blob: 4964055195b2322c1ae167293dab64ee24802c1a [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright lowRISC contributors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# Verix CDC waiver file
# W_DATA : included in waived paths : start signal and receiving signal (flop) have been reviewed and waived in the same error or other errors
set_rule_status -rule {W_DATA} -expression {(ReceivingFlop =~ "top_earlgrey.u_pinmux_aon.mio_oe_retreg_q[46:0]") && (Signal =~ "top_earlgrey.u_spi_host1.u_cmd_queue.cmd_fifo.gen_normal_fifo.u_fifo_cnt.rptr_o[2:0]") && (Association =~ "None")} -status {Waived} -comment {included in waived paths : start signal and receiving signal (flop) have been reviewed and waived in the same error or other errors}
set_rule_status -rule {W_DATA} -expression {(ReceivingFlop =~ "top_earlgrey.u_pinmux_aon.mio_oe_retreg_q[46:0]") && (Signal =~ "top_earlgrey.u_spi_host1.u_cmd_queue.cmd_fifo.gen_normal_fifo.u_fifo_cnt.wptr_o[2:0]") && (Association =~ "None")} -status {Waived} -comment {included in waived paths : start signal and receiving signal (flop) have been reviewed and waived in the same error or other errors}
set_rule_status -rule {W_DATA} -expression {(ReceivingFlop =~ "top_earlgrey.u_pinmux_aon.mio_oe_retreg_q[46:0]") && (Signal =~ "top_earlgrey.u_xbar_main.u_asf_39.reqfifo.sync_wptr.u_sync_2.gen_generic.u_impl_generic.q_o[0]") && (Association =~ "None")} -status {Waived} -comment {included in waived paths : start signal and receiving signal (flop) have been reviewed and waived in the same error or other errors}
set_rule_status -rule {W_DATA} -expression {(ReceivingFlop =~ "top_earlgrey.u_pinmux_aon.mio_oe_retreg_q[46:0]") && (Signal =~ "top_earlgrey.u_spi_host1.u_reg.u_socket.num_req_outstanding[8:0]") && (Association =~ "None")} -status {Waived} -comment {included in waived paths : start signal and receiving signal (flop) have been reviewed and waived in the same error or other errors}
set_rule_status -rule {W_DATA} -expression {(ReceivingFlop =~ "top_earlgrey.u_pinmux_aon.mio_oe_retreg_q[46:0]") && (Signal =~ "[3:0][45]") && (Association =~ "None")} -status {Waived} -comment {included in waived paths : start signal and receiving signal (flop) have been reviewed and waived in the same error or other errors}
set_rule_status -rule {W_DATA} -expression {(ReceivingFlop =~ "top_earlgrey.u_pinmux_aon.mio_oe_retreg_q[46:0]") && (Signal =~ "[3:0][1]") && (Association =~ "None")} -status {Waived} -comment {included in waived paths : start signal and receiving signal (flop) have been reviewed and waived in the same error or other errors}
set_rule_status -rule {W_DATA} -expression {(ReceivingFlop =~ "top_earlgrey.u_pinmux_aon.mio_oe_retreg_q[46:0]") && (Signal =~ "top_earlgrey.u_xbar_main.u_asf_39.reqfifo.fifo_rptr_q[0]") && (Association =~ "None")} -status {Waived} -comment {included in waived paths : start signal and receiving signal (flop) have been reviewed and waived in the same error or other errors}
set_rule_status -rule {W_DATA} -expression {(ReceivingFlop =~ "top_earlgrey.u_pinmux_aon.mio_oe_retreg_q[46:0]") && (Signal =~ "top_earlgrey.u_spi_host1.u_cmd_queue.cmd_fifo.gen_normal_fifo.under_rst") && (Association =~ "None")} -status {Waived} -comment {included in waived paths : start signal and receiving signal (flop) have been reviewed and waived in the same error or other errors}
set_rule_status -rule {W_DATA} -expression {(ReceivingFlop =~ "top_earlgrey.u_pinmux_aon.mio_oe_retreg_q[46:0]") && (Signal =~ "top_earlgrey.u_spi_host1.u_spi_core.u_fsm.speed_cpha1[1:0]") && (Association =~ "None")} -status {Waived} -comment {included in waived paths : start signal and receiving signal (flop) have been reviewed and waived in the same error or other errors}
set_rule_status -rule {W_DATA} -expression {(ReceivingFlop =~ "top_earlgrey.u_pinmux_aon.mio_oe_retreg_q[46:0]") && (Signal =~ "top_earlgrey.u_spi_host1.u_reg.u_socket.dev_select_outstanding[1:0]") && (Association =~ "None")} -comment {included in waived paths : start signal and receiving signal (flop) have been reviewed and waived in the same error or other errors}
set_rule_status -rule {W_DATA} -expression {(ReceivingFlop =~ "top_earlgrey.u_lc_ctrl.u_dmi_jtag.dr_q[40]") && (Signal =~ "IOR2") && (Association =~ "None")} -status {Waived} -comment {included in waived paths : start signal and receiving signal (flop) have been reviewed and waived in the same error or other errors}
set_rule_status -rule {W_DATA} -expression {(ReceivingFlop =~ "top_earlgrey.u_lc_ctrl.u_dmi_jtag.dtmcs_q.zero1[31]") && (Signal =~ "IOR2") && (Association =~ "None")} -status {Waived} -comment {included in waived paths : start signal and receiving signal (flop) have been reviewed and waived in the same error or other errors}
set_rule_status -rule {W_DATA} -expression {(ReceivingFlop =~ "top_earlgrey.u_spi_device.u_p2s.cnt[2:0]") && (Signal =~ "top_earlgrey.u_spi_device.u_reg.u_cfg_cpha.q[0]") && (Association =~ "None")} -status {Waived} -comment {included in waived paths : start signal and receiving signal (flop) have been reviewed and waived in the same error or other errors}
set_rule_status -rule {W_DATA} -expression {(ReceivingFlop =~ "top_earlgrey.u_spi_device.u_spi_tpm.xfer_size[5:0]") && (Signal =~ "top_earlgrey.u_spi_device.u_reg.u_tpm_cfg_en.q[0]") && (Association =~ "None")} -status {Waived} -comment {included in waived paths : start signal and receiving signal (flop) have been reviewed and waived in the same error or other errors}
set_rule_status -rule {W_DATA} -expression {(ReceivingFlop =~ "top_earlgrey.u_spi_device.u_spi_tpm.sck_hw_reg_idx[3:0]") && (Signal =~ "top_earlgrey.u_spi_device.u_spi_tpm.sys_clk_tpm_cfg.hw_reg_dis") && (Association =~ "None")} -status {Waived} -comment {included in waived paths : start signal and receiving signal (flop) have been reviewed and waived in the same error or other errors}
set_rule_status -rule {W_DATA} -expression {(ReceivingFlop =~ "top_earlgrey.u_spi_device.u_spi_tpm.sck_hw_reg_idx[3:0]") && (Signal =~ "top_earlgrey.u_spi_device.u_spi_tpm.sys_clk_tpm_cfg.tpm_mode") && (Association =~ "None")} -status {Waived} -comment {included in waived paths : start signal and receiving signal (flop) have been reviewed and waived in the same error or other errors}
set_rule_status -rule {W_DATA} -expression {(ReceivingFlop =~ "top_earlgrey.u_lc_ctrl.u_dmi_jtag.dtmcs_q.zero1[31]") && (Signal =~ "top_earlgrey.u_pinmux_aon.u_pinmux_strap_sampling.tap_strap_q[1:0]") && (Association =~ "None")} -status {Waived} -comment {included in waived paths : start signal and receiving signal (flop) have been reviewed and waived in the same error or other errors}
set_rule_status -rule {W_DATA} -expression {(ReceivingFlop =~ "top_earlgrey.u_lc_ctrl.u_dmi_jtag.dtmcs_q.zero1[31]") && (Signal =~ "top_earlgrey.u_pinmux_aon.mio_pad_attr_q[37].invert") && (Association =~ "None")} -status {Waived} -comment {included in waived paths : start signal and receiving signal (flop) have been reviewed and waived in the same error or other errors}
set_rule_status -rule {W_DATA} -expression {(ReceivingFlop =~ "top_earlgrey.u_lc_ctrl.u_dmi_jtag.dtmcs_q.zero1[31]") && (Signal =~ "top_earlgrey.u_pinmux_aon.u_pinmux_strap_sampling.u_prim_lc_sender_pinmux_hw_debug_en.gen_flops.u_prim_flop.u_secure_anchor_flop.gen_generic.u_impl_generic.q_o[3:0]") && (Association =~ "None")} -status {Waived} -comment {included in waived paths : start signal and receiving signal (flop) have been reviewed and waived in the same error or other errors}
set_rule_status -rule {W_DATA} -expression {(ReceivingFlop =~ "top_earlgrey.u_lc_ctrl.u_dmi_jtag.dtmcs_q.zero1[31]") && (Signal =~ "top_earlgrey.u_pinmux_aon.u_pinmux_strap_sampling.u_prim_lc_sync_lc_dft_en.gen_flops.u_prim_flop_2sync.u_sync_2.gen_generic.u_impl_generic.q_o[3:0]") && (Association =~ "None")} -status {Waived} -comment {included in waived paths : start signal and receiving signal (flop) have been reviewed and waived in the same error or other errors}
set_rule_status -rule {W_DATA} -expression {(ReceivingFlop =~ "top_earlgrey.u_lc_ctrl.u_dmi_jtag.i_dmi_jtag_tap.idcode_q[31]") && (Signal =~ "top_earlgrey.u_pinmux_aon.u_pinmux_strap_sampling.u_prim_lc_sync_lc_dft_en.gen_flops.u_prim_flop_2sync.u_sync_2.gen_generic.u_impl_generic.q_o[3:0]") && (Association =~ "None")} -status {Waived} -comment {included in waived paths : start signal and receiving signal (flop) have been reviewed and waived in the same error or other errors}
set_rule_status -rule {W_DATA} -expression {(ReceivingFlop =~ "top_earlgrey.u_lc_ctrl.u_dmi_jtag.i_dmi_jtag_tap.idcode_q[31]") && (Signal =~ "top_earlgrey.u_pinmux_aon.mio_pad_attr_q[37].invert") && (Association =~ "None")} -status {Waived} -comment {included in waived paths : start signal and receiving signal (flop) have been reviewed and waived in the same error or other errors}
set_rule_status -rule {W_DATA} -expression {(ReceivingFlop =~ "top_earlgrey.u_lc_ctrl.u_dmi_jtag.i_dmi_jtag_tap.idcode_q[31]") && (Signal =~ "top_earlgrey.u_pinmux_aon.u_pinmux_strap_sampling.tap_strap_q[1:0]") && (Association =~ "None")} -status {Waived} -comment {included in waived paths : start signal and receiving signal (flop) have been reviewed and waived in the same error or other errors}
set_rule_status -rule {W_DATA} -expression {(ReceivingFlop =~ "top_earlgrey.u_lc_ctrl.u_dmi_jtag.i_dmi_jtag_tap.idcode_q[31]") && (Signal =~ "top_earlgrey.u_pinmux_aon.u_pinmux_strap_sampling.u_prim_lc_sender_pinmux_hw_debug_en.gen_flops.u_prim_flop.u_secure_anchor_flop.gen_generic.u_impl_generic.q_o[3:0]") && (Association =~ "None")} -status {Waived} -comment {included in waived paths : start signal and receiving signal (flop) have been reviewed and waived in the same error or other errors}
set_rule_status -rule {W_DATA} -expression {(ReceivingFlop =~ "top_earlgrey.u_lc_ctrl.u_dmi_jtag.i_dmi_jtag_tap.jtag_ir_shift_q[4]") && (Signal =~ "top_earlgrey.u_pinmux_aon.u_pinmux_strap_sampling.tap_strap_q[1:0]") && (Association =~ "None")} -status {Waived} -comment {included in waived paths : start signal and receiving signal (flop) have been reviewed and waived in the same error or other errors}
set_rule_status -rule {W_DATA} -expression {(ReceivingFlop =~ "top_earlgrey.u_lc_ctrl.u_dmi_jtag.i_dmi_jtag_tap.jtag_ir_shift_q[4]") && (Signal =~ "top_earlgrey.u_pinmux_aon.mio_pad_attr_q[37].invert") && (Association =~ "None")} -status {Waived} -comment {included in waived paths : start signal and receiving signal (flop) have been reviewed and waived in the same error or other errors}
set_rule_status -rule {W_DATA} -expression {(ReceivingFlop =~ "top_earlgrey.u_lc_ctrl.u_dmi_jtag.i_dmi_jtag_tap.jtag_ir_shift_q[4]") && (Signal =~ "top_earlgrey.u_pinmux_aon.u_pinmux_strap_sampling.u_prim_lc_sender_pinmux_hw_debug_en.gen_flops.u_prim_flop.u_secure_anchor_flop.gen_generic.u_impl_generic.q_o[3:0]") && (Association =~ "None")} -status {Waived} -comment {included in waived paths : start signal and receiving signal (flop) have been reviewed and waived in the same error or other errors}
set_rule_status -rule {W_DATA} -expression {(ReceivingFlop =~ "top_earlgrey.u_lc_ctrl.u_dmi_jtag.i_dmi_jtag_tap.jtag_ir_shift_q[4]") && (Signal =~ "top_earlgrey.u_pinmux_aon.u_pinmux_strap_sampling.u_prim_lc_sync_lc_dft_en.gen_flops.u_prim_flop_2sync.u_sync_2.gen_generic.u_impl_generic.q_o[3:0]") && (Association =~ "None")} -status {Waived} -comment {included in waived paths : start signal and receiving signal (flop) have been reviewed and waived in the same error or other errors}
set_rule_status -rule {W_DATA} -expression {(ReceivingFlop =~ "top_earlgrey.u_lc_ctrl.u_dmi_jtag.i_dmi_jtag_tap.tap_state_q[3:0]") && (Signal =~ "top_earlgrey.u_pinmux_aon.u_pinmux_strap_sampling.tap_strap_q[1:0]") && (Association =~ "None")} -status {Waived} -comment {included in waived paths : start signal and receiving signal (flop) have been reviewed and waived in the same error or other errors}
set_rule_status -rule {W_DATA} -expression {(ReceivingFlop =~ "top_earlgrey.u_lc_ctrl.u_dmi_jtag.i_dmi_jtag_tap.tap_state_q[3:0]") && (Signal =~ "top_earlgrey.u_pinmux_aon.mio_pad_attr_q[35].invert") && (Association =~ "None")} -status {Waived} -comment {included in waived paths : start signal and receiving signal (flop) have been reviewed and waived in the same error or other errors}
set_rule_status -rule {W_DATA} -expression {(ReceivingFlop =~ "top_earlgrey.u_lc_ctrl.u_dmi_jtag.i_dmi_jtag_tap.tap_state_q[3:0]") && (Signal =~ "top_earlgrey.u_pinmux_aon.u_pinmux_strap_sampling.u_prim_lc_sender_pinmux_hw_debug_en.gen_flops.u_prim_flop.u_secure_anchor_flop.gen_generic.u_impl_generic.q_o[3:0]") && (Association =~ "None")} -status {Waived} -comment {included in waived paths : start signal and receiving signal (flop) have been reviewed and waived in the same error or other errors}
set_rule_status -rule {W_DATA} -expression {(ReceivingFlop =~ "top_earlgrey.u_lc_ctrl.u_dmi_jtag.i_dmi_jtag_tap.tap_state_q[3:0]") && (Signal =~ "top_earlgrey.u_pinmux_aon.u_pinmux_strap_sampling.u_prim_lc_sync_lc_dft_en.gen_flops.u_prim_flop_2sync.u_sync_2.gen_generic.u_impl_generic.q_o[3:0]") && (Association =~ "None")} -status {Waived} -comment {included in waived paths : start signal and receiving signal (flop) have been reviewed and waived in the same error or other errors}
set_rule_status -rule {W_DATA} -expression {(ReceivingFlop =~ "top_earlgrey.u_rv_dm.dap.dr_q[40]") && (Signal =~ "top_earlgrey.u_pinmux_aon.u_pinmux_strap_sampling.u_prim_lc_sender_pinmux_hw_debug_en.gen_flops.u_prim_flop.u_secure_anchor_flop.gen_generic.u_impl_generic.q_o[3:0]") && (Association =~ "None")} -status {Waived} -comment {included in waived paths : start signal and receiving signal (flop) have been reviewed and waived in the same error or other errors}
set_rule_status -rule {W_DATA} -expression {(ReceivingFlop =~ "top_earlgrey.u_rv_dm.dap.dr_q[40]") && (Signal =~ "top_earlgrey.u_pinmux_aon.u_pinmux_strap_sampling.tap_strap_q[1:0]") && (Association =~ "None")} -status {Waived} -comment {included in waived paths : start signal and receiving signal (flop) have been reviewed and waived in the same error or other errors}
set_rule_status -rule {W_DATA} -expression {(ReceivingFlop =~ "top_earlgrey.u_rv_dm.dap.dr_q[40]") && (Signal =~ "top_earlgrey.u_pinmux_aon.u_pinmux_strap_sampling.u_prim_lc_sync_lc_dft_en.gen_flops.u_prim_flop_2sync.u_sync_2.gen_generic.u_impl_generic.q_o[3:0]") && (Association =~ "None")} -status {Waived} -comment {included in waived paths : start signal and receiving signal (flop) have been reviewed and waived in the same error or other errors}
set_rule_status -rule {W_DATA} -expression {(ReceivingFlop =~ "top_earlgrey.u_rv_dm.dap.dr_q[40]") && (Signal =~ "top_earlgrey.u_pinmux_aon.mio_pad_attr_q[37].invert") && (Association =~ "None")} -status {Waived} -comment {included in waived paths : start signal and receiving signal (flop) have been reviewed and waived in the same error or other errors}
set_rule_status -rule {W_DATA} -expression {(ReceivingFlop =~ "top_earlgrey.u_rv_dm.dap.dtmcs_q.zero1[31]") && (Signal =~ "top_earlgrey.u_pinmux_aon.u_pinmux_strap_sampling.tap_strap_q[1:0]") && (Association =~ "None")} -status {Waived} -comment {included in waived paths : start signal and receiving signal (flop) have been reviewed and waived in the same error or other errors}
set_rule_status -rule {W_DATA} -expression {(ReceivingFlop =~ "top_earlgrey.u_rv_dm.dap.dtmcs_q.zero1[31]") && (Signal =~ "top_earlgrey.u_pinmux_aon.u_pinmux_strap_sampling.u_prim_lc_sync_lc_dft_en.gen_flops.u_prim_flop_2sync.u_sync_2.gen_generic.u_impl_generic.q_o[3:0]") && (Association =~ "None")} -status {Waived} -comment {included in waived paths : start signal and receiving signal (flop) have been reviewed and waived in the same error or other errors}
set_rule_status -rule {W_DATA} -expression {(ReceivingFlop =~ "top_earlgrey.u_rv_dm.dap.dtmcs_q.zero1[31]") && (Signal =~ "top_earlgrey.u_pinmux_aon.mio_pad_attr_q[37].invert") && (Association =~ "None")} -status {Waived} -comment {included in waived paths : start signal and receiving signal (flop) have been reviewed and waived in the same error or other errors}
set_rule_status -rule {W_DATA} -expression {(ReceivingFlop =~ "top_earlgrey.u_rv_dm.dap.dtmcs_q.zero1[31]") && (Signal =~ "top_earlgrey.u_pinmux_aon.u_pinmux_strap_sampling.u_prim_lc_sender_pinmux_hw_debug_en.gen_flops.u_prim_flop.u_secure_anchor_flop.gen_generic.u_impl_generic.q_o[3:0]") && (Association =~ "None")} -status {Waived} -comment {included in waived paths : start signal and receiving signal (flop) have been reviewed and waived in the same error or other errors}
set_rule_status -rule {W_DATA} -expression {(ReceivingFlop =~ "top_earlgrey.u_rv_dm.dap.i_dmi_jtag_tap.idcode_q[31]") && (Signal =~ "top_earlgrey.u_pinmux_aon.u_pinmux_strap_sampling.u_prim_lc_sync_lc_dft_en.gen_flops.u_prim_flop_2sync.u_sync_2.gen_generic.u_impl_generic.q_o[3:0]") && (Association =~ "None")} -status {Waived} -comment {included in waived paths : start signal and receiving signal (flop) have been reviewed and waived in the same error or other errors}
set_rule_status -rule {W_DATA} -expression {(ReceivingFlop =~ "top_earlgrey.u_rv_dm.dap.i_dmi_jtag_tap.idcode_q[31]") && (Signal =~ "top_earlgrey.u_pinmux_aon.mio_pad_attr_q[37].invert") && (Association =~ "None")} -status {Waived} -comment {included in waived paths : start signal and receiving signal (flop) have been reviewed and waived in the same error or other errors}
set_rule_status -rule {W_DATA} -expression {(ReceivingFlop =~ "top_earlgrey.u_rv_dm.dap.i_dmi_jtag_tap.idcode_q[31]") && (Signal =~ "top_earlgrey.u_pinmux_aon.u_pinmux_strap_sampling.u_prim_lc_sender_pinmux_hw_debug_en.gen_flops.u_prim_flop.u_secure_anchor_flop.gen_generic.u_impl_generic.q_o[3:0]") && (Association =~ "None")} -status {Waived} -comment {included in waived paths : start signal and receiving signal (flop) have been reviewed and waived in the same error or other errors}
set_rule_status -rule {W_DATA} -expression {(ReceivingFlop =~ "top_earlgrey.u_rv_dm.dap.i_dmi_jtag_tap.idcode_q[31]") && (Signal =~ "top_earlgrey.u_pinmux_aon.u_pinmux_strap_sampling.tap_strap_q[1:0]") && (Association =~ "None")} -status {Waived} -comment {included in waived paths : start signal and receiving signal (flop) have been reviewed and waived in the same error or other errors}
set_rule_status -rule {W_DATA} -expression {(ReceivingFlop =~ "top_earlgrey.u_rv_dm.dap.i_dmi_jtag_tap.jtag_ir_shift_q[4]") && (Signal =~ "top_earlgrey.u_pinmux_aon.u_pinmux_strap_sampling.u_prim_lc_sender_pinmux_hw_debug_en.gen_flops.u_prim_flop.u_secure_anchor_flop.gen_generic.u_impl_generic.q_o[3:0]") && (Association =~ "None")} -status {Waived} -comment {included in waived paths : start signal and receiving signal (flop) have been reviewed and waived in the same error or other errors}
set_rule_status -rule {W_DATA} -expression {(ReceivingFlop =~ "top_earlgrey.u_rv_dm.dap.i_dmi_jtag_tap.jtag_ir_shift_q[4]") && (Signal =~ "top_earlgrey.u_pinmux_aon.mio_pad_attr_q[37].invert") && (Association =~ "None")} -status {Waived} -comment {included in waived paths : start signal and receiving signal (flop) have been reviewed and waived in the same error or other errors}
set_rule_status -rule {W_DATA} -expression {(ReceivingFlop =~ "top_earlgrey.u_rv_dm.dap.i_dmi_jtag_tap.jtag_ir_shift_q[4]") && (Signal =~ "top_earlgrey.u_pinmux_aon.u_pinmux_strap_sampling.tap_strap_q[1:0]") && (Association =~ "None")} -status {Waived} -comment {included in waived paths : start signal and receiving signal (flop) have been reviewed and waived in the same error or other errors}
set_rule_status -rule {W_DATA} -expression {(ReceivingFlop =~ "top_earlgrey.u_rv_dm.dap.i_dmi_jtag_tap.jtag_ir_shift_q[4]") && (Signal =~ "top_earlgrey.u_pinmux_aon.u_pinmux_strap_sampling.u_prim_lc_sync_lc_dft_en.gen_flops.u_prim_flop_2sync.u_sync_2.gen_generic.u_impl_generic.q_o[3:0]") && (Association =~ "None")} -status {Waived} -comment {included in waived paths : start signal and receiving signal (flop) have been reviewed and waived in the same error or other errors}
set_rule_status -rule {W_DATA} -expression {(ReceivingFlop =~ "top_earlgrey.u_pwrmgr_aon.u_fsm.u_state_regs.u_state_flop.gen_generic.u_impl_generic.q_o[11:0]") && (Signal =~ "IOB2") && (Association =~ "None")} -status {Waived} -comment {included in waived paths : start signal and receiving signal (flop) have been reviewed and waived in the same error or other errors}
set_rule_status -rule {W_DATA} -expression {(ReceivingFlop =~ "top_earlgrey.u_pwrmgr_aon.u_fsm.u_state_regs.u_state_flop.gen_generic.u_impl_generic.q_o[11:0]") && (Signal =~ "IOB1") && (Association =~ "None")} -status {Waived} -comment {included in waived paths : start signal and receiving signal (flop) have been reviewed and waived in the same error or other errors}
set_rule_status -rule {W_DATA} -expression {(ReceivingFlop =~ "top_earlgrey.u_rv_dm.dap.i_dmi_jtag_tap.tap_state_q[3:0]") && (Signal =~ "top_earlgrey.u_pinmux_aon.u_pinmux_strap_sampling.u_prim_lc_sync_lc_dft_en.gen_flops.u_prim_flop_2sync.u_sync_2.gen_generic.u_impl_generic.q_o[3:0]") && (Association =~ "None")} -status {Waived} -comment {included in waived paths : start signal and receiving signal (flop) have been reviewed and waived in the same error or other errors}
set_rule_status -rule {W_DATA} -expression {(ReceivingFlop =~ "top_earlgrey.u_rv_dm.dap.i_dmi_jtag_tap.tap_state_q[3:0]") && (Signal =~ "top_earlgrey.u_pinmux_aon.u_pinmux_strap_sampling.u_prim_lc_sender_pinmux_hw_debug_en.gen_flops.u_prim_flop.u_secure_anchor_flop.gen_generic.u_impl_generic.q_o[3:0]") && (Association =~ "None")} -status {Waived} -comment {included in waived paths : start signal and receiving signal (flop) have been reviewed and waived in the same error or other errors}
set_rule_status -rule {W_DATA} -expression {(ReceivingFlop =~ "top_earlgrey.u_rv_dm.dap.i_dmi_jtag_tap.tap_state_q[3:0]") && (Signal =~ "top_earlgrey.u_pinmux_aon.u_pinmux_strap_sampling.tap_strap_q[1:0]") && (Association =~ "None")} -status {Waived} -comment {included in waived paths : start signal and receiving signal (flop) have been reviewed and waived in the same error or other errors}
set_rule_status -rule {W_DATA} -expression {(ReceivingFlop =~ "top_earlgrey.u_rv_dm.dap.i_dmi_jtag_tap.tap_state_q[3:0]") && (Signal =~ "top_earlgrey.u_pinmux_aon.mio_pad_attr_q[35].invert") && (Association =~ "None")} -status {Waived} -comment {included in waived paths : start signal and receiving signal (flop) have been reviewed and waived in the same error or other errors}
set_rule_status -rule {W_DATA} -expression {(ReceivingFlop =~ "top_earlgrey.u_pinmux_aon.dio_out_retreg_q[0]") && (Signal =~ "top_earlgrey.u_usbdev.u_reg.u_phy_pins_drive_dp_o.q[0]") && (Association =~ "None")} -status {Waived} -comment {included in waived paths : start signal and receiving signal (flop) have been reviewed and waived in the same error or other errors}
set_rule_status -rule {W_DATA} -expression {(ReceivingFlop =~ "top_earlgrey.u_pinmux_aon.dio_out_retreg_q[1]") && (Signal =~ "top_earlgrey.u_usbdev.u_reg.u_phy_pins_drive_dn_o.q[0]") && (Association =~ "None")} -status {Waived} -comment {included in waived paths : start signal and receiving signal (flop) have been reviewed and waived in the same error or other errors}
set_rule_status -rule {W_DATA} -expression {(ReceivingFlop =~ "top_earlgrey.u_pinmux_aon.dio_out_retreg_q[0]") && (Signal =~ "top_earlgrey.u_usbdev.usbdev_impl.u_usb_fs_nb_pe.u_usb_fs_tx.u_usb_dp_o_flop.gen_generic.u_impl_generic.q_o[0]") && (Association =~ "None")} -status {Waived} -comment {included in waived paths : start signal and receiving signal (flop) have been reviewed and waived in the same error or other errors}
set_rule_status -rule {W_DATA} -expression {(ReceivingFlop =~ "top_earlgrey.u_pinmux_aon.dio_out_retreg_q[1]") && (Signal =~ "top_earlgrey.u_usbdev.usbdev_impl.u_usb_fs_nb_pe.u_usb_fs_tx.u_usb_dn_o_flop.gen_generic.u_impl_generic.q_o[0]") && (Association =~ "None")} -status {Waived} -comment {included in waived paths : start signal and receiving signal (flop) have been reviewed and waived in the same error or other errors}
set_rule_status -rule {W_DATA} -expression {(ReceivingFlop =~ "top_earlgrey.u_pinmux_aon.dio_out_retreg_q[1:0]") && (Signal =~ "top_earlgrey.u_usbdev.u_reg.u_phy_pins_drive_en.q[0]") && (Association =~ "None")} -status {Waived} -comment {included in waived paths : start signal and receiving signal (flop) have been reviewed and waived in the same error or other errors}
set_rule_status -rule {W_DATA} -expression {(ReceivingFlop =~ "top_earlgrey.u_rv_dm.dap.dr_q[40]") && (Signal =~ "IOR2") && (Association =~ "None")} -status {Waived} -comment {included in waived paths : start signal and receiving signal (flop) have been reviewed and waived in the same error or other errors}
set_rule_status -rule {W_DATA} -expression {(ReceivingFlop =~ "top_earlgrey.u_rv_dm.dap.dtmcs_q.zero1[31]") && (Signal =~ "IOR2") && (Association =~ "None")} -status {Waived} -comment {included in waived paths : start signal and receiving signal (flop) have been reviewed and waived in the same error or other errors}
set_rule_status -rule {W_DATA} -expression {(ReceivingFlop =~ "top_earlgrey.u_rv_dm.dap.i_dmi_jtag_tap.idcode_q[31]") && (Signal =~ "IOR2") && (Association =~ "None")} -status {Waived} -comment {included in waived paths : start signal and receiving signal (flop) have been reviewed and waived in the same error or other errors}
set_rule_status -rule {W_DATA} -expression {(ReceivingFlop =~ "top_earlgrey.u_spi_device.u_reg.u_intr_state_generic_tx_watermark.q[0]") && (Signal =~ "top_earlgrey.u_spi_device.u_fwmode.u_txf_ctrl.rptr[12:3]") && (Association =~ "None")} -status {Waived} -comment {included in waived paths : start signal and receiving signal (flop) have been reviewed and waived in the same error or other errors}
set_rule_status -rule {W_DATA} -expression {(ReceivingFlop =~ "top_earlgrey.u_spi_device.u_reg.u_intr_state_generic_tx_watermark.q[0]") && (Signal =~ "top_earlgrey.u_spi_device.u_fwmode.u_txf_ctrl.rptr[1:0]") && (Association =~ "None")} -status {Waived} -comment {included in waived paths : start signal and receiving signal (flop) have been reviewed and waived in the same error or other errors}
set_rule_status -rule {W_DATA} -expression {(ReceivingFlop =~ "top_earlgrey.u_spi_device.u_upload.u_arbiter.u_req_fifo.gen_normal_fifo.u_fifo_cnt.rptr_o[2:0]") && (Signal =~ "top_earlgrey.u_spi_device.u_memory_2p.b_rvalid_sram_q") && (Association =~ "None")} -status {Waived} -comment {included in waived paths : start signal and receiving signal (flop) have been reviewed and waived in the same error or other errors}
set_rule_status -rule {W_DATA} -expression {(ReceivingFlop =~ "top_earlgrey.u_spi_device.u_upload.u_arbiter.u_req_fifo.gen_normal_fifo.u_fifo_cnt.rptr_o[2:0]") && (Signal =~ "top_earlgrey.u_spi_device.u_memory_2p.b_rvalid_sram_q") && (Association =~ "None")} -status {Waived} -comment {included in waived paths : start signal and receiving signal (flop) have been reviewed and waived in the same error or other errors}
set_rule_status -rule {W_DATA} -expression {(ReceivingFlop =~ "top_earlgrey.u_spi_device.readbuf_addr_busclk[31:0]") && (Signal =~ "top_earlgrey.u_spi_device.u_readcmd.readbuf_addr[31:0]") && (Association =~ "None")} -status {Waived} -comment {included in waived paths : start signal and receiving signal (flop) have been reviewed and waived in the same error or other errors}
set_rule_status -rule {W_DATA} -expression {(ReceivingFlop =~ "top_earlgrey.u_rv_dm.dap.i_dmi_jtag_tap.jtag_ir_shift_q[4]") && (Signal =~ "IOR2") && (Association =~ "None")} -status {Waived} -comment {included in waived paths : start signal and receiving signal (flop) have been reviewed and waived in the same error or other errors}
set_rule_status -rule {W_DATA} -expression {(ReceivingFlop =~ "top_earlgrey.u_spi_device.u_reg.u_intr_state_generic_rx_full.q[0]") && (Signal =~ "top_earlgrey.u_spi_device.u_fwmode.u_rxf_ctrl.wptr[11:2]") && (Association =~ "None")} -status {Waived} -comment {included in waived paths : start signal and receiving signal (flop) have been reviewed and waived in the same error or other errors}
set_rule_status -rule {W_DATA} -expression {(ReceivingFlop =~ "top_earlgrey.u_spi_device.u_reg.u_intr_state_generic_rx_watermark.q[0]") && (Signal =~ "top_earlgrey.u_spi_device.u_fwmode.u_rxf_ctrl.wptr[11:0]") && (Association =~ "None")} -status {Waived} -comment {included in waived paths : start signal and receiving signal (flop) have been reviewed and waived in the same error or other errors}
set_rule_status -rule {W_DATA} -expression {(ReceivingFlop =~ "top_earlgrey.u_rv_dm.dap.i_dmi_jtag_tap.tap_state_q[3:0]") && (Signal =~ "IOR0") && (Association =~ "None")} -status {Waived} -comment {included in waived paths : start signal and receiving signal (flop) have been reviewed and waived in the same error or other errors}
set_rule_status -rule {W_DATA} -expression {(ReceivingFlop =~ "top_earlgrey.u_spi_device.u_reg.u_rxf_ptr_wptr.q[12:0]") && (Signal =~ "top_earlgrey.u_spi_device.u_fwmode.u_rxf_ctrl.wptr[12:0]") && (Association =~ "None")} -status {Waived} -comment {included in waived paths : start signal and receiving signal (flop) have been reviewed and waived in the same error or other errors}
set_rule_status -rule {W_DATA} -expression {(ReceivingFlop =~ "top_earlgrey.u_spi_device.u_reg.u_txf_ptr_rptr.q[12:0]") && (Signal =~ "top_earlgrey.u_spi_device.u_fwmode.u_txf_ctrl.rptr[12:0]") && (Association =~ "None")} -status {Waived} -comment {included in waived paths : start signal and receiving signal (flop) have been reviewed and waived in the same error or other errors}
set_rule_status -rule {W_DATA} -expression {(ReceivingFlop =~ "top_earlgrey.u_pinmux_aon.dio_out_retreg_q[5:2]") && (Signal =~ "top_earlgrey.u_spi_host0.u_cmd_queue.cmd_fifo.gen_normal_fifo.under_rst") && (Association =~ "None")} -status {Waived} -comment {included in waived paths : start signal and receiving signal (flop) have been reviewed and waived in the same error or other errors}
set_rule_status -rule {W_DATA} -expression {(ReceivingFlop =~ "top_earlgrey.u_pinmux_aon.dio_out_retreg_q[5:2]") && (Signal =~ "top_earlgrey.u_spi_host0.u_cmd_queue.cmd_fifo.gen_normal_fifo.u_fifo_cnt.rptr_o[2:0]") && (Association =~ "None")} -status {Waived} -comment {included in waived paths : start signal and receiving signal (flop) have been reviewed and waived in the same error or other errors}
set_rule_status -rule {W_DATA} -expression {(ReceivingFlop =~ "top_earlgrey.u_pinmux_aon.dio_out_retreg_q[5:2]") && (Signal =~ "[3:0][1]") && (Association =~ "None")} -status {Waived} -comment {included in waived paths : start signal and receiving signal (flop) have been reviewed and waived in the same error or other errors}
set_rule_status -rule {W_DATA} -expression {(ReceivingFlop =~ "top_earlgrey.u_pinmux_aon.dio_out_retreg_q[5:2]") && (Signal =~ "top_earlgrey.u_spi_host0.u_cmd_queue.cmd_fifo.gen_normal_fifo.u_fifo_cnt.wptr_o[2:0]") && (Association =~ "None")} -status {Waived} -comment {included in waived paths : start signal and receiving signal (flop) have been reviewed and waived in the same error or other errors}
set_rule_status -rule {W_DATA} -expression {(ReceivingFlop =~ "top_earlgrey.u_pinmux_aon.dio_out_retreg_q[5:2]") && (Signal =~ "[3:0][45]") && (Association =~ "None")} -status {Waived} -comment {included in waived paths : start signal and receiving signal (flop) have been reviewed and waived in the same error or other errors}
set_rule_status -rule {W_DATA} -expression {(ReceivingFlop =~ "top_earlgrey.u_pinmux_aon.mio_oe_retreg_q[46:0]") && (Signal =~ "top_earlgrey.u_spi_host1.u_reg.u_socket.dev_select_outstanding[1:0]") && (Association =~ "None")} -status {Waived} -comment {included in waived paths : start signal and receiving signal (flop) have been reviewed and waived in the same error or other errors}
set_rule_status -rule {W_DATA} -expression {(ReceivingFlop =~ "top_earlgrey.u_spi_device.u_reg.u_reg_if.rdata_q[3:0]") && (Signal =~ "top_earlgrey.u_spi_device.u_fwmode.u_rx_fifo.sync_wptr.u_sync_2.gen_generic.u_impl_generic.q_o[3:1]") && (Association =~ "None")} -status {Waived} -comment {included in waived paths : start signal and receiving signal (flop) have been reviewed and waived in the same error or other errors}
set_rule_status -rule {W_DATA} -expression {(ReceivingFlop =~ "top_earlgrey.u_spi_device.u_reg.u_reg_if.rdata_q[2]") && (Signal =~ "top_earlgrey.u_spi_device.u_fwmode.u_rx_fifo.sync_wptr.u_sync_2.gen_generic.u_impl_generic.q_o[0]") && (Association =~ "None")} -status {Waived} -comment {included in waived paths : start signal and receiving signal (flop) have been reviewed and waived in the same error or other errors}
# W_MASYNC : included in waived paths : start signal and receiving signal (flop) have been reviewed and waived in the same error or other errors
set_rule_status -rule {W_MASYNC} -expression {(ReceivingFlop =~ "top_earlgrey.u_spi_device.u_rxf_overflow.src_level") && (MultiClockDomains =~ "IO_DIV4_CLK::SPI_DEV_IN_CLK,SPI_DEV_PASSTHRU_IN_CLK") && (Driver =~ "top_earlgrey.u_spi_device.u_reg.u_control_mode.q[0]")} -status {Waived} -comment {static info in IO_DIV4_CLK}
set_rule_status -rule {W_MASYNC} -expression {(ReceivingFlop =~ "top_earlgrey.u_spi_device.u_readcmd.u_readsram.u_fifo.gen_normal_fifo.u_fifo_cnt.*ptr_o*") && (MultiClockDomains =~ "IO_DIV2_CLK,IO_DIV4_CLK,SPI_DEV_IN_CLK,SPI_DEV_PASSTHRU_IN_CLK::SPI_DEV_IN_CLK,SPI_DEV_PASSTHRU_IN_CLK") && (Driver =~ "top_earlgrey.u_spi_device.u_memory_2p.b_rvalid_sram_q")} -status {Waived} -comment {static info in IO_DIV4_CLK}
set_rule_status -rule {W_MASYNC} -expression {(ReceivingFlop =~ "top_earlgrey.u_spi_device.u_p2s.out_shift[7:0]") && (MultiClockDomains =~ "IO_DIV2_CLK,IO_DIV4_CLK,SPI_DEV_IN_CLK,SPI_DEV_PASSTHRU_IN_CLK::SPI_DEV_OUT_CLK,SPI_DEV_PASSTHRU_OUT_CLK") && (Driver =~ "[7:0][7:0]")} -status {Waived} -comment {reg data is muxed with spi data in spi clock domain}
set_rule_status -rule {W_MASYNC} -expression {(ReceivingFlop =~ "top_earlgrey.u_spi_device.u_p2s.out_shift[7:0]") && (MultiClockDomains =~ "IO_DIV4_CLK::SPI_DEV_OUT_CLK,SPI_DEV_PASSTHRU_OUT_CLK") && (Driver =~ "top_earlgrey.u_spi_device.u_reg.u_cfg_tx_order.q[0]")} -status {Waived} -comment {reg data is muxed with spi data in spi clock domain}
set_rule_status -rule {W_MASYNC} -expression {(ReceivingFlop =~ "top_earlgrey.u_spi_device.u_fwmode.u_rxf_ctrl.sram_wdata[31:0]") && (MultiClockDomains =~ "SPI_DEV_IN_CLK,SPI_DEV_PASSTHRU_IN_CLK::IO_DIV2_CLK,IO_DIV4_CLK,SPI_DEV_IN_CLK,SPI_DEV_PASSTHRU_IN_CLK") && (Driver =~ "[7:0][7:0]")} -status {Waived} -comment {reg data is muxed with spi data in spi clock domain}
set_rule_status -rule {W_MASYNC} -expression {(ReceivingFlop =~ "top_earlgrey.u_spi_device.u_readcmd.u_readbuffer.st_q") && (MultiClockDomains =~ "IO_DIV4_CLK::SPI_DEV_IN_CLK,SPI_DEV_PASSTHRU_IN_CLK") && (Driver =~ "top_earlgrey.u_spi_device.u_reg.u_control_mode.q[0]")} -status {Waived} -comment {reg data is muxed with spi data in spi clock domain}
set_rule_status -rule {W_MASYNC} -expression {(ReceivingFlop =~ "top_earlgrey.u_spi_device.u_spid_status.sck_status_staged[0]") && (MultiClockDomains =~ "IO_DIV4_CLK::SPI_DEV_IN_CLK,SPI_DEV_PASSTHRU_IN_CLK") && (Driver =~ "[1:0][23:0]")} -status {Waived} -comment {reg data is muxed with spi data in spi clock domain}
set_rule_status -rule {W_MASYNC} -expression {(ReceivingFlop =~ "top_earlgrey.u_spi_device.u_spi_tpm.sck_st_q[3:0]") && (MultiClockDomains =~ "IO_DIV4_CLK::SPI_DEV_IN_CLK,SPI_DEV_PASSTHRU_IN_CLK") && (Driver =~ "top_earlgrey.u_spi_device.u_reg.u_tpm_cfg_en.q[0]")} -status {Waived} -comment {reg data is muxed with spi data in spi clock domain} -lastedit_user {root}
set_rule_status -rule {W_MASYNC} -expression {(ReceivingFlop =~ "top_earlgrey.u_spi_device.u_memory_2p.b_rvalid_sram_q") && (MultiClockDomains =~ "SPI_DEV_CLK,SPI_DEV_PASSTHRU_CLK::IO_DIV2_CLK,IO_DIV4_CLK,SPI_DEV_IN_CLK,SPI_DEV_PASSTHRU_IN_CLK") && (Driver =~ "SPI_DEV_D0")} -status {Waived} -comment {reg data is muxed with spi data in spi clock domain}
set_rule_status -rule {W_MASYNC} -expression {(ReceivingFlop =~ "top_earlgrey.u_spi_device.u_memory_2p.b_rvalid_sram_q") && (MultiClockDomains =~ "SPI_DEV_OUT_CLK,SPI_DEV_PASSTHRU_OUT_CLK::IO_DIV2_CLK,IO_DIV4_CLK,SPI_DEV_IN_CLK,SPI_DEV_PASSTHRU_IN_CLK") && (Driver =~ "top_earlgrey.u_spi_device.io_mode_outclk[0]")} -status {Waived} -comment {reg data is muxed with spi data in spi clock domain}
set_rule_status -rule {W_MASYNC} -expression {(ReceivingFlop =~ "top_earlgrey.u_spi_device.u_jedec.cc_count[7:0]") && (MultiClockDomains =~ "IO_DIV4_CLK::SPI_DEV_IN_CLK,SPI_DEV_PASSTHRU_IN_CLK") && (Driver =~ "top_earlgrey.u_spi_device.u_reg.u_control_mode.q[0]")} -status {Waived} -comment {reg data is muxed with spi data in spi clock domain}
set_rule_status -rule {W_MASYNC} -expression {(ReceivingFlop =~ "top_earlgrey.u_spi_device.u_jedec.byte_sel_q[1:0]") && (MultiClockDomains =~ "IO_DIV4_CLK::SPI_DEV_IN_CLK,SPI_DEV_PASSTHRU_IN_CLK") && (Driver =~ "top_earlgrey.u_spi_device.u_reg.u_control_mode.q[0]")} -status {Waived} -comment {reg data is muxed with spi data in spi clock domain}
set_rule_status -rule {W_MASYNC} -expression {(ReceivingFlop =~ "top_earlgrey.u_spi_device.u_reg.u_reg_if.rdata_q*") && (MultiClockDomains =~ "IO_DIV2_CLK,IO_DIV4_CLK,SPI_DEV_IN_CLK,SPI_DEV_PASSTHRU_IN_CLK::IO_DIV4_CLK") && (Driver =~ "top_earlgrey.u_spi_device.u_fwmode.u_rx_fifo.fifo_rptr_q[0]")} -status {Waived} -comment {reg data is muxed with spi data in spi clock domain}
set_rule_status -rule {W_MASYNC} -expression {(ReceivingFlop =~ "top_earlgrey.u_spi_device.u_reg.u_reg_if.rdata_q[3:0]") && (MultiClockDomains =~ "SPI_DEV_IN_CLK,SPI_DEV_PASSTHRU_IN_CLK::IO_DIV4_CLK") && (Driver =~ "[1:0][31:0]")} -status {Waived} -comment {reg data is muxed with spi data in spi clock domain}
set_rule_status -rule {W_MASYNC} -expression {(ReceivingFlop =~ "top_earlgrey.u_spi_device.u_reg.u_reg_if.rdata_q[19:16]") && (MultiClockDomains =~ "IO_DIV2_CLK,IO_DIV4_CLK,SPI_DEV_IN_CLK,SPI_DEV_PASSTHRU_IN_CLK::IO_DIV4_CLK") && (Driver =~ "top_earlgrey.u_spi_device.u_fwmode.u_tx_fifo.fifo_rptr_sync_q[0]")} -status {Waived} -comment {reg data is muxed with spi data in spi clock domain}
set_rule_status -rule {W_MASYNC} -expression {(ReceivingFlop =~ "top_earlgrey.u_spi_device.u_reg.u_reg_if.rdata_q[19:16]") && (MultiClockDomains =~ "SPI_DEV_IN_CLK,SPI_DEV_PASSTHRU_IN_CLK::IO_DIV4_CLK") && (Driver =~ "[1:0][31:0]")} -status {Waived} -comment {reg data is muxed with spi data in spi clock domain}
set_rule_status -rule {W_MASYNC} -expression {(ReceivingFlop =~ "top_earlgrey.u_lc_ctrl.u_dmi_jtag.i_dmi_jtag_tap.jtag_ir_shift_q*") && (MultiClockDomains =~ "IO_DIV2_CLK,IO_DIV4_CLK::IO_DIV4_CLK,JTAG_TCK") && (Driver =~ "IOR2")} -status {Waived} -comment {reg data is muxed with spi data in spi clock domain} -lastedit_user {root}
set_rule_status -rule {W_MASYNC} -expression {(ReceivingFlop =~ "top_earlgrey.u_usbdev.i_usbdev_iomux.cdc_io_to_usb.u_sync_1.gen_generic.u_impl_generic.q_o*") && (MultiClockDomains =~ "RI_WAVEFORM_ASYNC_1::AST_EXT_CLK,USB_CLK") && (Driver =~ "USB_*")} -status {Waived} -comment {reg data is muxed with spi data in spi clock domain}
set_rule_status -rule {W_MASYNC} -expression {(ReceivingFlop =~ "top_earlgrey.u_lc_ctrl.u_dmi_jtag.i_dmi_jtag_tap.tap_state_q*") && (Driver =~ "IO*")} -status {Waived}