blob: d5926fa15a570b34a66a2a4dbb87a0ffdda9ebf7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#include "ecc32_mem_area.h"
#include <cassert>
#include <cstring>
#include <stdexcept>
#include "secded_enc.h"
Ecc32MemArea::Ecc32MemArea(const std::string &scope, uint32_t size,
uint32_t width_32)
: MemArea(scope, size, 4 * width_32) {
// Check that multiplying by 4 didn't discard a bit
assert(4 * width_32 > width_32);
// No need to worry about ranges here: we've checked in the base class that
// width_byte isn't too big.
uint32_t phy_width_bits = 39 * width_32;
// This is a stronger check than the one in the base class (which
// makes sure there's enough space for the un-expanded memory width)
assert(phy_width_bits <= SV_MEM_WIDTH_BITS);
void Ecc32MemArea::LoadVmem(const std::string &path) const {
throw std::runtime_error(
"vmem files are not supported for memories with ECC bits");
Ecc32MemArea::EccWords Ecc32MemArea::ReadWithIntegrity(
uint32_t word_offset, uint32_t num_words) const {
assert(word_offset + num_words <= num_words_);
// See MemArea::Write for an explanation for this buffer.
uint8_t minibuf[SV_MEM_WIDTH_BYTES];
memset(minibuf, 0, sizeof minibuf);
assert(width_byte_ <= sizeof minibuf);
EccWords ret;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_words; ++i) {
uint32_t src_word = word_offset + i;
uint32_t phys_addr = ToPhysAddr(src_word);
ReadToMinibuf(minibuf, phys_addr);
ReadBufferWithIntegrity(ret, minibuf, src_word);
return ret;
void Ecc32MemArea::WriteWithIntegrity(uint32_t word_offset,
const EccWords &data) const {
// See MemArea::Write for an explanation for this buffer.
uint8_t minibuf[SV_MEM_WIDTH_BYTES];
memset(minibuf, 0, sizeof minibuf);
assert(width_byte_ <= sizeof minibuf);
uint32_t width_32 = width_byte_ / 4;
uint32_t to_write = data.size() / width_32;
assert((data.size() % width_32) == 0);
assert(word_offset + to_write <= num_words_);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < to_write; ++i) {
uint32_t dst_word = word_offset + i;
uint32_t phys_addr = ToPhysAddr(dst_word);
WriteBufferWithIntegrity(minibuf, data, i * width_32, dst_word);
WriteFromMinibuf(phys_addr, minibuf, dst_word);
// Zero enough of the buffer to fill it with a word using insert_bits
static void zero_buffer(uint8_t buf[SV_MEM_WIDTH_BYTES], uint32_t width_byte) {
// The insert_bits routine assumes that the buffer will have been zeroed, so
// do that here. Note that this buffer has (width_byte / 4) words, each of
// which is 39 bits long. Divide this by 8, rounding up.
size_t phys_size_bytes = (39 * (width_byte / 4) + 7) / 8;
memset(buf, 0, phys_size_bytes);
// Add bits to buf at bit_idx
// buf is assumed to be little-endian, so bit_idx 0 will refer to the bottom
// bit of buf[0] and bit_idx 15 will refer to the top bit of buf[1].
// This takes the bottom count bits from new_bits (where count <= 8). It
// assumes that the relevant place in buf is zeroed (simplifying the
// read-modify-write cycle).
static void insert_bits(uint8_t *buf, unsigned bit_idx, uint8_t new_bits,
unsigned count) {
assert(count <= 8);
buf += bit_idx / 8;
bit_idx = bit_idx % 8;
while (count) {
unsigned space_avail = 8 - bit_idx;
unsigned to_take = std::min(space_avail, count);
uint8_t masked = ((1 << to_take) - 1) & new_bits;
uint8_t shifted = masked << bit_idx;
*buf |= shifted;
bit_idx = 0;
count -= to_take;
new_bits >>= to_take;
// Add 4 bytes to buf from bytes at bit_idx, plus check bits
static void insert_word(uint8_t *buf, unsigned bit_idx, const uint8_t *bytes,
uint8_t check_bits) {
assert((check_bits >> 7) == 0);
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
insert_bits(buf, bit_idx + 8 * i, bytes[i], 8);
insert_bits(buf, bit_idx + 8 * 4, check_bits, 7);
// Extract bits from buf at bit_idx
static uint8_t extract_bits(const uint8_t *buf, unsigned bit_idx,
unsigned count) {
assert(count <= 8);
uint8_t ret = 0;
unsigned out_idx = 0;
buf += bit_idx / 8;
bit_idx = bit_idx % 8;
while (count) {
unsigned bits_avail = 8 - bit_idx;
unsigned to_take = std::min(bits_avail, count);
uint8_t shifted = *buf >> bit_idx;
uint8_t masked = shifted & ((1 << to_take) - 1);
ret |= masked << out_idx;
bit_idx = 0;
count -= to_take;
out_idx += to_take;
return ret;
void Ecc32MemArea::WriteBuffer(uint8_t buf[SV_MEM_WIDTH_BYTES],
const std::vector<uint8_t> &data,
size_t start_idx, uint32_t dst_word) const {
zero_buffer(buf, width_byte_);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < width_byte_ / 4; ++i) {
const uint8_t *src_data = &data[start_idx + 4 * i];
insert_word(buf, 39 * i, src_data, enc_secded_inv_39_32(src_data));
void Ecc32MemArea::WriteBufferWithIntegrity(uint8_t buf[SV_MEM_WIDTH_BYTES],
const EccWords &data,
size_t start_idx,
uint32_t dst_word) const {
uint8_t src_data[4];
zero_buffer(buf, width_byte_);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < width_byte_ / 4; ++i) {
const EccWord &word = data[start_idx + i];
for (uint32_t j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {
src_data[j] = (word.second >> 8 * j) & 0xff;
uint8_t check_bits = enc_secded_inv_39_32(src_data);
// Invert (and thus corrupt) check bits if needed
if (!word.first)
check_bits ^= 0x7f;
insert_word(buf, 39 * i, src_data, check_bits);
void Ecc32MemArea::ReadBuffer(std::vector<uint8_t> &data,
const uint8_t buf[SV_MEM_WIDTH_BYTES],
uint32_t src_word) const {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < width_byte_ / 4; ++i) {
for (uint32_t j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {
data.push_back(extract_bits(buf, 39 * i + 8 * j, 8));
void Ecc32MemArea::ReadBufferWithIntegrity(
EccWords &data, const uint8_t buf[SV_MEM_WIDTH_BYTES],
uint32_t src_word) const {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < width_byte_ / 4; ++i) {
uint8_t buf32[4];
uint32_t w32 = 0;
for (uint32_t j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {
uint8_t byte = extract_bits(buf, 39 * i + 8 * j, 8);
buf32[j] = byte;
w32 |= (uint32_t)byte << 8 * j;
uint8_t exp_check_bits = enc_secded_inv_39_32(buf32);
uint8_t check_bits = extract_bits(buf, 39 * i + 32, 7);
bool good = check_bits == exp_check_bits;
data.push_back(std::make_pair(good, w32));