blob: 52b7b965a7cab64c27913dba6b6fedeb6aa5a201 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
class push_pull_agent_cfg #(parameter int HostDataWidth = 32,
parameter int DeviceDataWidth = HostDataWidth)
extends dv_base_agent_cfg;
// interface handle used by driver, monitor & the sequencer, via cfg handle
virtual push_pull_if#(HostDataWidth, DeviceDataWidth) vif;
// Determines whether this agent is configured as push or pull.
// Should be set from the IP level environment.
push_pull_agent_e agent_type;
// Indicates the type of req-ack handshake.
pull_handshake_e pull_handshake_type;
// Configures the agent to act in bidirectional mode,
// transferring data on both sides of the handshake.
bit in_bidirectional_mode;
// A knob to keep the data until next req, rather than driving unknown after handshake
// completes. See #4465 for the detailed discussion
bit hold_h_data_until_next_req;
bit hold_d_data_until_next_req;
// Host-side delay range for both Push/Pull protocols.
rand int unsigned host_delay_min;
rand int unsigned host_delay_max;
// Device-side delay range for both Push/Pull protocols.
rand int unsigned device_delay_min;
rand int unsigned device_delay_max;
// 4-phase pull protocol delay ranges to de-assert req & ack.
rand int unsigned req_lo_delay_min;
rand int unsigned req_lo_delay_max;
rand int unsigned ack_lo_delay_min;
rand int unsigned ack_lo_delay_max;
// Enables/disable all protocol delays.
rand bit zero_delays;
// Enable starting the device sequence by default if configured in Device mode.
bit start_default_device_seq = 1;
// Ignore backpressure (ready signal) if configured as a Push Host
bit ignore_push_host_backpressure = 0;
// These data queues allows users to specify data to be driven by the sequence at a higher level.
// To specify some Host data to be sent, `set_h_user_data()` should be called from a higher layer
// to push the specified user data into the `h_user_data_q` queue.
// The Host sequence will then check if the queue has any data in it, if so it will pop off the
// first entry and drive that data value.
// Similarly, `set_d_user_data()` should be called from a higher layer to push some specified
// user data into the `d_user_data_q` queue, which will then be popped off and driven by the
// Device sequence.
local bit [HostDataWidth-1:0] h_user_data_q[$];
local bit [DeviceDataWidth-1:0] d_user_data_q[$];
constraint host_delay_min_c {
soft host_delay_min == 0;
constraint host_delay_max_c {
solve zero_delays before host_delay_max;
if (zero_delays) {
host_delay_max == 0;
} else {
host_delay_max dist {
[1:10] :/ 1,
[11:50] :/ 4,
[51:100] :/ 3,
[101:500] :/ 2,
[501:1000] :/ 1
constraint device_delay_min_c {
soft device_delay_min == 0;
constraint device_delay_max_c {
solve zero_delays before device_delay_max;
if (zero_delays) {
device_delay_max == 0;
} else {
device_delay_max dist {
[1:10] :/ 1,
[11:50] :/ 4,
[51:100] :/ 3,
[101:500] :/ 2,
[501:1000] :/ 1
constraint req_lo_delay_min_c {
soft req_lo_delay_min == 0;
constraint req_lo_delay_max_c {
solve zero_delays before req_lo_delay_max;
if (zero_delays) {
req_lo_delay_max == 0;
} else {
req_lo_delay_max dist {
[1:10] :/ 1,
[11:50] :/ 4,
[51:100] :/ 3
constraint ack_lo_delay_min_c {
soft ack_lo_delay_min == 0;
constraint ack_lo_delay_max_c {
solve zero_delays before ack_lo_delay_max;
if (zero_delays) {
ack_lo_delay_max == 0;
} else {
ack_lo_delay_max dist {
[1:10] :/ 1,
[11:50] :/ 4,
[51:100] :/ 3
// Bias randomization in favor of enabling zero delays less often.
constraint zero_delays_c {
zero_delays dist { 0 := 7,
1 := 3 };
// Setter method for the user data queues - must be called externally to place specific user-data
// to be sent by the driver.
function void add_h_user_data(bit [HostDataWidth-1:0] data);
// Setter method for the user data queues - must be called externally to place specific user-data
// to be sent by the driver.
function void add_d_user_data(bit [DeviceDataWidth-1:0] data);
// Clear method for the user data queues - must be called externally to clear user-data queue
// which was being set by add_h_user_data method.
function void clear_h_user_data();
// Clear method for the user data queues - must be called externally to clear user-data queue
// which was being set by add_d_user_data method.
function void clear_d_user_data();
// Getter method for the user data queues - returns the first data entry.
function bit [HostDataWidth-1:0] get_h_user_data();
`DV_CHECK_NE_FATAL(has_h_user_data(), 0, "h_user_data_q is empty!")
return h_user_data_q.pop_front();
// Getter method for the user data queues - returns the first data entry.
function bit [DeviceDataWidth-1:0] get_d_user_data();
`DV_CHECK_NE_FATAL(has_d_user_data(), 0, "d_user_data_q is empty!")
return d_user_data_q.pop_front();
// Getter method for the user data queues - must be called externally to check whether there is
// any user data in the queues.
function bit has_h_user_data();
return (h_user_data_q.size() > 0);
// Getter method for the user data queues - must be called externally to check whether there is
// any user data in the queues.
function bit has_d_user_data();
return (d_user_data_q.size() > 0);
`uvm_object_param_utils_begin(push_pull_agent_cfg#(HostDataWidth, DeviceDataWidth))
`uvm_field_enum(push_pull_agent_e, agent_type, UVM_DEFAULT)
`uvm_field_enum(pull_handshake_e, pull_handshake_type, UVM_DEFAULT)
`uvm_field_int(in_bidirectional_mode, UVM_DEFAULT)
`uvm_field_int(host_delay_min, UVM_DEFAULT)
`uvm_field_int(host_delay_max, UVM_DEFAULT)
`uvm_field_int(device_delay_min, UVM_DEFAULT)
`uvm_field_int(device_delay_max, UVM_DEFAULT)
`uvm_field_int(req_lo_delay_min, UVM_DEFAULT)
`uvm_field_int(req_lo_delay_max, UVM_DEFAULT)
`uvm_field_int(ack_lo_delay_min, UVM_DEFAULT)
`uvm_field_int(ack_lo_delay_max, UVM_DEFAULT)
`uvm_field_int(zero_delays, UVM_DEFAULT)
`uvm_field_int(start_default_device_seq, UVM_DEFAULT)
`uvm_field_queue_int(h_user_data_q, UVM_DEFAULT)
`uvm_field_queue_int(d_user_data_q, UVM_DEFAULT)