| // Copyright lowRISC contributors. |
| // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. |
| // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 |
| { |
| name: "${module_instance_name}" |
| import_testplans: ["hw/dv/tools/dvsim/testplans/fpv_csr_testplan.hjson"] |
| testpoints: [ |
| { |
| name: LevelTriggeredIp_A |
| desc: '''If interrupt pending (`ip`) is triggered, and the level indicator is set to |
| level triggered (`le=0`), then in the prvious clock cycle, the interrupt source |
| (`intr_src_i) should be set to 1.''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["${module_instance_name}_assert"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: EdgeTriggeredIp_A |
| desc: '''If interrupt pending (`ip`) is triggered, and the level indicator is set to |
| edge triggered (`le=1`), then in the prvious clock cycle, the interrupt source |
| (`intr_src_i) should be at the rising edge.''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["${module_instance_name}_assert"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: LevelTriggeredIpWithClaim_A |
| desc: '''If `intr_src_i` is set to 1, level indicator is set to level triggered, and claim |
| signal is not set, then at the next clock cycle `ip` will be triggered.''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["${module_instance_name}_assert"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: EdgeTriggeredIpWithClaim_A |
| desc: '''If `intr_src_i` is at the rising edge, level indicator is set to edge triggered, and claim |
| signal is not set, then at the next clock cycle `ip` will be triggered.''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["${module_instance_name}_assert"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: IpStableAfterTriggered_A |
| desc: "Once `ip` is set, it stays stable until is being claimed." |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["${module_instance_name}_assert"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: IpClearAfterClaim_A |
| desc: "Once `ip` is set and being claimed, its value is cleared to 0." |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["${module_instance_name}_assert"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: IpStableAfterClaimed_A |
| desc: '''Once `ip` is cleared to 0, it stays stable until completed and being triggered |
| again.''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["${module_instance_name}_assert"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: TriggerIrqForwardCheck_A |
| desc: '''If interrupt is enabled (`ie=1`), interrupt pending is set (`ip=1`), interrupt |
| input has the highest priority among the rest of the inputs, and its priority is |
| above the threshold. Then in the next clock clcye, the `irq_o` should be triggered, |
| and the `irq_id_o` will reflect the input ID.''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["${module_instance_name}_assert"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: TriggerIrqBackwardCheck_A |
| desc: '''If `irq_o` is set to 1, then in the previous clock cycle, the corresponding |
| `ip` should be set, `ie` should be enabled, and the interrupt source should above the |
| threshold and have the highest priority.''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["${module_instance_name}_assert"] |
| |
| } |
| { |
| name: IdChangeWithIrq_A |
| desc: '''If `irq_id_o` signal is changed and the signal does not change to 0 (value 0 does |
| not represent any interrupt source ID). Then either of the two condition should have |
| happened: |
| - `irq_o` is triggered |
| - No interrupt triggered, `ip` is set and `ie` is enabled, interrupt source priority is the |
| largest among the rest of the interrupt, but the interrupt source |
| priority is smaller than the threshold''' |
| stage: V2 |
| tests: ["${module_instance_name}_assert"] |
| } |
| ] |
| } |