blob: 6f537ae83a4fbe4d7d472e0bf9dba5a6e740f501 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#include "sv_scoped.h"
#include <cassert>
#include <sstream>
// Set scope by name, returning the old scope. If the name doesn't describe a
// valid scope, throw an SVScoped::Error.
static svScope SetAbsScope(const std::string &name) {
svScope new_scope = svGetScopeFromName(name.c_str());
if (!new_scope)
throw SVScoped::Error(name);
return svSetScope(new_scope);
// Resolve name to a scope, using the rules described in the comment above the
// class in sv_scoped.h, and then set it. Returns the old scope.
static svScope SetRelScope(const std::string &name) {
// Absolute (or empty) names resolve to themselves
if (name[0] != '.') {
return SetAbsScope(name);
svScope prev_scope = svGetScope();
// Special case: If name is ".", it means to use the current scope. Rather
// than changing scope, we can just return where we are going to stay.
if (name == ".")
return prev_scope;
// For anything else, count how many dots appear after the first one (so
// gives an up_count of 1; gives an up_count of 2).
size_t first_not_dot = name.find_first_not_of('.', 1);
if (first_not_dot == std::string::npos) {
// name looks like "....": that's fine, it just means to go up some number
// of steps from the current position and not down again. Amend
// first_not_dot to point at the '\0'.
first_not_dot = name.size();
size_t up_count = first_not_dot - 1;
// Get the name of the current scope, so that we can perform surgery.
std::string scope_name = svGetNameFromScope(prev_scope);
// scope_name will look something like "". Search up_count
// dots from the end, setting last_dot to point at the last dot that should
// appear in the resolved name.
// If up_count is too large, behave like "cd /; cd .." and stop at the
// left-most dot.
size_t last_dot = scope_name.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < up_count; ++i) {
// This shouldn't ever trigger (because it would mean scope_name was
// either empty or started with a "."), but allowing it makes the code a
// bit more uniform.
if (last_dot == 0)
size_t dot = scope_name.rfind('.', last_dot - 1);
if (dot == std::string::npos)
last_dot = dot;
// Delete everything from last_dot onwards. If we are actually pointing at a
// dot, this will do something like "" -> "". If up_count
// was zero or there were no dots, last_dot will equal the size of the string
// (which means, conveniently, that erase is a no-op).
// If first_not_dot points inside name (so name looked like ""
// rather than "..."), subtract one to point at the last dot of the initial
// segment (we know there is one because name[0] == '.') and then append
// everything to scope_name starting from there. For example, if scope_name
// was "" and name was "..qux", we will have just amended
// scope_name to be "". Now we want to add ".qux".
if (first_not_dot < name.size()) {
scope_name.append(name, first_not_dot - 1, std::string::npos);
return SetAbsScope(scope_name);
SVScoped::SVScoped(const std::string &name) : prev_scope_(SetRelScope(name)) {}
SVScoped::Error::Error(const std::string &scope_name)
: scope_name_(scope_name) {
std::ostringstream oss;
oss << "No such SystemVerilog scope: `" << scope_name << "'.";
msg_ = oss.str();
std::string SVScoped::join_sv_scopes(const std::string &a,
const std::string &b) {
assert(a.size() && b.size());
// If a = ".." and b = "", we want "". Otherwise, a
// = "" and b = "bar.baz", so we want ""
// (inserting a "." between the two)
return (a.back() == '.') ? a + b : a + "." + b;