blob: f111937af606b84e1192b608c8db3bf6907daee5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Flash Phy Core Module
// This module wraps every single flash bank and contains most of the region attribute,
// scramble, ECC, security and arbitration logic.
module flash_phy_core
import flash_phy_pkg::*;
import prim_mubi_pkg::mubi4_t;
parameter int unsigned ArbCnt = 5,
parameter bit SecScrambleEn = 1'b1
) (
input clk_i,
input rst_ni,
input host_req_i, // host request - read only
input host_scramble_en_i,
input host_ecc_en_i,
input [BusBankAddrW-1:0] host_addr_i,
input req_i, // controller request
input scramble_en_i,
input ecc_en_i,
input he_en_i,
input rd_i,
input prog_i,
input pg_erase_i,
input bk_erase_i,
input erase_suspend_req_i,
input flash_ctrl_pkg::flash_part_e part_i,
input [InfoTypesWidth-1:0] info_sel_i,
input [BusBankAddrW-1:0] addr_i,
input [BusFullWidth-1:0] prog_data_i,
input prog_last_i,
input flash_ctrl_pkg::flash_prog_e prog_type_i,
input [KeySize-1:0] addr_key_i,
input [KeySize-1:0] data_key_i,
input [KeySize-1:0] rand_addr_key_i,
input [KeySize-1:0] rand_data_key_i,
input rd_buf_en_i,
input prim_mubi_pkg::mubi4_t flash_disable_i,
input flash_phy_prim_flash_rsp_t prim_flash_rsp_i,
output flash_phy_prim_flash_req_t prim_flash_req_o,
output logic host_req_rdy_o,
output logic host_req_done_o,
output logic rd_done_o,
output logic prog_done_o,
output logic erase_done_o,
output logic [BusFullWidth-1:0] rd_data_o,
output logic rd_err_o,
output logic ecc_single_err_o,
output logic [BusBankAddrW-1:0] ecc_addr_o,
output logic fsm_err_o,
output logic prog_intg_err_o,
output logic relbl_ecc_err_o,
output logic intg_ecc_err_o,
output logic spurious_ack_o,
output logic arb_err_o,
output logic host_gnt_err_o,
output logic fifo_err_o,
output logic cnt_err_o
localparam int CntWidth = $clog2(ArbCnt + 1);
// Encoding generated with:
// $ ./util/design/ -d 5 -m 6 -n 10 \
// -s 3884146959 --language=sv
// Hamming distance histogram:
// 0: --
// 1: --
// 2: --
// 3: --
// 4: --
// 5: |||||||||||||||||||| (46.67%)
// 6: ||||||||||||||||| (40.00%)
// 7: ||||| (13.33%)
// 8: --
// 9: --
// 10: --
// Minimum Hamming distance: 5
// Maximum Hamming distance: 7
// Minimum Hamming weight: 4
// Maximum Hamming weight: 8
localparam int StateWidth = 10;
typedef enum logic [StateWidth-1:0] {
StIdle = 10'b1011011110,
StCtrlRead = 10'b0010100110,
StCtrlProg = 10'b1111101101,
StCtrl = 10'b1101000010,
StDisable = 10'b0000111011
} state_e;
state_e state_q, state_d;
// request signals to flash macro
logic [PhyLastOp-1:0] reqs;
// host select for address
logic host_sel;
// controller response valid
logic ctrl_rsp_vld;
// ack to phy operations from flash macro
logic ack;
// done to phy operations from flash macro
logic done;
// ack from flash_phy_prog to controller
logic prog_ack;
// ack from flash_phy_erase to controller
logic erase_ack;
// interface with flash macro
logic [BusBankAddrW-1:0] muxed_addr;
flash_ctrl_pkg::flash_part_e muxed_part;
logic muxed_scramble_en;
logic muxed_ecc_en;
// entire read stage is idle, inclusive of all stages
logic rd_stage_idle;
// the read stage is ready to accept a new transaction
logic rd_stage_rdy;
// the read stage has valid response
logic rd_stage_data_valid;
// arbitration counter
// If controller side has lost arbitration ArbCnt times, favor it once
logic [CntWidth-1:0] arb_cnt;
logic inc_arb_cnt;
// scramble / de-scramble connections
logic calc_ack;
logic op_ack;
logic [DataWidth-1:0] scramble_mask;
logic host_gnt;
logic ctrl_gnt;
always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin
if (!rst_ni) begin
arb_cnt <= '0;
end else if (ctrl_rsp_vld) begin
arb_cnt <= '0;
end else if (inc_arb_cnt) begin
arb_cnt <= arb_cnt + 1'b1;
import prim_mubi_pkg::mubi4_test_false_strict;
import prim_mubi_pkg::mubi4_test_true_loose;
`PRIM_FLOP_SPARSE_FSM(u_state_regs, state_d, state_q, state_e, StIdle)
typedef enum logic [2:0] {
} phy_core_disable_e;
prim_mubi_pkg::mubi4_t [LastDisableIdx-1:0] flash_disable;
prim_mubi4_sync #(
) u_disable_buf (
// Oustanding width is slightly larger to ensure a faulty increment is able to reach
// the higher value. For example if RspOrderDepth were 3, a clog2 of 3 would still be 2
// and not allow the counter to increment to 4.
localparam int OutstandingRdWidth = $clog2(RspOrderDepth+2);
logic [OutstandingRdWidth-1:0] host_outstanding;
logic ctrl_fsm_idle;
logic host_req;
// A host transaction was granted to the muxed partition, this is illegal
logic host_gnt_err_event;
assign host_gnt_err_event = (host_gnt && muxed_part != flash_ctrl_pkg::FlashPartData);
// Controller fsm became non idle when there are pending host transactions, this is
// illegal.
logic host_outstanding_err_event;
assign host_outstanding_err_event = |host_outstanding & !ctrl_fsm_idle;
always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin
if (!rst_ni) begin
host_gnt_err_o <= '0;
end else if (host_gnt_err_event | host_outstanding_err_event) begin
host_gnt_err_o <= 1'b1;
// When host grant errors occur, also create in band error responses.
// The error condition is held until all existing host transactions are
// processed.
logic host_gnt_rd_err;
always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin
if (!rst_ni) begin
host_gnt_rd_err <= '0;
end else if (host_outstanding == '0) begin
host_gnt_rd_err <= '0;
end else if (host_gnt_err_event) begin
host_gnt_rd_err <= 1'b1;
// When host outstanding errors occur, also create in band error responses.
// The error condition is held until all existing host and controller
// transactions are processed.
logic host_outstanding_rd_err;
always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin
if (!rst_ni) begin
host_outstanding_rd_err <= '0;
end else if (host_outstanding == '0 && ctrl_fsm_idle) begin
host_outstanding_rd_err <= '0;
end else if (host_outstanding_err_event) begin
host_outstanding_rd_err <= 1'b1;
prim_count #(
) u_host_outstanding_cnt (
.incr_en_i(host_gnt && !host_req_done_o && (host_outstanding <= RspOrderDepth)),
.decr_en_i(!host_gnt && host_req_done_o && |host_outstanding),
// If host_outstanding is non-zero, the controller fsm must be idle..
// This assertion needs to be disabled for sec_cm testing
`ASSERT(HostTransIdleChk_A, |host_outstanding |-> ctrl_fsm_idle)
//always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin
// if (!rst_ni) begin
// host_outstanding <= '0;
// end else if (host_gnt && !host_req_done_o && (host_outstanding <= RspOrderDepth)) begin
// host_outstanding <= host_outstanding + 1'b1;
// end else if (!host_gnt && host_req_done_o && |host_outstanding) begin
// host_outstanding <= host_outstanding - 1'b1;
// end
`ASSERT(RdTxnCheck_A, host_outstanding <= RspOrderDepth)
// The host request is suppressed under a variety of conditions:
// 1. If a controller transaction is already ongoing.
// 2. If a grant or outstanding error has already been observed but not yet
// fully processed.
assign host_req = host_req_i & (arb_cnt < ArbCnt[CntWidth-1:0]) & ctrl_fsm_idle &
!host_gnt_rd_err & !host_outstanding_rd_err &
assign host_sel = host_req;
assign host_gnt = host_req & host_req_rdy_o;
assign host_req_done_o = |host_outstanding & rd_stage_data_valid;
// controller request can only win after the entire read pipeline
// clears
logic ctrl_req;
assign ctrl_req = req_i & rd_stage_idle &
!host_gnt_rd_err & !host_outstanding_rd_err &
logic [1:0] data_tie_off [2];
assign data_tie_off = '{default: '0};
logic phy_req;
logic phy_rdy;
prim_arbiter_tree_dup #(
) u_host_arb (
.req_i({ctrl_req, host_req}),
.gnt_o({ctrl_gnt, host_req_rdy_o}),
assign phy_rdy = phy_req & host_req ? rd_stage_rdy : rd_stage_idle;
// if request happens at the same time as a host grant, increment count
assign inc_arb_cnt = req_i & host_gnt;
logic fsm_err;
always_comb begin
state_d = state_q;
reqs = '0;
ctrl_rsp_vld = '0;
fsm_err = '0;
ctrl_fsm_idle = '0;
unique case (state_q)
StIdle: begin
ctrl_fsm_idle = 1'b1;
if (mubi4_test_true_loose(flash_disable[FsmDisableIdx])) begin
state_d = StDisable;
end else if (ctrl_gnt && rd_i) begin
state_d = StCtrlRead;
end else if (ctrl_gnt && prog_i) begin
state_d = StCtrlProg;
end else if (ctrl_gnt) begin
state_d = StCtrl;
// Controller reads are very slow.
StCtrlRead: begin
if (rd_stage_data_valid) begin
ctrl_rsp_vld = 1'b1;
state_d = StIdle;
// Controller program data may be packed based on
// address alignment
StCtrlProg: begin
reqs[PhyProg] = 1'b1;
if (prog_ack) begin
ctrl_rsp_vld = 1'b1;
state_d = StIdle;
// other controller operations directly interface with flash
StCtrl: begin
reqs[PhyPgErase] = pg_erase_i;
reqs[PhyBkErase] = bk_erase_i;
if (erase_ack) begin
ctrl_rsp_vld = 1'b1;
state_d = StIdle;
StDisable: begin
ctrl_fsm_idle = 1'b1;
state_d = StDisable;
default: begin
ctrl_fsm_idle = 1'b1;
fsm_err = 1'b1;
endcase // unique case (state_q)
end // always_comb
// determine spurious acks
assign spurious_ack_o = (ctrl_fsm_idle & ctrl_rsp_vld) |
((host_outstanding == '0) & host_req_done_o);
// transactions coming from flash controller are always data type
assign muxed_addr = host_sel ? host_addr_i : addr_i;
assign muxed_part = host_sel ? flash_ctrl_pkg::FlashPartData : part_i;
assign muxed_scramble_en = host_sel ? host_scramble_en_i : scramble_en_i;
assign muxed_ecc_en = host_sel ? host_ecc_en_i : ecc_en_i;
assign rd_done_o = ctrl_rsp_vld & rd_i;
assign prog_done_o = ctrl_rsp_vld & prog_i;
assign erase_done_o = ctrl_rsp_vld & (pg_erase_i | bk_erase_i);
// read pipeline
logic flash_rd_req;
logic [FullDataWidth-1:0] flash_rdata;
logic rd_calc_req;
logic [BankAddrW-1:0] rd_calc_addr;
logic rd_op_req;
logic [DataWidth-1:0] rd_scrambled_data;
logic [DataWidth-1:0] rd_descrambled_data;
// if host grant is encountered, transactions return in-band
// error until all transactions are flushed.
logic phy_rd_err;
assign rd_err_o = phy_rd_err;
// After host_gnt_rd_err asserts, no more host requests
// are granted until all transactions are flushed. This means
// the last outstanding transaction is by definition the "error".
// If ctrl_fsm_idle inexplicably goes low while there are host transactions
// the transaction handling may be irreversibly broken.
// The host_oustanding_rd_err makes a best effort attempt to cleanly
// recover. It responds with in-band error controller transactions until the
// all pending transactions are flushed.
logic arb_host_gnt_err;
assign arb_host_gnt_err = (host_gnt_rd_err & host_outstanding == 1'b1) |
flash_phy_rd u_rd (
//.req_i(reqs[PhyRead] | host_req),
.req_i(phy_req & (rd_i | host_req)),
// info select cannot be generated by the host
// a catastrophic arbitration error has been observed, just dump
// dump returns until all transactions are flushed.
.data_i(arb_host_gnt_err ? {FullDataWidth{1'b1}} : flash_rdata),
//scramble unit interface
// program pipeline
logic [FullDataWidth-1:0] prog_full_data;
logic [DataWidth-1:0] prog_scrambled_data;
logic [DataWidth-1:0] prog_data;
logic prog_last;
logic flash_prog_req;
logic prog_calc_req;
logic prog_op_req;
logic prog_fsm_err;
if (WidthMultiple == 1) begin : gen_single_prog_data
assign flash_prog_req = reqs[PhyProg];
assign prog_data = prog_data_i[BusWidth-1:0];
assign prog_fsm_err = '0;
end else begin : gen_prog_data
flash_phy_prog u_prog (
.sel_i(addr_i[0 +: WordSelW]),
// erase pipeline
logic flash_pg_erase_req;
logic flash_bk_erase_req;
logic erase_suspend_req;
flash_phy_erase u_erase (
// scrambling / de-scrambling primitive
logic [BankAddrW-1:0] scramble_muxed_addr;
assign scramble_muxed_addr = prog_calc_req ? muxed_addr[BusBankAddrW-1:LsbAddrBit] :
flash_phy_scramble #(
) u_scramble (
// both escalation and and integrity error cause the scramble keys to change
.calc_req_i(prog_calc_req | rd_calc_req),
.op_req_i(prog_op_req | rd_op_req),
.op_type_i(prog_op_req ? ScrambleOp : DeScrambleOp),
assign fsm_err_o = fsm_err | prog_fsm_err;
// Actual connection to flash phy
// Connections to the actual flash macro wrapper
assign prim_flash_req_o = '{
rd_req: flash_rd_req,
prog_req: flash_prog_req,
prog_last: prog_last,
prog_type: prog_type_i,
pg_erase_req: flash_pg_erase_req,
bk_erase_req: flash_bk_erase_req,
erase_suspend_req: erase_suspend_req,
// high endurance enable does not cause changes to
// transaction protocol and is forwarded directly to the wrapper
he: he_en_i,
addr: muxed_addr[BusBankAddrW-1:LsbAddrBit],
part: muxed_part,
info_sel: info_sel_i,
prog_full_data: prog_full_data
assign ack = prim_flash_rsp_i.ack;
assign done = prim_flash_rsp_i.done;
assign flash_rdata = prim_flash_rsp_i.rdata;
// Assertions
// requests to flash must always be one hot
`ASSERT(OneHotReqs_A, $onehot0(reqs))
`ASSERT_INIT(NoRemainder_A, AddrBitsRemain == 0)
`ASSERT_INIT(Pow2Multiple_A, $onehot(WidthMultiple))
// once arb count maxes, the host request should be masked
`ASSERT(ArbCntMax_A, arb_cnt == ArbCnt |-> !inc_arb_cnt)
// once arb count maxes, the host request needs to be masked until the arb count is cleared
`ASSERT(CtrlPrio_A, arb_cnt == ArbCnt |-> (!host_req throughout (ctrl_rsp_vld[->1])))
endmodule // flash_phy_core