| cfg.clk_aon_rst_vif.wait_clks(20); |
| // Check if the register is cleared |
| csr_rd_check(ral.wkup_status, .compare_value(0)); |
| end else begin |
| `DV_CHECK_EQ(cfg.vif.z3_wakeup, 0); |
| csr_rd(ral.wkup_status,wkup_sts_rdata); |
| csr_rd_check(ral.wkup_status, .compare_value(0)); |
| csr_rd_check(ral.ulp_status, .compare_value(0)); |
| end |
| |
| // Sample the wakeup event covergroup before clearing the status register |
| if (cfg.en_cov) begin |
| cov.wakeup_event.sysrst_ctrl_wkup_event_cg.sample( |
| get_field_val(ral.wkup_status.wakeup_sts, wkup_sts_rdata), |
| cfg.vif.pwrb_in, |
| cfg.vif.lid_open, |
| cfg.vif.ac_present, |
| cfg.intr_vif.pins |
| ); |
| end |
| cfg.clk_aon_rst_vif.wait_clks($urandom_range(0, 10)); |
| end |
| endtask : body |
| |
| // A helper function to determine if the set time is long enough to cover the debounce state. |
| // If the set time is longer than the debounce time, return 0. |
| // If the set time if shorter than the debounce time, return the cycles required to finish |
| // the debounce state. |
| virtual function uint cycles_to_finish_debounce(int set_cycles, int debounce_timer); |
| return (set_cycles >= debounce_timer) ? 0 : (debounce_timer - set_cycles); |
| endfunction |
| |
| endclass : sysrst_ctrl_ultra_low_pwr_vseq |