| // Copyright lowRISC contributors. |
| // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. |
| // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 |
| |
| class push_pull_monitor #(parameter int HostDataWidth = 32, |
| parameter int DeviceDataWidth = HostDataWidth) |
| extends dv_base_monitor #( |
| .ITEM_T (push_pull_item#(HostDataWidth, DeviceDataWidth)), |
| .CFG_T (push_pull_agent_cfg#(HostDataWidth, DeviceDataWidth)), |
| .COV_T (push_pull_agent_cov#(HostDataWidth, DeviceDataWidth)) |
| ); |
| `uvm_component_param_utils(push_pull_monitor#(HostDataWidth, DeviceDataWidth)) |
| |
| // the base class provides the following handles for use: |
| // push_pull_agent_cfg: cfg |
| // push_pull_agent_cov: cov |
| // uvm_analysis_port #(ITEM_T): analysis_port |
| // uvm_analysis_port #(ITEM_T): req_analysis_port; |
| |
| `uvm_component_new |
| |
| task run_phase(uvm_phase phase); |
| @(posedge cfg.vif.rst_n); |
| fork |
| monitor_reset(); |
| collect_trans(phase); |
| // Collect partial pull reqs for the reactive pull device agent. |
| collect_pull_req(); |
| collect_cov(); |
| join_none |
| endtask |
| |
| virtual protected task monitor_reset(); |
| forever begin |
| @(negedge cfg.vif.rst_n); |
| cfg.in_reset = 1; |
| @(posedge cfg.vif.rst_n); |
| cfg.in_reset = 0; |
| end |
| endtask |
| |
| // Shorthand for restarting forever loop on reset detection. |
| `define WAIT_FOR_RESET \ |
| if (cfg.in_reset) begin \ |
| wait (!cfg.in_reset); \ |
| continue; \ |
| end |
| |
| // Collect fully-completed transactions. |
| // |
| // TODO : sample covergroups |
| virtual protected task collect_trans(uvm_phase phase); |
| if (cfg.agent_type == PushAgent) begin |
| forever begin |
| @(cfg.vif.mon_cb); |
| if (cfg.vif.mon_cb.ready && cfg.vif.mon_cb.valid) begin |
| create_and_write_item(); |
| end |
| end |
| end else begin |
| forever begin |
| @(cfg.vif.mon_cb); |
| if (cfg.vif.mon_cb.req && cfg.vif.mon_cb.ack) begin |
| create_and_write_item(); |
| // Wait for req to de-assert in case of four-phase handshake. |
| if (cfg.pull_handshake_type == FourPhase) begin |
| `uvm_info(`gfn, "Waiting for 4-phase req-ack to de-asssert", UVM_HIGH) |
| `DV_SPINWAIT_EXIT(while (cfg.vif.mon_cb.ack) @(cfg.vif.mon_cb);, |
| wait (cfg.in_reset)) |
| end |
| end |
| end |
| end |
| endtask |
| |
| // Collects partial pull requests. |
| // |
| // This task is only used for device agents using the Pull protocol. |
| // It will pick up any incoming requests from the DUT and send a signal to the |
| // sequencer (in the form of a sequence item), which will then be forwarded to |
| // the sequence, which then generates the appropriate response item. |
| // |
| // TODO: This assumes requests cannot be dropped, and might need to be fixed |
| // if this is allowed. |
| virtual protected task collect_pull_req(); |
| push_pull_item#(HostDataWidth, DeviceDataWidth) item; |
| |
| if (!(cfg.agent_type == PullAgent && cfg.if_mode == dv_utils_pkg::Device)) return; |
| forever begin |
| @(cfg.vif.mon_cb); |
| if (cfg.vif.mon_cb.req) begin |
| `uvm_info(`gfn, $sformatf("[%0s] pull req detected", cfg.agent_type), UVM_HIGH) |
| // TODO: sample any covergroups |
| item = push_pull_item#(HostDataWidth, DeviceDataWidth)::type_id::create("item"); |
| item.h_data = cfg.vif.mon_cb.h_data; |
| req_analysis_port.write(item); |
| // After picking up a request, wait until a response is sent before |
| // detecting another request, as this is not a pipelined protocol. |
| `DV_SPINWAIT_EXIT(while (!cfg.vif.mon_cb.ack) @(cfg.vif.mon_cb);, |
| wait (cfg.in_reset)) |
| if (cfg.pull_handshake_type == FourPhase) begin |
| `DV_SPINWAIT_EXIT(while (cfg.vif.mon_cb.ack) @(cfg.vif.mon_cb);, |
| wait (cfg.in_reset)) |
| end |
| end |
| end |
| endtask |
| |
| virtual protected task collect_cov(); |
| if (cfg.en_cov) begin |
| if (cfg.agent_type == PushAgent) begin |
| forever @(cfg.vif.mon_cb.ready or cfg.vif.mon_cb.valid) begin |
| cov.m_valid_ready_cg.sample(cfg.vif.mon_cb.ready, cfg.vif.mon_cb.valid); |
| end // forever |
| end else begin // PullAgent |
| forever @(cfg.vif.mon_cb.req or cfg.vif.mon_cb.ack) begin |
| cov.m_req_ack_cg.sample(cfg.vif.mon_cb.req, cfg.vif.mon_cb.ack); |
| end // forever |
| end // PushAgent or PullAgent |
| end // cfg.en_cov |
| endtask |
| |
| `undef WAIT_FOR_RESET |
| |
| // Creates and writes the item to the analysis_port. |
| // |
| // The onus is on the caller to invoke this function at the right time - |
| // i.e. when the transaction is valid. |
| virtual protected function void create_and_write_item(); |
| push_pull_item#(HostDataWidth, DeviceDataWidth) item; |
| item = push_pull_item#(HostDataWidth, DeviceDataWidth)::type_id::create("item"); |
| item.d_data = cfg.vif.mon_cb.d_data; |
| item.h_data = cfg.vif.mon_cb.h_data; |
| `uvm_info(`gfn, |
| $sformatf("[%0s] transaction detected: h_data[0x%0x], d_data[0x%0x]", |
| cfg.agent_type, item.h_data, item.d_data), UVM_HIGH) |
| analysis_port.write(item); |
| endfunction |
| |
| // Detects periods of inactivity for the ok_to_end watchdog. |
| // |
| // Set ok_to_end bit to detect inactivity on the bus. Spawned by |
| // dv_base_monitor as a thread towards the end of run_phase. |
| virtual task monitor_ready_to_end(); |
| forever begin |
| @(cfg.vif.mon_cb); |
| if (cfg.agent_type == PushAgent) begin |
| ok_to_end = !cfg.vif.mon_cb.valid; |
| end else begin |
| ok_to_end = !cfg.vif.mon_cb.req && !cfg.vif.mon_cb.ack; |
| end |
| end |
| endtask |
| |
| endclass |