blob: a20533839e11c8240481e5a7cd87891ebb997b55 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Flash info page protection assignment
// This module takes into account seed pages and assigns privileges accordingly.
`include ""
module flash_ctrl_info_cfg import flash_ctrl_pkg::*; # (
parameter logic [BankW-1:0] Bank = 0,
parameter logic [InfoTypesWidth-1:0] InfoSel = 0
) (
input clk_i,
input rst_ni,
input info_page_cfg_t [InfosPerBank-1:0] cfgs_i,
input creator_seed_priv_i,
input owner_seed_priv_i,
input iso_flash_wr_en_i,
input iso_flash_rd_en_i,
output info_page_cfg_t [InfosPerBank-1:0] cfgs_o
import prim_mubi_pkg::mubi4_t;
import prim_mubi_pkg::MuBi4True;
import prim_mubi_pkg::mubi4_bool_to_mubi;
info_page_cfg_t creator_seed_qual, owner_seed_qual, isolate_qual;
mubi4_t creator_en;
prim_mubi4_sender #(
) u_creator_mubi (
mubi4_t owner_en;
prim_mubi4_sender #(
) u_owner_mubi (
assign creator_seed_qual = '{
en: creator_en,
rd_en: creator_en,
prog_en: creator_en,
erase_en: creator_en,
scramble_en: MuBi4True,
ecc_en: MuBi4True,
he_en : MuBi4True
assign owner_seed_qual = '{
en: owner_en,
rd_en: owner_en,
prog_en: owner_en,
erase_en: owner_en,
scramble_en: MuBi4True,
ecc_en: MuBi4True,
he_en : MuBi4True
assign isolate_qual = '{
en: MuBi4True,
rd_en: mubi4_bool_to_mubi(iso_flash_rd_en_i),
prog_en: mubi4_bool_to_mubi(iso_flash_wr_en_i),
erase_en: mubi4_bool_to_mubi(iso_flash_wr_en_i),
scramble_en: MuBi4True,
ecc_en: MuBi4True,
he_en : MuBi4True
// The code below uses page_addr_t to represent a page inside an Info partition, but a page_addr_t
// is really designed a page inside a Data partition (the "addr" field has width BankW + PageW,
// not BankW + InfoPageW). This will work just fine so long as InfoPageW <= PageW, but we should
// check that's always true.
`ASSERT_INIT(InfoNoBiggerThanData_A, InfoPageW <= PageW)
for (genvar i = 0; i < InfosPerBank; i++) begin : gen_info_priv
localparam logic [InfoPageW-1:0] CurPage = i;
localparam page_addr_t CurAddr = '{sel: InfoSel, addr: {Bank, PageW'(CurPage)}};
if (i > InfoTypeSize[InfoSel]) begin : gen_invalid_region
assign cfgs_o[i] = CfgInfoDisable;
// For info types that have fewer pages than the maximum, not the full config (cfgs_i[i] for i
// greater than InfoTypeSize[InfoSel]) is used.
info_page_cfg_t unused_cfgs;
assign unused_cfgs = cfgs_i[i];
// if match creator, only allow access when creator privilege is set
end else if (CurAddr == SeedInfoPageSel[CreatorSeedIdx]) begin : gen_creator
assign cfgs_o[i] = info_cfg_qual(cfgs_i[i], creator_seed_qual);
// if match owner, only allow access when owner privilege is set
end else if (CurAddr == SeedInfoPageSel[OwnerSeedIdx]) begin : gen_owner
assign cfgs_o[i] = info_cfg_qual(cfgs_i[i], owner_seed_qual);
// if match isolated partition, only allow read when provision privilege is set
end else if (CurAddr == IsolatedPageSel) begin : gen_isolated_page
assign cfgs_o[i] = info_cfg_qual(cfgs_i[i], isolate_qual);
// since certain fields will always be 0'd out based on mubi values,
// the software input will look like it is unused to lint
info_page_cfg_t unused_cfgs;
assign unused_cfgs = cfgs_i[i];
// if other, just passthrough configuration
end else begin : gen_normal
assign cfgs_o[i] = cfgs_i[i];
// if bank does not contain seed pages, tie off the privilege signals
if (SeedBank != Bank || SeedInfoSel != InfoSel) begin : gen_tieoffs
info_page_cfg_t unused_pg_cfg;
assign unused_pg_cfg = creator_seed_qual^owner_seed_qual^isolate_qual;
endmodule // flash_ctrl_info_cfg