blob: 0907023027ade2635c4716557812ecf6fc03ecb2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
num_hints = len(typed_clocks.hint_clks)
package clkmgr_pkg;
typedef enum int {
% for idx, hint_name in list(enumerate(hint_names.values())):
${hint_name} = ${idx}${"," if not loop.last else ""}
% endfor
} hint_names_e;
// clocks generated and broadcast
typedef struct packed {
% for clk in typed_clocks.all_clocks():
logic ${clk};
% endfor
} clkmgr_out_t;
// clock gating indication for alert handler
typedef struct packed {
<% n_clk = 0 %>\
% for clk in typed_clocks.all_clocks():
prim_mubi_pkg::mubi4_t ${clk.split('clk_')[-1]};<% n_clk += 1 %>
% endfor
} clkmgr_cg_en_t;
parameter int NumOutputClk = ${n_clk};
% for intf, eps in cfg['exported_clks'].items():
typedef struct packed {
% for ep, clks in eps.items():
% for clk in clks:
logic clk_${intf}_${ep}_${clk};
% endfor
% endfor
} clkmgr_${intf}_out_t;
% endfor
typedef struct packed {
logic [${num_hints}-1:0] idle;
} clk_hint_status_t;
parameter clk_hint_status_t CLK_HINT_STATUS_DEFAULT = '{
idle: {${num_hints}{1'b1}}
endpackage // clkmgr_pkg