blob: 02ce48414fb14ea4273444ba898499c959daf4dd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// This package reads in NIST test vector files, and parses all relevant information for each
// test vector into a `test_vectors_t` struct.
// As of right now, this package is meant only for use with the HMAC and KMAC HWIPs.
package test_vectors_pkg;
// dep packages
import uvm_pkg::*;
import str_utils_pkg::*;
// macro includes
`include "uvm_macros.svh"
// declare string and vectors
string header = "test_vectors_pkg";
string sha_file_list[] = {"vectors/sha/sha256/SHA256ShortMsg.rsp",
string hmac_file_list[] = {"vectors/hmac/HMAC_RFC4868.rsp"};
string sha3_224_file_list[] = {"vectors/sha/sha3/SHA3_224ShortMsg.rsp",
string sha3_256_file_list[] = {"vectors/sha/sha3/SHA3_256ShortMsg.rsp",
string sha3_384_file_list[] = {"vectors/sha/sha3/SHA3_384ShortMsg.rsp",
string sha3_512_file_list[] = {"vectors/sha/sha3/SHA3_512ShortMsg.rsp",
string shake_128_file_list[] = {"vectors/xof/shake/SHAKE128ShortMsg.rsp",
string shake_256_file_list[] = {"vectors/xof/shake/SHAKE256ShortMsg.rsp",
string cshake_file_list[] = {"vectors/xof/cshake/CSHAKE128Ex1.rsp",
string kmac_file_list[] = {"vectors/xof/kmac/KMAC128Ex1.rsp",
string kmac_xof_file_list[] = {"vectors/xof/kmac/KMAC128XOFEx1.rsp",
string test_vectors_dir;
typedef struct {
// Security strenght of the algorithm.
int security_strength;
// Length of the input message in bytes.
// For reporting purposes.
int msg_length_byte;
// The input message as a byte array for variable length input.
bit [7:0] msg[];
// Length of the input key in word (4 bytes).
int key_length_word;
// The input key array (if applicable), represented as an array of 4-byte elements.
// This is ok since all acceptable key sizes for HMAC/KMAC are 4-byte-aligned.
bit [31:0] keys[];
// Output length in bytes;
int digest_length_byte;
// The expected digest as a byte array for variable length output.
bit [7:0] exp_digest[];
// The function name, represented as a string. Used for CSHAKE.
string function_name_str;
// The customization string. Used for CSHAKE and KMAC.
string customization_str;
} test_vectors_t;
// Converts a string to an array of bytes.
// Note that we cannot use the str_utils_pkg::str_to_bytes() implementation here.
// The str_utils_pkg implementation is intended for general purpose usage to convert some
// arbitrary string, such as "abcd" into a stream of 4 bytes.
// However in the test_vectors_pkg, the test vector strings we parse in are string
// representations of the intended bytestream to begin with, e.g. if we parse in
// the string "0a1b" it should directly translate to the bytestream {0x0a, 0x1b}.
// This functionality is achieved by this custom byte conversion function.
function automatic void str_to_bytes(string str, output bit [7:0] bytes[]);
int array_size = str.len() / 2;
`uvm_info(header, $sformatf("str_to_bytes: string = %s, len = %0d", str, array_size), UVM_HIGH)
bytes = new[array_size];
foreach (bytes[i]) begin
string tmp_str = str.substr(i * 2, i * 2 + 1);
bytes[i] = tmp_str.atohex();
endfunction : str_to_bytes
// This function parses strings of the form "<stringA> = <stringB>" found in test vector files,
// extracting <stringA> and <stringB> to the outputs.
// It is assumed that the input string is formatted correctly.
// Some examples of how test vector files format these strings are as follows:
// 1) Len = 128
// 2) S = Email Signature
function automatic void get_entry_and_data(string line, output string entry, output string value);
string entries[$];
str_split(.s(line), .result(entries), .delim("="));
entry = entries.pop_front();
value = entries.pop_front();
endfunction : get_entry_and_data
// This function gets the top level directory of the test vectors from a runtime plusarg.
function automatic void get_test_vectors_path(input string file_name, output string path);
if (test_vectors_dir == "") begin
if (!$value$plusargs("test_vectors_dir=%s", test_vectors_dir)) begin
`uvm_fatal(header, "Cannot find $plusarg for the test_vectors_dir.")
path = {test_vectors_dir, "/", file_name};
endfunction : get_test_vectors_path
// This function opens the file at the given path, and outputs its file descriptor.
function automatic void open_file(input string path, output int fd);
fd = $fopen(path, "r");
if (!fd) begin
`uvm_fatal(header, $sformatf("Cannot access file: %s", path))
end else begin
`uvm_info(header, $sformatf("input test vector path is %s", path), UVM_HIGH)
endfunction : open_file
// This function parses all NIST test vectors for SHA256/HMAC/SHA3SHAKE/CSHAKE/KMAC.
// The test vectors for these algorithms can be formatted in a variety of ways:
// 1) This format is used for SHA256/SHA3 test vectors.
// Len = ...
// Msg = ...
// MD = ...
// 2) This format is used for HMAC test vectors.
// Len = ...
// Key = ...
// Msg = ...
// MD = ...
// 3) This format is used for SHAKE test vectors with standard output digest length.
// Note that the security strength and output length are specified once at the top of the file,
// and will apply to every test vector in the corresponding file.
// [SecurityStrength = ...]
// [Outputlen = ...]
// Len = ...
// Msg = ...
// Output = ...
// 4) This format is used for SHAKE test vectors with variable output digest length.
// Note that the security strength and input message length are specified once at the top of the
// file and will apply to every test vector in the corresponding file.
// [SecurityStrength = ...]
// [Input Length = ...]
// COUNT = ...
// OutputLen = ...
// Msg = ...
// Output = ...
// 5) This format is used for CSHAKE test vectors.
// The security strength is specified in brackets at the top of the file and will apply to every
// test vector in the corresponding file.
// [SecurityStrength = ...]
// N = ...
// S = ...
// MsgLen = ...
// Msg = ...
// OutputLen = ...
// Output = ...
// 6) This format is used for KMAC test vectors.
// The security strength is specified in brackets at the top of the file and will apply to every
// test vector in the corresponding file.
// [SecurityStrength = ...]
// S = ...
// KeyLen = ...
// Key = ...
// MsgLen = ...
// Msg = ...
// OutputLen = ...
// Output = ...
// This function is capable of parsing every type of test vector shown above.
// This function will read in each line of the test vector file, and will store the relevant
// information for each vector into a `test_vectors_t` struct, appending the new object to the
// `parsed_vectors` queue once it is complete.
// We know that a test vector object is complete once we parse an "<MD/Output> = ..." line,
// as the single consistency in all NIST test vectors is that the output data is the last entry of
// each test vector description.
function automatic void get_hash_test_vectors(
string test_name,
ref test_vectors_t parsed_vectors[],
input bit reverse_key = 1
int fd;
bit [7:0] bytes[];
string line, entry_name, entry_data, path;
int bracket_end_idx;
// Useful if the test vector file has a global security strength specified at the top.
int global_security_strength = 0;
// Useful if the test vector file has a global input length specified at the top.
int global_input_length_bits = 0;
// Useful if the test vector file has a global output length specified at the top.
int global_output_length_bits = 0;
test_vectors_t vector;
// Open the test vector file.
get_test_vectors_path(test_name, path);
open_file(path, fd);
while (!$feof(fd)) begin
// Get the next line
void'($fgets(line, fd));
// Get global security strength, input length, output length
if (line.getc(0) == "[") begin
bracket_end_idx = str_find(line, "]");
if (bracket_end_idx == -1) begin
`uvm_fatal(header, $sformatf("Malformed string in %s: %s", test_name, line))
line = line.substr(1, bracket_end_idx-1);
if (str_find(line, "=") > 0) begin
get_entry_and_data(line, entry_name, entry_data);
// Globally set information should not be an empty string
if (entry_data == "") begin
`uvm_fatal(header, $sformatf("Malformed string in %s: %s", test_name, line))
case (entry_name)
"SecurityStrength": begin
global_security_strength = entry_data.atoi();
vector.security_strength = global_security_strength;
"L", "Outputlen", "OutputLen", "OutputLength": begin
global_output_length_bits = entry_data.atoi();
"Inputlen", "InputLen", "InputLength": begin
global_input_length_bits = entry_data.atoi();
default: begin
// If for some reason we see a matching line format but incorrect information,
// continue to read in the next line of the file.
end else if (str_find(line, "=") > 0) begin
// Line read in did not contain global information.
// We can now search for actual test vector data.
// Note that we will only ever meet this condition once we have finished reading any global
// information at the top of the test vector file.
get_entry_and_data(line, entry_name, entry_data);
// If there is a global input length, we know that we are parsing a variable length SHAKE
// test vector file. // Thus it is guaranteed that the input length will not be set anywhere else.
if (global_input_length_bits != 0) begin
vector.msg_length_byte = global_input_length_bits / 8;
end else if (global_output_length_bits != 0) begin
// If there is a global output length, we know that we are parsing a known-length SHAKE
// test vector file.
// Thus it is guaranteed that the output length will not be set anywhere else.
vector.digest_length_byte = global_output_length_bits / 8;
case (entry_name)
"N": begin
// The function name, only used for CSHAKE.
vector.function_name_str = entry_data;
"S": begin
// The customization string, only used for CSHAKE and KMAC.
vector.customization_str = entry_data;
"Len", "MsgLen": begin
// Input message length in bits.
// If a global input length is defined, this case will never be reached.
vector.msg_length_byte = entry_data.atoi() / 8;
"Msg": begin
// The input message.
// If an empty message is desired, we need to manually clear the message array,
// as NIST defines an empty message as 8'h00 (which will produce an incorect digest).
if (vector.msg_length_byte == 0) begin
end else begin
str_to_bytes(entry_data, vector.msg);
"KeyLen": begin
vector.key_length_word = entry_data.atoi() / 32;
"Key": begin
str_to_bytes(entry_data, bytes);
// If no keyword `KeyLen` but has `Key`, use the default key len: 256 bits
if (vector.key_length_word == 0) vector.key_length_word = 8;
vector.keys = new[vector.key_length_word];
for (int i = 0; i < vector.key_length_word; i++) begin
bit [7:0] key_bytes[] = new[4];
// parsed key will always be a multiple of 4 bytes
for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) begin
key_bytes[j] = bytes[i*4 + j];
if (reverse_key) vector.keys[i] = {<< byte {key_bytes}};
else vector.keys[i] = {>> byte {key_bytes}};
// Streaming operations using the `with` syntax is currently unsupported by
// the Verible linter (Issue #5280).
// Comment this out for now, and uncomment once Verible support is added.
//vector.keys[i] = {<< byte {bytes with [i*4 +: 4]}};
"Outputlen", "OutputLen": begin
// Output digest length in bits
// If a global output length is defined, this case will never be reached.
vector.digest_length_byte = entry_data.atoi() / 8;
"MD", "Output": begin
str_to_bytes(entry_data, vector.exp_digest);
// The output is the last entry for each test vector, so now
// we need to add the completed test_vector object to the list.
parsed_vectors = {parsed_vectors, vector};
default: begin
end else begin
endfunction : get_hash_test_vectors