blob: 3ce51a1e9878f59cbb08973f9b29c299e8556a14 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// verilog_lint: waive interface-name-style
interface kmac_app_intf (input clk, input rst_n);
import keymgr_pkg::*;
dv_utils_pkg::if_mode_e if_mode; // interface mode - Host or Device
// interface pins used to connect with DUT
wire kmac_pkg::app_req_t kmac_data_req;
wire kmac_pkg::app_rsp_t kmac_data_rsp;
// interface pins used in driver/monitor
push_pull_if #(.HostDataWidth(kmac_app_agent_pkg::KMAC_REQ_DATA_WIDTH))
req_data_if(.clk(clk), .rst_n(rst_n));
wire rsp_done;
wire [kmac_pkg::AppDigestW-1:0] rsp_digest_share0;
wire [kmac_pkg::AppDigestW-1:0] rsp_digest_share1;
wire rsp_error;
// all the host pins are handled by push_pull driver, only include clk and rst here
clocking host_cb @(posedge clk);
input rst_n;
clocking device_cb @(posedge clk);
input rst_n;
output rsp_done;
output rsp_digest_share0;
output rsp_digest_share1;
output rsp_error;
clocking mon_cb @(posedge clk);
input rst_n;
input rsp_done;
input rsp_digest_share0;
input rsp_digest_share1;
input rsp_error;
always @(if_mode) req_data_if.if_mode = if_mode;
assign kmac_data_req = (if_mode == dv_utils_pkg::Host) ?
{req_data_if.valid, req_data_if.h_data} : 'z;
assign {req_data_if.valid, req_data_if.h_data} = (if_mode == dv_utils_pkg::Device) ?
kmac_data_req : 'z;
assign {req_data_if.ready, rsp_done, rsp_digest_share0, rsp_digest_share1, rsp_error} =
(if_mode == dv_utils_pkg::Host) ? kmac_data_rsp : 'z;
assign kmac_data_rsp = (if_mode == dv_utils_pkg::Device) ?
{req_data_if.ready, rsp_done, rsp_digest_share0, rsp_digest_share1, rsp_error} : 'z;
// The following assertions only apply to device mode.
// strb should never be 0
`ASSERT(StrbNotZero_A, kmac_data_req.valid |-> kmac_data_req.strb > 0,
clk, !rst_n || if_mode == dv_utils_pkg::Host)
// Check strb is aligned to LSB, for example: if strb[1]==0, strb[$:2] should be 0 too
for (genvar k = 1; k < KmacDataIfWidth / 8 - 1; k++) begin : gen_strb_check
`ASSERT(StrbAlignLSB_A, kmac_data_req.valid && kmac_data_req.strb[k] === 0 |->
kmac_data_req.strb[k+1] === 0,
clk, !rst_n || if_mode == dv_utils_pkg::Host)
// The following assertions apply for this interface for all modes.
// Done should be asserted after last, before we start another request
(kmac_data_req.last && kmac_data_req.valid && kmac_data_rsp.ready) |=>
!kmac_data_req.valid throughout rsp_done[->1], clk, !rst_n || rsp_error)