blob: d8aed30ef3b91bd88a0c775b06cd5775557b3fde [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
`include ""
* Tile-Link UL response integrity check
module tlul_rsp_intg_chk import tlul_pkg::*; #(
parameter bit EnableRspDataIntgCheck = 0
) (
// TL-UL interface
input tl_d2h_t tl_i,
// error output
output logic err_o
logic [1:0] rsp_err;
tl_d2h_rsp_intg_t rsp;
assign rsp = extract_d2h_rsp_intg(tl_i);
prim_secded_inv_64_57_dec u_chk (
.data_i({tl_i.d_user.rsp_intg, D2HRspMaxWidth'(rsp)}),
logic rsp_data_err;
if (EnableRspDataIntgCheck) begin : gen_rsp_data_intg_check
tlul_data_integ_dec u_tlul_data_integ_dec (
.data_intg_i({tl_i.d_user.data_intg, DataMaxWidth'(tl_i.d_data)}),
end else begin : gen_no_rsp_data_intg_check
assign rsp_data_err = 1'b0;
// error is not permanently latched as rsp_intg_chk is typically
// used near the host.
// if the error is permanent, it would imply the host could forever
// receive bus errors and lose all ability to debug.
// It should be up to the host to determine the permanence of this error.
assign err_o = tl_i.d_valid & (|rsp_err | rsp_data_err);
logic unused_tl;
assign unused_tl = |tl_i;
`ASSERT_INIT(PayLoadWidthCheck, $bits(tl_d2h_rsp_intg_t) <= D2HRspMaxWidth)
endmodule // tlul_rsp_intg_chk