blob: 106ae734f71bbbd84b246475ac558936677ba923 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Flash Phy Read Buffers Dependency
// This module handles the dependency between response order FIFO
// and the buffers.
// Basically, it ensures that if an item queued up in the response
// FIFO is waiting for a specific buffer, that buffer is not de-allocated
// to serve a new request.
module flash_phy_rd_buf_dep import flash_phy_pkg::*;(
input clk_i,
input rst_ni,
input en_i,
input fifo_wr_i,
input fifo_rd_i,
input [NumBuf-1:0] wr_buf_i,
input [NumBuf-1:0] rd_buf_i,
output logic [NumBuf-1:0] dependency_o,
output logic all_dependency_o
// The following logic determines the dependency between entries in the read buffer
// with items currently queued up for response.
localparam int NumBufWidth = $clog2(NumBuf);
// also need to add an assertion to check for overflows
localparam int BufDepCntWidth = $clog2(RspOrderDepth + 1);
logic [NumBuf-1:0][BufDepCntWidth-1:0] buf_dependency_cnt;
// The logic below can be more simplified in an always_comb loop,
// but the `i` assignment causes some lint tools to be mildly unhappy.
// This separarate creation seems to be more tool friendly.
logic [NumBuf-1:0][NumBufWidth-1:0] buf_mux_cnt;
for(genvar i = 0; i < NumBuf; i++) begin : gen_cnt_assign
assign buf_mux_cnt[i] = i;
// the dep buf select needs to be different between increment and decrement
// When incrementing, we are looking at the wdata of the rsp_order_fifo
// When decrementing, we are looking at the rdata of the rsp_order_fifo
logic [NumBufWidth-1:0] incr_buf_sel;
logic [NumBufWidth-1:0] decr_buf_sel;
always_comb begin
incr_buf_sel = '0;
decr_buf_sel = '0;
for (int unsigned i = 0; i < NumBuf; i++) begin
if (wr_buf_i[i]) begin
incr_buf_sel = buf_mux_cnt[i];
if (rd_buf_i[i]) begin
decr_buf_sel = buf_mux_cnt[i];
end // always_comb
logic [BufDepCntWidth-1:0] curr_incr_cnt, curr_decr_cnt;
assign curr_incr_cnt = buf_dependency_cnt[incr_buf_sel];
assign curr_decr_cnt = buf_dependency_cnt[decr_buf_sel];
logic cnt_incr, cnt_decr;
assign cnt_incr = en_i & fifo_wr_i & (curr_incr_cnt < RspOrderDepth);
assign cnt_decr = en_i & fifo_rd_i & (curr_decr_cnt > '0);
//assign cnt_decr = fifo_rd_i & (rsp_fifo_vld & data_valid_o) & (curr_decr_cnt > '0);
logic fin_cnt_incr, fin_cnt_decr;
assign fin_cnt_incr = (incr_buf_sel == decr_buf_sel) ? cnt_incr && !cnt_decr : cnt_incr;
assign fin_cnt_decr = (incr_buf_sel == decr_buf_sel) ? !cnt_incr && cnt_decr : cnt_decr;
// This tells us which buffer currently has a dependency to an item in the rsp_order_fifo
always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin
if (!rst_ni) begin
buf_dependency_cnt <= '0;
end else begin
if (fin_cnt_incr) begin
buf_dependency_cnt[incr_buf_sel] <= curr_incr_cnt + 1'b1;
if (fin_cnt_decr) begin
buf_dependency_cnt[decr_buf_sel] <= curr_decr_cnt - 1'b1;
// per buffer dependency determination
always_comb begin
dependency_o = '0;
for (int i = 0; i < NumBuf; i++) begin
dependency_o[i] = |buf_dependency_cnt[i];
// all buffer entries currently have a dependency
assign all_dependency_o = &dependency_o;
// If there are more buffers than there are number of response fifo entries, we an never have
// a fully dependent condition
`ASSERT(BufferDepRsp_A, NumBuf > RspOrderDepth |-> ~all_dependency_o)
// We should never attempt to increment when at max value
`ASSERT(BufferIncrOverFlow_A, en_i & fifo_wr_i |-> curr_incr_cnt < RspOrderDepth)
// We should never attempt to decrement when at min value
`ASSERT(BufferDecrUnderRun_A, en_i & fifo_rd_i |-> (curr_decr_cnt > '0))
// The total number of dependent buffers cannot never exceed the size of response queue
//VCS coverage off
// pragma coverage off
logic [31:0] assert_cnt;
always_comb begin
assert_cnt = '0;
for (int unsigned i = 0; i < NumBuf; i++) begin
assert_cnt = assert_cnt + dependency_o[i];
//VCS coverage on
// pragma coverage on
`ASSERT(DepBufferRspOrder_A, fifo_wr_i |=> assert_cnt <= RspOrderDepth)
endmodule // flash_phy_rd_buf_dep