blob: 23de055dd2b4479d96ab2129a1b2c3711e9d3633 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright lowRISC contributors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
"""Enumerated types for fields
Generated by validation, used by backends
from enum import Enum
from reggen.lib import check_str
class JsonEnum(Enum):
def for_json(x) -> str:
return str(x)
class SwWrAccess(JsonEnum):
WR = 1
NONE = 2
class SwRdAccess(JsonEnum):
RD = 1
RC = 2 # Special handling for port
NONE = 3
class SwAccess(JsonEnum):
RO = 1
RW = 2
WO = 3
W1C = 4
W1S = 5
W0C = 6
RC = 7
R0W1C = 8
NONE = 9
class HwAccess(JsonEnum):
HRO = 1
HRW = 2
HWO = 3
NONE = 4 # No access allowed
# swaccess permitted values
# text description, access enum, wr access enum, rd access enum, ok in window
'none': ("No access", # noqa: E241
SwAccess.NONE, SwWrAccess.NONE, SwRdAccess.NONE, False), # noqa: E241
'ro': ("Read Only", # noqa: E241
SwAccess.RO, SwWrAccess.NONE, SwRdAccess.RD, True), # noqa: E241
'rc': ("Read Only, reading clears", # noqa: E241
SwAccess.RC, SwWrAccess.WR, SwRdAccess.RC, False), # noqa: E241
'rw': ("Read/Write", # noqa: E241
SwAccess.RW, SwWrAccess.WR, SwRdAccess.RD, True), # noqa: E241
'r0w1c': ("Read zero, Write with 1 clears", # noqa: E241
SwAccess.W1C, SwWrAccess.WR, SwRdAccess.NONE, False), # noqa: E241
'rw1s': ("Read, Write with 1 sets", # noqa: E241
SwAccess.W1S, SwWrAccess.WR, SwRdAccess.RD, False), # noqa: E241
'rw1c': ("Read, Write with 1 clears", # noqa: E241
SwAccess.W1C, SwWrAccess.WR, SwRdAccess.RD, False), # noqa: E241
'rw0c': ("Read, Write with 0 clears", # noqa: E241
SwAccess.W0C, SwWrAccess.WR, SwRdAccess.RD, False), # noqa: E241
'wo': ("Write Only", # noqa: E241
SwAccess.WO, SwWrAccess.WR, SwRdAccess.NONE, True) # noqa: E241
# hwaccess permitted values
'hro': ("Read Only", HwAccess.HRO),
'hrw': ("Read/Write", HwAccess.HRW),
'hwo': ("Write Only", HwAccess.HWO),
'none': ("No Access Needed", HwAccess.NONE)
class SWAccess:
def __init__(self, where: str, raw: object):
self.key = check_str(raw, 'swaccess for {}'.format(where))
self.value = SWACCESS_PERMITTED[self.key]
except KeyError:
raise ValueError('Unknown swaccess key, {}, for {}.'
.format(self.key, where)) from None
def dv_rights(self) -> str:
'''Return a UVM access string as used by uvm_field::set_access().'''
if self.key == 'r0w1c':
return 'W1C'
return self.value[1].name
def swrd(self) -> SwRdAccess:
return self.value[3]
def allows_read(self) -> bool:
return self.value[3] != SwRdAccess.NONE
def allows_write(self) -> bool:
return self.value[2] == SwWrAccess.WR
def needs_we(self) -> bool:
'''Should the register for this field have a write-enable signal?
This is almost the same as allows_write(), but doesn't return true for
RC registers, which should use a read-enable signal (connected to their
prim_subreg's we port).
return self.value[1] != SwAccess.RC and self.allows_write()
def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool:
if not isinstance(other, SWAccess):
return NotImplemented
return (self.key == other.key) and (self.value == other.value)
def __str__(self) -> str:
return '{}: {}'.format(self.key, self.value)
class HWAccess:
def __init__(self, where: str, raw: object):
self.key = check_str(raw, 'hwaccess for {}'.format(where))
self.value = HWACCESS_PERMITTED[self.key]
except KeyError:
raise ValueError('Unknown hwaccess key, {}, for {}.'
.format(self.key, where)) from None
def allows_read(self) -> bool:
return self.key in ['hro', 'hrw']
def allows_write(self) -> bool:
return self.key in ['hrw', 'hwo']
def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool:
if not isinstance(other, HWAccess):
return NotImplemented
return (self.key == other.key) and (self.value == other.value)
def __str__(self) -> str:
return '{}: {}'.format(self.key, self.value)