blob: beae8c2751c64b62b08ed7a3d0f7e77849fe6488 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
class kmac_app_item extends uvm_sequence_item;
// random variables
// request data/mask
// also used by the monitor to assemble the full request message
rand byte byte_data_q[$];
// response digest/error
rand bit [kmac_pkg::AppDigestW-1:0] rsp_digest_share0;
rand bit [kmac_pkg::AppDigestW-1:0] rsp_digest_share1;
rand bit rsp_error;
rand int unsigned rsp_delay;
`uvm_field_queue_int(byte_data_q, UVM_DEFAULT)
`uvm_field_int(rsp_digest_share0, UVM_DEFAULT)
`uvm_field_int(rsp_digest_share1, UVM_DEFAULT)
`uvm_field_int(rsp_error, UVM_DEFAULT)
`uvm_field_int(rsp_delay, UVM_DEFAULT)
virtual function bit get_is_kmac_rsp_data_invalid();
return is_constant_share(rsp_digest_share0) || is_constant_share(rsp_digest_share1);
static function bit is_constant_share(bit [kmac_pkg::AppDigestW-1:0] share);
return share inside {'0, '1};